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How is omni applied, not the theory, but the actual doing

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How is omni applied, not the theory, but the actual doing

Postby Rendar » Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:18 pm

I have been reading the forums the last fews and re devoured all the public consumption articles, but I still have one thing im not certain on. How does omni apply this way of magick. Is it all done through energy work like qi-gong or psionics. Is it actually forming, compacting, shaping energy with your physical hands. Is it all done through will purely on the astral level. My guess is the answer will be something along the lines of "all of that, kind of". But Im just trying to get a better feel.

For instance, I was toying around with what I can figure out on my own have had some interesting results. I dont know if I going in the right direction, or if I just go lucky. But I decided I was going to make a spell to basically just shift my reality a bit so I could experience what you could say is just good luck. Beating lights, getting parking spaces, meeting new people, etc. So the way I did it was to create an energy ball this this intent. Im doing all these in such a way I can feel the energy and picture it astrally. I then tethered the ball to draw energy from 3 sources local to me. All the tethers connected to a different energy ball that acted like a condenser so it took the 3 energy inputs, compressed it, and then sent out to the original ball with the intention. Set it to go and went on my way. And ill be damned but the last few days have just been easy. Ive been a few minutes early to everything, green lights, finding things I lost, getting good deals, etc.

So maybe im on the right track and kind of getting this omni stuff. Or maybe I just got really lucky and 1-offed a good spell. I cant say one way or other yet.

PS: I think I need addiction therapy from this site. I swear I check 3-4 a day daily looking for new threads and hopefully 1 day a message in my PM Box for an interview into Cyber.
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Re: How is omni applied, not the theory, but the actual doin

Postby LordArt » Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:48 am

What you described doing is the base form of what we do. What you are describing is what we term "raw will", which we move away from once the basics of energy movement are learned. Tech is far more efficient than raw will, but is limited to the pieces one has for the application one is trying to accomplish. But that really isn't a limitation for us for the most part these days, and we have a different technique past tech which is far better, but I digress.

But as you have experienced, even simple changes can have drastic effects (such as different methods of powering things), even for raw will spells.

As far as checking your mail for an interview, normally cyber does that once a year around January. But that is never written in stone, so sometimes it's earlier, sometimes it's later. But I don't think it will be earlier this year.
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Re: How is omni applied, not the theory, but the actual doin

Postby Rendar » Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:49 pm

Thank you for the reply LordArt! I had one more question for you that hopefully doesnt come across as fishing for secrets. In Omnimancy I understand that students move up in a sense by being able to handle more and more powerful amps (a long with of course their understanding, ability to sense, and understand tech). But what about tech. Is tech done in such a way that you learn very basics and work your way up or could technically anyone use any piece of tech? So the main limiting factor with tech would be the casters ability to piece the right things together, and not so much not being strong enough to use the tech? Im sure my explanation of the question is very limited and dumbed down, just doing the best I can to describe it with the knowledge I currently have.

And thank you for the answer about OmniCyber and when they conduct interviews.
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Re: How is omni applied, not the theory, but the actual doin

Postby LordArt » Mon Dec 12, 2016 1:12 pm

The amps themselves are just tech, so it's not a matter of being able to "handle" them physically, but more just what one has learned. So with Omnimancy, it's more about knowledge than personal power. (But personal power COMES with that knowledge) That being said, after a point, some of the tech DOES require a certain amount of power and/or resolution to cast properly. Much of the lower ended tech could be cast without any of the amps, with appropriately lesser of an effect depending on what it is. That starts to change around UG4 level, and certainly G7 and higher level stuff requires the amp in question. However, simply reading about tech isn't enough for someone to be able to learn the more complicated pieces, which is why a book on Omnimancy spells doesn't exist. Yes, we have information about different things written down, but it wouldn't be enough to replicate the tech in itself alone. Sort of a final fail-safe against people just stealing documents on the subject.
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Re: How is omni applied, not the theory, but the actual doin

Postby Rendar » Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:48 pm

So I have continued reading everything I can find on this forum and site and experimenting more and more. I'm not claiming to understanding much more than I previously did, but I'm definitely thinking and applying new ideas.

First when experimenting with spells, I've been moving away from making energy balls and programming them with will. It's hard to explain what I'm doing differently now, but I will try. Before I would collect energy, compact it to a sphere, then program it with raw will. Now when I create my sphere, its in a shape or design made out of the correct energy. So instead of an energy ball programmed to collect energy, it's a containment sphere made with a quality of energy like a magnet. So the energy is not programmed to collect, it's simply made of energy that would collect naturally. Hope I'm explaining that decently. Also the creation of the parts isn't just like making a psi ball. Again hard to explain but when I formulate these pieces in my mind, it's almost like remembering something in the wrong direction. It's almost simultaneously thought of in my mind and created at the same time.

I'm also assembling smaller spells now that are complete mini spells on their own to be a part of the whole. To use the "parking space" spell as an example, I'm no longer just programming a psi ball to "get me a parking space". I know have separate spells that "get me to a closer space quicker", "discourage other people from taking closer spots", "make other people yield to my car" etc. All these mini spells are tethered and funneled into yet another spell that acts like a transmitter to broadcast these spells. Each part is separate but fits together.

Hope I'm at least thinking in the right direction here.
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