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Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

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Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Sark » Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:27 am

Well hello everyone I have returned after something of a hiatus if it can be called that. Resolved a few life issues as it were and learned quite a bit.
Now since this is the second time I am writing all this because the internet decided to for some reason to eat everything I had written before and not give it back..
Now my hope here is to ask a few questions and with luck start a nice conversation and debate with lots of nice speculation and discussion on things of interest to all of us I would hope.
My last appearance here I may have came off as a bit full of myself perhaps considering the rather pointed and narrow focus of my questions of the time which never received any answers and looking back at that time and all I can see why actually so please spare me the humiliation of trying to answer anything there I have moved past such narrow focus.

So I guess I will start off with a couple of questions that I feel are a good start for anyone in Omni that wishes to answer I hardly feel this would be your secretive stuff you cannot talk about if prompted.

So my first question related to the use of sacred geometry in omnimancy more specifically the tech. Now I am not talking about the more religious aspects that have been applied to the geometry but the literal principles of it. As the sacred geometry has so far related to everything known in science and reality in its aspects and ratios and its literal appearance even on I believe the quantum level or near to it in the patterns particles form when simply doing their jobs. I have observed quite a few things with it and quite a bit of my own success utilizing it. Now my theory on how it would be used in omnimancy being the literal blueprints of creation is literally as the patterns and forms incorporated in the tech both as literally as possible with the energy involved but also conceptually in its interactions. So is any of this correct? If not the do you apply the sacred geometry at all? If not then why so?

Secondly; I am not sure how familiar any of you are with the hermetic principles as put forward in the Kybalion http://www.hermetics.org/pdf/kybalion.pdf
even as vaguely as it is put at times I find this is the clearest most concise presentation of this information at least to me that I have found. In a way parts of the guiding universal principles and laws you would work with in your techniques to utilize to your advantage in the tech and just the methods employed. Now it is a bit of a read so feel free to kind of skim it and get the general idea because I feel if it is something you utilize even in a far more broken down and literal form that has been more thoroughly explored it should still click quite clearly from just he skimming what it refers to. Of course it is a good read to enjoy and study as well. So how does such play a role in what you do and how do you work with them? Is it more a literal exploitation of those principles to get what you want or a more passive kind that comes from just being aware that they are there and working within them?

Those are my two main I guess topics I have questions on for now and more questions depending on the answers likely. Hopefully this is well received and can be a good educational chat for everyone involved. Hope for a quick response but by all means take your time.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Circuitman » Sun Apr 02, 2017 1:04 pm

So I feel this might be kind of disappointing but to put it very simply, we don't use either of those things. I've been attending core for a year and a half now and sacred geometry has never come up so far as I'm aware. Maybe it came up under a different name and I didn't notice.

Honestly? If you're interested in the kinds of things we often look at that aren't directly applied magic (meaning the videos we sometimes watch early in a meeting before we begin with lessons or examining the new thing that someone created) look into quantum mechanics and particle physics. We once spent quite a while watching, and then discussing, a video about the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment.

Why do we watch these videos? Partly for simple fun, a lot of us are really interested in the heavy science stuff being researched currently. But we also watch these videos because we have found ourselves coming to many of the same conclusions that these scientists come to such as the impact of time, or lack thereof, in many spells.

As to the hermetics, I skimmed a little bit of it and I would say that the information presented is speculation presented as ultimate truths. That line of thinking isn't really going to help you unless that's the kind of magician you want to be. Omnimancy really isn't all that "mystical". There aren't unknowables or unsurpassables like what is presented in the document you linked, there's just things we don't know yet and stuff we haven't surpassed yet. The document you linked seems pretty limiting to me, you'd be better off setting goals rather than establishing barriers.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Sark » Mon Apr 03, 2017 12:24 am

