I thought about how best to explain Omnimancy to other pagans, witches and wiccans. I had them read this chapter and give me feed back. What I got was a lot of the same questions from all of them. So I decided to put them in the book to help round out all that has been said previously.
1-What are some of the main differences between paganism and Omnimancy?
There are three that come to mind when I was asked this. The first would be that Omnimancy is not a religious tradition. Omnimancy accepts members of all faiths. So while individual members may have faith in deity, Omnimancy as a Tradition does not. The second difference being that Omnimancy is non ritualistic. There are no circle castings, no wands, swords or burning incense to cast spells. Lastly they fully admit they take what works and use it. If they see something another person does and it works, they will use it. There is no “it’s not the Omnimancy way to cast a spell this way or that way”. Basically if they like it and it does the job, they will incorporate it into the system.
2-How does Omnimancy feel about those of us who are religious?
Omnimancy acknowledges all the deities and probably have met many of them through their astral projection journeys. Omnimancy does not deny the existence of these beings. Some Omnimancy members are close to or work with a certain pantheon or two. For example, one member has a Runester calling and tends to work well with the Nordic Gods. Though does not consider himself a follower of the Nordic Deities but more like working partners with them. Another member works with one Goddess specifically but not the entire pantheon that Goddess comes from. For example, I work with the Goddess Bast but that does not mean I worship every Egyptian God and Goddess. This person works with a Goddess specifically but does not worship her the way a pagan or a Wiccan might worship and acknowledge her.
3-There was a mentioning of Omnimancy levels is that like Wiccan Degrees?
No the two are completely different. Being Wiccan is a calling from the Gods and the Universe. When you are elevated through the Wiccan Mysteries with the guidance of a High Priest and/or High Priestess, you are learning the way your Wiccan Tradition works and learning the Book of Shadows as written by the Lineage you are being initiated into. You are also self-evolving in your own life and making personal changes to help make you a better person.
The levels in Omnimancy are nothing like this at all. There are no elevations or degrees. Going from G1 to G2 is a matter of knowing, understanding and applying what you learned in the level before and applying it to the level you are learning now. There is no year and a day in between advancements. You learn at your own pace. Omnimancy is not around to help make you a better person that is something you have to work on yourself.
4- What type of spells does Omnimancers cast and how is it different from the ones pagans and Wiccans cast?
Omnimancers cast similar types of spells pagans and wiccans do they just go about it differently. For example, if it’s the Holidays and parking at the local mall is impossible a pagan may ask their Deity for help in getting a parking spot near the front door. An Omnimancer would cast a spell themselves to get a parking spot near the front door. Basically they cut out the middleman. Omnimancy does see the Gods as middlemen in this type of situation. They feel that you should be able to do it yourself and they teach you how. Another example would be astral journeys. Going on these journeys are not limited to meeting your God/ess or another persons God/ess. You can meet and talk to other entities there.
5-Ok I’ve re-read the description and it sounds like a lot of Sci-Fi mumbo jumbo to me, is Omnimancy a bunch of Sci-Fi geeks getting together?
Well in a simplified answer- Yes, but of course it’s more then that. A lot of what is coined in terminology is something that a lot of Omnimancers like, Sci-Fi. So some of the terms we use are ones many have heard before. Why? Well to make remembering things simple. Here are some examples of what pagans and Omnimancers may call the same thing or go about getting similar results.
6- Sounds like a lot of Ego is involved!
Yes that is true. But not how you would think. Just because the word ego is used and applied doesn’t mean Omnimancers are evil geniuses trying to take over the world. What it means is that they have faith in themselves to do things and have found a way to manipulate energy to help them achieve that goal. From things like getting a parking space to healing a headache; from protecting yourself from danger to attacking those who have sought to harm you.
7- Omnimancers hurt others, why wouldn’t they let the law of 3 and Karma handle that?
Omnimancers take care of their own, their friends, family and other loved ones. If you become an enemy to one or more Omnimancers, if you attack or seek to harm them in some way, they will retaliate in kind. The Karmic law is not above or below them, it’s apart of them as well. Omnimancers know that if they step over the boundaries and attack someone weaker or someone who is an innocent, Karma will smack them upside the head. It’s not a free for all power that goes unchecked. There are rules to the use of Omnimancy magic’s. So just as some witches, wiccans and pagans believe that to learn how to protect you must also learn how to hex; it is a responsibility that comes with consequences if abused. So if an Omnimancer were to decide to attack someone for no other reason then he or she could, that person is inviting trouble. Because while the person they are attacking may be weaker (and this just may be a perception given to people so they do not give off their real power ability capability), they most likely have friends. These friends, be it Gods, Goddesses, pagans, witches, wiccans, mages or other entities, tend not to like it when someone goes around picking on someone they care about, work with or protect. So they in turn retaliate. Unless you’re the type that likes to have havoc and magical problems in your life, going around and attacking people is something most people, including Omnimancers, tend to avoid.
