The Official Omnimancer FAQ
What is Omnimancy?
Omnimancy is a search to make magic practical, reliable and more powerful in everyday life. The style is a straight forward, simple and non-dogmatic form of magic which is compatible with most other styles of magic. Development of "Magical Senses" are also an important part of the style. Since research is constantly being done, it is ever evolving and improving itself. The spells and concepts are often referred to as "technology" within the group, especially since a version of a the scientific method is used in the research.
Is Omnimancy a religion?
No, although it treads heavily within the matters of religion on occasion. Dieties and other such entities are occasionally approached in conversation for information. Omnimancy doesn't exclude religion in it's members, but doesn't promote any either. Omnimancy isn't about religion, its about magic. As of this writing, there is a wiccian, an asatru, a christian, a jew, a few others your couldn't classify, and those that are non-religious. Those that practice Omnimancy consider themselves Mages and/or Omnimancers.
Why the name Omnimancy?
To understand the name, one has to know what brought it about. The research that started Omnimancy didn't have that name. It didn't have any name really, just a question of why there were so many different magical systems, that were drastically different, yet all seemed to work for those that practiced it (to varying degrees). Many different rituals from different religions and magical groups were attended. Research into what books that were available on the subject were also studied. One common thread was the concept of magical energy. While the use and manipulation varied, the concept was constant. Research went into how to gather, harness, and manipulate this energy and to find it's properties. At this point, it was simply called energy magic. As research and experiments continued, concepts of how spells were powered, and the use of nonliving energy sources increased reliability and power. Discovery of a way of using spells to affect other spells, especially ones that were able to amplify the practitioner, sent the research in many directions with many new abilities and concepts. They were so many and so alien to each other, that simple names (like Energy Magic, Lifepath Magic, Soul Magic, Dimensional Magic, etc.) couldn't classify it all. So the name Omnimancy came about, meaning the practice of All Magic. Almost any form of magic is compatible with the Omnimancy style or has been superceded by something already within the system. The word almost is used, because while there hasn't been anything so far that contradicts the previous statement, there is always a possibility that something isn't.
Do you guys really believe in magic?
Yes. We believe in the ability to alter reality through will. At the very least,
we believe that there are forces out there not currently understood by science,
not far-fetched when you consider what science knew about the universe a century ago.
We seek to understand these forces through observation and experiments.
Who are you? We are an eclectic group of solo practitioners located in central New Jersey. Our
members come from many different traditions and have been practicing magic for
various lengths of time. More recently, we've begun teaching students over the internet
as time allows. To see more about our active members, see the Members Page.
Are you guys Witches? No, we are not Wiccan. Wicca is a religion; though we practice magic, we are not a
religious group and have relatively little in common with them. Nor do we have any
connection to other types of witches.
Are there any books on the subject? No. Unfortunately, the amount of information what would be safe for
public consumption would barely fill a pamphlet. Keep in mind that magic
is a tool but can be dangerous in the wrong hands, both to the practitioner
and the people around them. How long has Omnimancy been around? The research was started in early 1992 however the style didn't actually
get the name Omnimancy until the summer of 1999. Do you guys sacrifice animals, etc.? No. The most we ever sacrifice is sleep with late night researching
and the occasional circus peanut. What kind of ritual tools do you use? We don't because we don't do ritual magic. Omnimancy is meant to be
as needed with little to no preparation. It is common for members to cause
good parking spots for themselves in a crowded parking lot, to having train's
or bus' doors stop directly in front of them, to heal friends on the spot. Who do I contact if I wish to learn more? You can contact Arthur via e-mail. The address is