Hmmm.. Well that is curious though there is sacred geometry associated with quantum physics though it is not as openly admitted to by scientists I don't think. Perhaps it is the way you are taught to use it is not directly but is just a natural side effect of your methods or it is not strictly required or helpful for your level but rather only mostly for the higher stuff that needs it. Though that is all speculation there and I could be wrong I think we would both need higher level confirmation on that to see if it would be used for stuff neither of us can think of, if I am wrong then it is no big deal though still an interesting topic of study for amusement if anything. Though I do have some simple proof of the connection of physics with sacred geometry which I also include ratios such as the Fibonacci sequence and such with... http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/10/4/1244340/-Regarding-the-Quantum-Physics-Breakthrough-Geometry if you follow the links on that page it shows the connections. Perhaps I am thinking it is largely not an active consideration as I said just like scientists aren't as far as I know trying to map out their experiments and research with it but merely note its presence when they find signs of it and classify each instance as its own set of phenomenon.

As to the hermetic principles I wasn't so much implying them literally but more the use of derivatives either directly or indirectly as a form of magical physics. Considering the time these principles were developed they are more akin to alchemy versus modern chemistry. Alchemy was the precursor from which modern chemistry was born but also had a lot of spiritual mysticism to go with the scientific chemistry it utilized. So naturally the omnimancy version of the principles is far more evolved and less restrictive seeming but it serves as an useful base point of reference barring anything else. If not then that is curious as well and worth investigating more. I don't find I am actually limited at all by those principals. They are quite helpful actually to provide the beginning point in a project and if it happens to later violate every one of them some how then either they are wrong or my understanding of them is wrong no way to be sure without confirming with others though. So of course any additional feedback on my original questions is always welcome. Also yeah science is cool. I am generally waiting for science to catch up to my own observations and theories. So far they have caught up to a little bit of it and I am mostly correct so that is promising. Would you mind sharing that one video? It sounds quite interesting and I do find time is rather subjective when it comes to spells and perception not very much a limitation if you find the proper way of looking at things and the mindset though that is rather difficult sometimes depending on the situation.

Though I have a few more questions now which are probably easier to answer though may cross into information that is not quite publicly available. So here goes nothing.

I have seen my own 'tech' if it can be called that and I am curious what does others tech look like or what is the process as you can say it freely that you go through to make your tech? Mine used to be blocky and crude more like machines and clockwork mechanisms half being standard constructs and programming but recently mine has become far more seamless and organic in how my senses translate it as a mental visual. If it is simpler to avoid giving away your secrets you can scan one of my pieces I keep near me and just compare it generally to one of yours to see if I am on the right track.

Another question of mine is at what level do you start dealing with other dimensions? As in spacial dimensions, I recall reading that you do start working with other spacial dimensions at some point and I am curious as to what point that starts. I am beginning to work with what I believe are higher spacial dimensions. Is there any advice for that point?

And rather surprisingly I find I do not have as many questions as I thought that are not pointless questions. I could ask for something on the intricacies of how something works but I either understand that well enough now or prefer and am on a good path to figuring it out myself. Perhaps the hard part here is asking good questions that are worthy of the time and effort to ask them and answer them. One last question I suppose for this post. How is your policy with trading tech with outsiders or helping them with experiments or testing theories? It is rather hard to put it in words the theory versus sending a message or email outlining the sort of design of what I want to attempt but currently cannot since it is quite out of my scope and scale of my abilities and current priorities of things I need to resolve for now but if someone here is able to manage it and willing to try and test it out or simplify or just tell me if its a waste of time that will only explode then let me know and I can send the details over. I understand you are all busy with stuff so no rush on it or anything like that. I am not quite willing to make it available to the general public since I would imagine it is not quite safe in that manner.
Sorry for such long questions and such but any feedback is appreciated. :D
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby LordArt » Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:31 am

Keep in mind, Omnimancy isn't a derivative of Golden Dawn or Crowley's works. Trying to shoehorn it into existing other traditions isn't going to get you very far. We've had plenty of people who HAVE come from other systems, and they will be the first one to tell you Omnimancy is completely different. You'd do better to shed your assumptions.