8-Ok so how many levels in Omnimancy are there?
That’s a good question. In Wiccan Traditions there are 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree initiations or elevations. With Omnimancy it is more like chapters to study program. There are many levels and it can’t be viewed in the same way as wiccan degrees. Stay for as long as you can, get as much out of it as you are able to and leave when it’s right. Omnimancy does not restrict your outside activities such as studying with other covens, groups or people. But the teaching of Omnimancy material is strictly forbidden. This is why the screening process for becoming a member is set up as strictly as it is.
9-What is Omnimancy best known for?
My personal opinion would be fixing things or fixing people. Many times when pagans or Wiccans feel there is something gone wrong in their lives that they can’t explain and feel its ‘magical’ in nature, Omnimancy can pin point the problem and tell the person how to fix it or ask if they want an Omnimancer to fix it. From asking why they get headaches when energy is raised in pagan circles to why they suddenly seem to forget things recently. From a haunting they are experiencing to finding out why their God/ess may be mad at them. Omnimancy on the whole is good a problem solving and finding a more efficient way of accomplishing a goal.
10- More efficient, what does that mean?
Well it means just that, a faster way to achieve something. For example if I wanted to go visit Bast, I could perform a ritual in her name that could take me thirty minutes or more to prepare and cast, or I could just astral project there and knock on her door. The ritual would take about thirty minutes, my astral projection to her door, about three seconds. Both get me to where I want to go, ie to visit Bast, but Omnimancers sees no reason to spend thirty minutes to do what it can take three seconds to do. Again I shall refer to the healing tech that Omnimancers use. Instead of casting ritual and asking the Gods to help take away the pain in your arm from the fall you had, Omnimancers move energy around the spot to help speed up the process immediately. No Omnimancy does not claim to faith heal or to cure anything, but they have been known to get rid of pain, headaches and colds.
11-Anything else I should know about Omnimancy and their views on Deity?
This next bit is some personal advice from what I had experienced in my years at Omnimancy. Those who are religious in any sort of way will have their views changed if they study with Omnimancy and learn their system. The views will either become stronger, they will dissipate or they will forever be tainted. Before going to Omnimancy I was a Wiccan with the belief that the magic I worked with came from mother earth and the Gods. I didn’t understand that I had the ability to do things without them and manipulate energy in a magical sense. I saw that I was connected to the Gods and the magic I had was a gift from them. They have been in my thoughts daily and I had always believed that without the Gods in my life, I would never have the magical ability that I had at the time.
My faith in the old sense of how I worshiped had changed, forever. Now I didn’t need to cast a circle to talk to my Gods. I didn’t need to chant and dance to raise energy. Suddenly all the power and energy needed for the goals I wanted them for, I was able to manifest within seconds.
I then became faced with the problem of what is the use of ritual when I now know it’s not needed to achieve what I want. this is akin to going on vacation to Hawaii. To most people that is an exotic location, a place people dream of going to some day or saving their pennies to go there for their honeymoon. But to those who live there, the place isn’t as exotic or wondrous. It is just home to them. I live in New York and when I meet people from down south or in the Midwest they are always awe struck that I live in such a city. They have this image of my life in New York and the truth is far from their fantasies. They believed I visited the Empire State Building all the time, that I was going to Broadway plays every month, eating at fancy restaurants, having wild New York Parties to go to and that I knew were New York City stars lived. Once they found out I lived a normal life, by going to work and coming home to clean my apartment, or visiting friends on the weekends it somehow burst their fantasy bubble of my life.
This is what it felt like when I was faced with the question “are my Wiccan rituals necessary”? I searched long and hard and came up with Yes for my answer. Not many who have come down the same path that I have ended up with the same answer. Other pagans and Wiccans have come down the Omnimancy path and could not reconcile the two. Many have abandoned their Wiccan roots while others had to abandon their Omnimancy teachings, unable to merge the two system. It was destroying them spiritually. The clash of the two ways to work with the Gods, to raise energy and what goes on in the astral was more then they could handle.
The truth is, I can live my life as both a Wiccan and perform Wiccan rituals as well as be an Omnimancer and do things the Mage way. Not many are able to balance the two out and to my knowledge, I am the only one who ever has.
12- How many Omnimancy members are there?
Well Omnimancy has branched off into several states now. New Jersey is the founding area and main core of Omnimancers.
13-I’m intrigued, how do I find out more or become a member of Omnimancy?