Sark wrote:Hmmm.. Well that is curious though there is sacred geometry associated with quantum physics though it is not as openly admitted to by scientists I don't think. Perhaps it is the way you are taught to use it is not directly but is just a natural side effect of your methods or it is not strictly required or helpful for your level but rather only mostly for the higher stuff that needs it. Though that is all speculation there and I could be wrong I think we would both need higher level confirmation on that to see if it would be used for stuff neither of us can think of, if I am wrong then it is no big deal though still an interesting topic of study for amusement if anything. Though I do have some simple proof of the connection of physics with sacred geometry which I also include ratios such as the Fibonacci sequence and such with... http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/10/4/1244340/-Regarding-the-Quantum-Physics-Breakthrough-Geometry if you follow the links on that page it shows the connections. Perhaps I am thinking it is largely not an active consideration as I said just like scientists aren't as far as I know trying to map out their experiments and research with it but merely note its presence when they find signs of it and classify each instance as its own set of phenomenon.

That isn't how you should approach a problem. You have an answer looking for a question. "I like sacred geometry, so any evidence that I find that matches up must make me correct, but I ignore everything else that doesn't support my already foregone conclusion." Ducks float, Wood Floats, ducks are made of wood doesn't work in reality. Yes, physics has geometry, but there is nothing "sacred" about it. Yes, there is some overlap, but that doesn't prove anything. You can't go into something saying "But it MUST have sacred geometry". The one thing I can think of that Circuitman would have learned that would have any geometry would be side amps, and that is just defining position for effect. Yes, a lot of the higher ended spell work is very heavy in math (so much so, some have referred it to as evil astral math), but that isn't what you really are referring to. Sacred Geometry is over a simplification of things, at least for how Omni does what it does, and wouldn't be value added realistically. Sacred Geometry is more useful as as symbol set and Omnimancy doesn't use that symbol set realistically. We are more concerned about energy flows and how things hook up to each other. Take an engine for example. While the molecule alignment of the metal parts might be one that is in scared geometry with "closest packing", the shape of those metal parts has nothing to do with sacred geometry. The positioning of things has more to do with opposing forces and flow of gasses (ie. how things are hooked up between the parts).

As to the hermetic principles I wasn't so much implying them literally but more the use of derivatives either directly or indirectly as a form of magical physics. Considering the time these principles were developed they are more akin to alchemy versus modern chemistry. Alchemy was the precursor from which modern chemistry was born but also had a lot of spiritual mysticism to go with the scientific chemistry it utilized. So naturally the omnimancy version of the principles is far more evolved and less restrictive seeming but it serves as an useful base point of reference barring anything else. If not then that is curious as well and worth investigating more. I don't find I am actually limited at all by those principals. They are quite helpful actually to provide the beginning point in a project and if it happens to later violate every one of them some how then either they are wrong or my understanding of them is wrong no way to be sure without confirming with others though. So of course any additional feedback on my original questions is always welcome. Also yeah science is cool. I am generally waiting for science to catch up to my own observations and theories. So far they have caught up to a little bit of it and I am mostly correct so that is promising. Would you mind sharing that one video? It sounds quite interesting and I do find time is rather subjective when it comes to spells and perception not very much a limitation if you find the proper way of looking at things and the mindset though that is rather difficult sometimes depending on the situation.

He would get in trouble for sharing videos actually. ;) Most of the videos come from my lectures at Crucible, so if you want to see one, you are welcome to see them there. :) Unfortunately, again, you are coming from "I have an answer, looking for a question that fits it". We aren't hermetisists so such principles don't help us. If anything we've seen, is things just keep going, getting bigger, etc. We don't come from "traditional" magic, we were white roomed. Part of the idea was to see if traditional magic has been in their own echo chamber too long. Sorry for the attitude I'm giving, but I get a lot of "But this is how it WORKS. Your system MUST work like this. What you say you do CAN'T BE!" and my answer is "Watch me! Watch my students do the things you say can't be." The precise view that something "must work like X", is what is limiting. Admittedly, there has to be some structure, I'm not advocating just making stuff up. Our stuff came from obvserations and was built up from there, and is still building.

I have seen my own 'tech' if it can be called that and I am curious what does others tech look like or what is the process as you can say it freely that you go through to make your tech? Mine used to be blocky and crude more like machines and clockwork mechanisms half being standard constructs and programming but recently mine has become far more seamless and organic in how my senses translate it as a mental visual. If it is simpler to avoid giving away your secrets you can scan one of my pieces I keep near me and just compare it generally to one of yours to see if I am on the right track.

Everyone's symbology is different, so how one sees something won't be the same as someone else's view of it. The intent of what those symbols MEAN however will be the same, and that is what normally concerns us. I won't play the "scan my tech" thing however. If someone else wants to, that's fine, but I don't have the time nor want to get into that cycle. I did so in the past (like 15 years ago), but I no need for such things now in my life. No more 110 message thread for me!

Another question of mine is at what level do you start dealing with other dimensions? As in spacial dimensions, I recall reading that you do start working with other spacial dimensions at some point and I am curious as to what point that starts. I am beginning to work with what I believe are higher spacial dimensions. Is there any advice for that point?

Lasers. 8 o'clock. Day 1. :)

They start working with it from the start, although it isn't stated as such. Later on we point it out. Almost all of the higher ended magic we do uses one form or another of multi-dimensional magic. As far as getting there, take all the dimension directions you know, and go 90 degrees to all of them. ;) As far as tips, it will just come to you. Any tips would end up being public here, and that isn't what I'm trying to do. Just the fact you are open to the possibilities is enough for right now.

How is your policy with trading tech with outsiders or helping them with experiments or testing theories?

Short answer, it's against policy, and even outright stated in the rules that people swear an oath to when they first join, at least trading tech, since that is under the policy of teaching Omni tech to people outside of Omni. So that part is black and white. Helping with experiments and testing theories gets into a grey area, and is best avoided since most would have a difficult time not breaking the above stated rule by experimenting and testing theories. Basically, you are asking for Omni assistance without the rules restricting those within the group. Nice way to try to bypass things, but no. ;)

While I do appreciate you situation, I hope you understand the position over on this side too.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Sark » Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:30 pm

Sacred Geometry is over a simplification of things, at least for how Omni does what it does, and wouldn't be value added realistically. Sacred Geometry is more useful as as symbol set and Omnimancy doesn't use that symbol set realistically.

An over simplification of things.. Well that works I suppose. I figured there would have had to be some kind of pattern to it though it seems more complex now then some mishmash of geometric things. I am simply trying to find a base reference point or get something else to go on from that can be compared.

He would get in trouble for sharing videos actually. ;) Most of the videos come from my lectures at Crucible, so if you want to see one, you are welcome to see them there. :) Unfortunately, again, you are coming from "I have an answer, looking for a question that fits it". We aren't hermetisists so such principles don't help us. If anything we've seen, is things just keep going, getting bigger, etc. We don't come from "traditional" magic, we were white roomed. Part of the idea was to see if traditional magic has been in their own echo chamber too long. Sorry for the attitude I'm giving, but I get a lot of "But this is how it WORKS. Your system MUST work like this. What you say you do CAN'T BE!" and my answer is "Watch me! Watch my students do the things you say can't be." The precise view that something "must work like X", is what is limiting. Admittedly, there has to be some structure, I'm not advocating just making stuff up. Our stuff came from obvserations and was built up from there, and is still building.
:-( I take that to mean the video is not an easy one to find on my own. Though this does make me curious why even the videos are off limits. This makes it sound like either the video is one of the few good ones on the subject and very hard to find or it is itself not even a public video yet but gained from some connections with the people who work with the quantum physics stuff (probably not but sounds like it). I would come to the Crucible but circumstances are not quite favorable to me travelling anywhere for a while I don't think. Besides I don't even recall offhand when it is to happen but likely it will be next year before I am able to go anywhere. So I will attend when possible.

Everyone's symbology is different, so how one sees something won't be the same as someone else's view of it. The intent of what those symbols MEAN however will be the same, and that is what normally concerns us. I won't play the "scan my tech" thing however. If someone else wants to, that's fine, but I don't have the time nor want to get into that cycle. I did so in the past (like 15 years ago), but I no need for such things now in my life. No more 110 message thread for me!