The founder is the person to contact. His name is Arthur and you can get more information off the Omnimancy web site: www.omnimancy.com.
The answer to this question is dependent on which groups are being referred to within Thelema. However, most groups operating view Thelema as a religion operating under the philosophical law contained in Liber AL vel Legis. Omnimancy is not a religious system, and does not have a central book containing its teachings. Unlike Thelema, Omnimancy does not have any central texts. Its system is constantly evolving through the research and contribution of all of its members. While magical practices in Thelema are designed to assist in finding and manifesting the True Will, the primary focus of practice in Omnimancy centers around personal power and the practical application of magical laws. Omnimancy is a thaumaturgic system, while Thelema’s focus is theurgic. Omnimancy also does not officially engage in instruction regarding sex magic. Omnimancy is different from the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) in regards to both its initiatory structure and its daily activities. You advance in degrees in the OTO after a set period of time (sometimes having to accomplish a task) until you reach the 4th degree, after which further degrees become invite-only. The OTO’s initiations are a largely ceremonial, and their purpose is to put you through a trial that represents some of the lessons of the degree. Omnimancy differs in that its grades are only conferred after mastery of certain magical concepts have been achieved, both in practical and academic settings. Mastery is determined through demonstration and examination. Most of Omnimancy’s grades can be obtained through proper mastery of magical concepts, as well as research. Omnimancy does not include a ceremonial component. The OTO also has regular activities that do not exist in Omnimancy. For example, the OTO regularly celebrates the gnostic mass. Omnimancy is not a religious organization, and as such does not include any religious activities. The OTO’s activities are also heavily social. Omnimancy is a teaching organization (school) first, and not a social organization. Another one of the chief differences between Omnimancy and the OTO is that Omnimancy is a vertical magical school, while the OTO’s activities are chiefly horizontal. Omnimancy is different from the A:.A:. in regards to its mode of instruction, which attainments are a focus, as well as the student-mentor relationship. Like the A:.A:., Omnimancy is a vertical magical school that bases its progress on practical and academic examination. Omnimancy includes a grade structure that, like the A:.A:., is primarily focused on showing mastery of concepts through the use of academic and practical examination. Unlike the A:.A:., Omnimancy does not require the use of a magical journal to prove mastery and practice of a concept, nor does it require a waiting period before advancing to the next grade, in most cases. A magical journal is not needed to prove mastery of a concept because omnimancers (practitioners of Omnimancy) have the magical perception needed to evaluate how well the candidate is able to cast particular spells. One concept that is not not a focus of Omnimancy is the use and mastery of raja yoga. Omnimancy has separate methods for making sure spells are properly cast and focus is directed appropriately. Another concept that is not a focus of Omnimancy is the use of a reading list. Omnimancy’s methods don’t include the need to read multiple texts in order to master the system. The mode of instruction differs as well. Officially, though not in practice, an A:.A:. aspirant completes the training knowing only the link above and below him/herself in the chain. In contrast, Omnimancy meets as a group and discusses its concepts to each student according to their place in the curriculum. The student then practices the relevant concepts on his/her own time away from the group. The group has contact with the student far more frequently, on average, than the A:.A:. aspirant has to his/her mentor. Omnimancy does not make use of ceremony in its system. Omnimancy engages in a direct casting style that can be completed quickly and publicly, making it an ideal choice for practical magic. Perhaps more importantly, Omnimancy does not make use of deities in its workings. It works directly with the subject at hand, eliminating the middle man. Examples: Omnimancy does not evoke spirits, and definitely does not do so using ceremony. Omnimancers simply go to the astral plane and talk to the spirits directly. Omnimancers use their own power to accomplish magical tasks, cutting out the middle man. No. The magical link can be transferred from instructor to student directly in Omnimancy. Omnimancy uses the Method of Science in multiple ways, but its aim is decidedly not religious (in reference to the motto of the A:.A:.). Omnimancy has a dedicated research night in which it evaluates new concepts which may be added to the system at a later date. The system uses research to keep the system constantly evolving, rather than fixed in time. Members are encouraged to be skeptics, and spells are evaluated using blind interpretation and experimentation. Since Omnimancy is not a religious system, all religions are welcome. This is in contrast to many thelemic groups, some of which do not accept Christians or Muslims into the group. Note that it is possible that your religious viewpoints may be affected through the practice of Omnimancy. Protection around ones self
Casting a spell to go unnoticed
Energy Raising
Healing ones self when in pain
The following is from someone who was in the OTO and this is their perspective so that a person in Thelema or the OTO can understand where Omnimancy is coming from. This is written by Sarah.
1. What are some of the main differences between Thelema and Omnimancy?
5. Does Omnimancy make use of spirits?
Last Updated 9/05/2016