Well it was just a suggestion if someone wanted to do it. If not then that is alright. So I take it from this however there still isn't a reliable way to bypass the symbology and see clearly how things are without it yet? Just the interpretation of what one sees is consistent but not what is actually seen. While it might not be a real limitation persay I still feel that would be interesting to be able to do.

Lasers. 8 o'clock. Day 1. :)

They start working with it from the start, although it isn't stated as such. Later on we point it out. Almost all of the higher ended magic we do uses one form or another of multi-dimensional magic. As far as getting there, take all the dimension directions you know, and go 90 degrees to all of them. ;) As far as tips, it will just come to you. Any tips would end up being public here, and that isn't what I'm trying to do. Just the fact you are open to the possibilities is enough for right now.

Well I take it by lack of big bold screaming not to do something that there isn't nothing floating around nearby that will blast a hole through anything important so that works well enough for me thanks.

Short answer, it's against policy, and even outright stated in the rules that people swear an oath to when they first join, at least trading tech, since that is under the policy of teaching Omni tech to people outside of Omni. So that part is black and white. Helping with experiments and testing theories gets into a grey area, and is best avoided since most would have a difficult time not breaking the above stated rule by experimenting and testing theories. Basically, you are asking for Omni assistance without the rules restricting those within the group. Nice way to try to bypass things, but no. ;)

Very well. I suppose it is a nice way to bypass things. If you don't mind me saying and probably questioning.. Things seemed more cracked down around here than all the previous posts on this forum indicated. A lot less forthcoming on what I feel were good questions so either my questions were not very good or... Eh I probably won't get an answer to this if there is a reason beyond the usual busyness of day to day life. I am trying to make something workable out of everything I find that works but it is rather hard when nobody else is on something similar and can corroborate with my efforts. Can't promise there won't be more questions here but for now on the direct questioning though discussing things of interest is always open possibly.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby LordArt » Mon Apr 03, 2017 4:51 pm

Sark wrote:
Sacred Geometry is over a simplification of things, at least for how Omni does what it does, and wouldn't be value added realistically. Sacred Geometry is more useful as as symbol set and Omnimancy doesn't use that symbol set realistically.

An over simplification of things.. Well that works I suppose. I figured there would have had to be some kind of pattern to it though it seems more complex now then some mishmash of geometric things. I am simply trying to find a base reference point or get something else to go on from that can be compared.

Everything has a pattern, but that doesn't make those patterns sacred or have inherent power. If I draw a rune in dirt, it doesn't have innate power. It has power because I believe it does, or more specifically, I put magical energy into it. But if I do that, why draw the rune at all and just do the spell directly. Don't worry so much about the pattern. You'll spend a LOT of time with little improvement.

:-( I take that to mean the video is not an easy one to find on my own. Though this does make me curious why even the videos are off limits. This makes it sound like either the video is one of the few good ones on the subject and very hard to find or it is itself not even a public video yet but gained from some connections with the people who work with the quantum physics stuff (probably not but sounds like it). I would come to the Crucible but circumstances are not quite favorable to me travelling anywhere for a while I don't think. Besides I don't even recall offhand when it is to happen but likely it will be next year before I am able to go anywhere. So I will attend when possible.

If you do find them, they are illegal copies. They aren't publicly available, but they do exist. You are asking why the videos of detailed information from a group that keeps it's information secret isn't publicly available. Think about that for a second. They shouldn't even have been mentioned that they exist in a public setting. You might ask if the lecture was public, why isn't the video public? A person attending a lecture may or may not get everything that was talked about. It is also unlikely that they will be able to repeat it well enough to the public if they choose to do so. A publicly available video, that can be played over and over again by whoever wants to, is something completely different.

Well it was just a suggestion if someone wanted to do it. If not then that is alright. So I take it from this however there still isn't a reliable way to bypass the symbology and see clearly how things are without it yet? Just the interpretation of what one sees is consistent but not what is actually seen. While it might not be a real limitation persay I still feel that would be interesting to be able to do.

It is reliable enough. In many cases, most Omnis see things the same way unprompted, so that is a good sign, but there is no way to definitively prove that the way something is broadly seen is the actuality. So it's best to downplay what is seen and concentrate on what it means. Even if 50 Omnis see it the same certain way, and the 51st sees it differently but still gets the same intent, it doesn't mean that the 50 are correct. And for our purposes, since only the intent of what is seen matters, it isn't as relevant. Additional details are relevant but that is back to all the pieces of the intent.

Well I take it by lack of big bold screaming not to do something that there isn't nothing floating around nearby that will blast a hole through anything important so that works well enough for me thanks.

Dimensional magic is too vague to say "Don't do it". You might as well say you are taking up Pilates to us. Almost all of our stuff is dimensional based in one sense or another. There are dangers in such magic, but that is true of any magic. Any places that are truly problematic would give away how to get to those problematic areas, so the best answer is, just be careful and you should be ok. And that would be true of any magical pursuit.

Very well. I suppose it is a nice way to bypass things. If you don't mind me saying and probably questioning.. Things seemed more cracked down around here than all the previous posts on this forum indicated. A lot less forthcoming on what I feel were good questions so either my questions were not very good or... Eh I probably won't get an answer to this if there is a reason beyond the usual busyness of day to day life. I am trying to make something workable out of everything I find that works but it is rather hard when nobody else is on something similar and can corroborate with my efforts. Can't promise there won't be more questions here but for now on the direct questioning though discussing things of interest is always open possibly.

Because no one else decided to ask for collaboration, effectively trying to bypass the first rule people swear to when joining Omnimancy. They asked a specific question and got a direct answer, if possible. That was enough for them, and they understood where the line was drawn. I can appreciate that you are trying to learn, and would appreciate someone to help you learn more directly. You got upset above when you couldn't watch the teaching videos, when you know full well that we don't teach Omnimancy stuff outside of Omnimancy. You also don't seem to understand what you are asking for when you ask for collaboration. You are asking for all the benefits of being in a group, basically asking for the secrets from within the group, without actually being part of the group (Tech trading at the very least is that, and the only reason you would ask someone from within the group to collaborate is to bring their knowledge and experience to what you are doing, and the end effect is bringing knowledge from within the group outside the group for your benefit.) You expect people to give their time to advance you, and give nothing back to the group. At least when someone joins up, they will eventually teach the next wave of students, and their discoveries add to the group as a whole to make it stronger, as other people's discoveries also add to the group itself.

We don't mind questions, but you have to understand what you are asking for. I know that I seem to be harsh, but I hope you understand better from our perspective.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Sark » Mon Apr 03, 2017 6:06 pm

If you do find them, they are illegal copies. They aren't publicly available, but they do exist. You are asking why the videos of detailed information from a group that keeps it's information secret isn't publicly available. Think about that for a second. They shouldn't even have been mentioned that they exist in a public setting. You might ask if the lecture was public, why isn't the video public? A person attending a lecture may or may not get everything that was talked about. It is also unlikely that they will be able to repeat it well enough to the public if they choose to do so. A publicly available video, that can be played over and over again by whoever wants to, is something completely different.

Yes well see I was not upset over the videos as much as confused. By the way it seemed put forward the video was shown as an example of something proven or speculated on by regular scientists in the quantum field to draw connections to your own work. The video itself just serves to illustrate the point but the real privileged information was the debate and lessons taught by who was presenting the video. An example would be say a marketing company taking a publicly available video from say youtube to form a metaphor or comparison with some model they are presenting. The model which they are using the video to illustrate and simplify is privileged but the video itself is not. I thought it was a situation like that.

It is reliable enough. In many cases, most Omnis see things the same way unprompted, so that is a good sign, but there is no way to definitively prove that the way something is broadly seen is the actuality. So it's best to downplay what is seen and concentrate on what it means. Even if 50 Omnis see it the same certain way, and the 51st sees it differently but still gets the same intent, it doesn't mean that the 50 are correct. And for our purposes, since only the intent of what is seen matters, it isn't as relevant. Additional details are relevant but that is back to all the pieces of the intent.

Now in regards to that I notice that when I am reaching a new level of sensing it quickly seems to just fade away like its not there anymore but closer inspection shows that it is there but far more mundane to me now. I figure that is just my mind adapting to the new information I am able to receive and becoming use to it so it is just something you don't consciously register. Like when you look at grass you see grass your mind does not go and say or it is green and pointy on the top but you know it is in shape and color. I suppose it is that which allows for being able to expand senses else the information would quickly become too much to process in such a bold way. These are just observations here.

Because no one else decided to ask for collaboration, effectively trying to bypass the first rule people swear to when joining Omnimancy. They asked a specific question and got a direct answer, if possible. That was enough for them, and they understood where the line was drawn. I can appreciate that you are trying to learn, and would appreciate someone to help you learn more directly. You got upset above when you couldn't watch the teaching videos, when you know full well that we don't teach Omnimancy stuff outside of Omnimancy. You also don't seem to understand what you are asking for when you ask for collaboration. You are asking for all the benefits of being in a group, basically asking for the secrets from within the group, without actually being part of the group (Tech trading at the very least is that, and the only reason you would ask someone from within the group to collaborate is to bring their knowledge and experience to what you are doing, and the end effect is bringing knowledge from within the group outside the group for your benefit.) You expect people to give their time to advance you, and give nothing back to the group. At least when someone joins up, they will eventually teach the next wave of students, and their discoveries add to the group as a whole to make it stronger, as other people's discoveries also add to the group itself.

We don't mind questions, but you have to understand what you are asking for. I know that I seem to be harsh, but I hope you understand better from our perspective.

Yes well sorry about that. There are things I badly want to get to or know if they work but circumstances force my efforts elsewhere and to be quite brutally honest, every other group I have found, it would be comparable to asking kindergartners with help on a high end physics experiment. So it was more just what I asked for specifically? It doesn't hurt to ask as it were only thing that keeps me from applying is once again my schedule of current things would make attending anything even online at a regular time rather problematic and I doubt anyone would desire or enjoy altering their schedule to fit mine so I won't bother trying to ask for that in training since that is unreasonable. Though perhaps there is something that is more possible I can get help or advice with. I recall reading about sleep compression on the forum. I have a few idea's on it and maybe you can just tell me which of them is on the right track?
My first idea about it is the one I am currently implementing now and it involves distorting time. Now to clarify what I mean so you don't think I am going all crazy scifi type slowing time or something I mean say those days in which no matter what you do drag on and on where every minute seems to be hours after a sense. Most of us hate those types of days as they obviously make it a big drag and miserable especially with work but when they happen on a day off then its great we seem to get so much more done on those days or more rest etc. On the opposite side are the days that go by so fast we can't get anything really done on time without a rush and struggle but can certainly be nice if stuck in something you want through quickly with minimal energy. Well I have been working on recreating that on command and have had some success especially when it comes to sleeping since I have a decently accurate sort of internal clock for the approximate hours I slept it feels like maybe 1/3 more sleep when i have it on just to try and quantify such a subjective abstract thing. I believe when I saw the reference to the sleep compression it was said to be like 8 something hours worth of sleep in 3 so far more efficient than what I have now.
My second idea is that it pulls the body and mind into a kind of regenerative trance or otherwise accelerates the body's natural sleep healing (don't know the exact terms off top of head for this) cycle. I know there are suppose to be meditations as effective as that or so I have been told but I have not managed to find such or discover it on that level.
My third idea is that it is a specific combination of the two above ideas. Are any of those on the right track? As I said I seem to be having some success with the time distortion method could probably use a lot of improvement there but getting more sleep in less time would really help me out admittedly. That or get super rich super fast :wink: (humorous last sentence hopefully) Hopefully that is specific enough to get some pointers on if I got the right idea of it. Sorry for such long drawn out questions and explanations on them.. Just feel its best to try and get it narrowed down along what I mean to communicate to spend less time in confusion over what I am trying to say.. which might make it worse..
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Circuitman » Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:35 am

So, I may not have been clear before. The video in question was not a crucible lecture video or any other private affair. It was actually something you had found on YouTube, Art, and shared at a meeting. Just normal physics stuff. I can try to remember to post a proper link when I'm on my computer in the morning.

As to sleep compression, we can tell you exactly nothing. Can't give hints, can't say if you're on the right track. That would still be effectively helping you to discover our secrets, even if we weren't just giving it away to you. Secrets don't stay secret very long if you point in their direction, right? Once again, I'm sorry that this is likely to be a disappointing answer.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Sark » Fri Apr 07, 2017 3:32 pm

So, I may not have been clear before. The video in question was not a crucible lecture video or any other private affair. It was actually something you had found on YouTube, Art, and shared at a meeting. Just normal physics stuff. I can try to remember to post a proper link when I'm on my computer in the morning.

If that is possible it would be much appreciated. I have been on other strange physics stuff other than searching for that really.. Just so long as you're allowed to post it that is.

As to sleep compression, we can tell you exactly nothing. Can't give hints, can't say if you're on the right track. That would still be effectively helping you to discover our secrets, even if we weren't just giving it away to you. Secrets don't stay secret very long if you point in their direction, right? Once again, I'm sorry that this is likely to be a disappointing answer.

Can you at least tell me if it is as awesomely effective as I saw described in another post on here? The 3 hours equaling more like 8 or 9 hours part. I don't think answering that would be forbidden since it is not revealing any of the mechanics only just confirming it is as good as I heard.

Well... I am certainly persistent but I will either wait for more responses or for more questions to come to me so in the famous words of time traveling robot. I'll be back. :lol:
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Circuitman » Sat Apr 08, 2017 12:27 pm

I believe this was the video we watched. Or close enough.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ORLN_K ... 23&list=WL

As to the sleep compressor, I don't know what you have been told. I assume that whatever someone else told you is what you are allowed to know. I'm unwilling to comment.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Sark » Sat Apr 08, 2017 2:14 pm

believe this was the video we watched. Or close enough.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ORLN_K ... 23&list=WL

Cool and quantum entanglement. Not too far off from what I have been researching myself. In fact this helped me out a lot more than you know thank you :D

As to the sleep compressor, I don't know what you have been told. I assume that whatever someone else told you is what you are allowed to know. I'm unwilling to comment.

Well it wasn't told to me specifically it was something Lord Art mentioned in another post long ago as an example. Reason I am asking about it is it that it was mentioned to be about as much sleep as I said and no one asked about they were focused on a different topic so kinda unclear how restricted that one example is compared to other stuff I could name. In a hurry to get going so probably return to ask some questions on something else later or something.... At least return with something I think might be of as much interest as the video as thanks.

Ok so kind of had a curious thought and some really interesting questions. I hope this is something that can be discussed but yeah guess I will find out soon... So what happens to energy when you use it in a spell? Like I know the spell decays over time and loses energy, just like anything else decays in some state over time, and its power source replenishes it, and it might be possible to make a spell regather the energy that bleeds of it as well but I am talking about the energy the spell uses to produce its effect. Say the generic reality altering to make traffic lights always green for you. You alter it so the lights pattern was always in a way that it just times to be green for you but what happens to the energy sent out to perform that function?
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Circuitman » Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:09 pm

That is a VERY good question. I will see if I can find out.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Sark » Thu Apr 13, 2017 4:19 pm

That is a VERY good question. I will see if I can find out.

Thank you :D That is much appreciated. I am working on it a bit too but having others help really helps out confirming whatever I find out trying to trace things myself.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Circuitman » Mon May 01, 2017 10:14 pm

Did not forget about this. Posed the question to a few people and we did an experiment. I am currently trying to get the result confirmed by different people.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Sark » Tue May 02, 2017 12:13 am

Ahh alrighty that is fine. I am quite patient and yeah hard to trace it at least to me need to work on my senses and such a tad more and get more in that department moving admittedly at least on the fine precision scale. I hope my question is bringing much fun and good information trying to answer it. :)
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