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Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

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Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

Postby rawrstalemate » Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:33 pm

Hey, so I've decided to experiment with omnimancy and am using the concepts and techniques of omnimancy in my other forms of magic but I need clarification on whether I'm doing it correctly and the room for improvements.

So lets say i want to build tech that can increase my mental acquity.

I've used a bindrune consisting of kenaz and ansuz (for knowledge and wisdom respectively even though wisdom may not be as necessary here) and linked that, leylines and mercury to a tethers linking to a typechanger that turns the energy into something that can reliably raise my mental acquity. I tether this one to another machine that supercharges the energy with the intent of increasing my mental acquity before linking this to my brain (and possibly my third eye).I'll also put in a regulator in the tether that connects to my brain so as to prevent overloading with the energies involved.
All the tethers involved have multidimensional aspects programmed into them so as to allow them to pull a doctor who (its bigger on the inside :O) so that the energy can flow freely as much as possible and to avoid problems with the machine not having room to store the excess energy.
The tethers also have a time-warping mechanism instilled into it to speed up the flow of energy from the sources to the machine itself.
I'm wondering if theres anything I'm missing that would increase its effectiveness and if taking energy from the bindrunes and mercury would be unnecessary since I'm sending the energy through a type changer anyways, if so does this mean i can connect to a sketchy source of energy like the LS sigil without risks of that completely screwing everything up?

In any case, I'm currently using this machine and am planning to see how efficient it is as it is right now.

I get that you wouldnt be able to say a lot closed order and all but any help would be appreciated, thanks.

EDIT: wanted to add the part about the regulator.
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Re: Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

Postby Circuitman » Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:29 am

So, a few questions.
Do you have anyone who can confirm that all of these things are working the way you want them to or at all? I don't mean that as insulting, but when working alone people don't tend to realize when they've made simple mistakes. In omni we always try to get our work verified by at least one other person.

Also, the planet Mercury?

What kind of energy are you using to raise mental acuity?

What is the LS sigil?

Regulator or no I would strongly advise against plugging anything into your brain that hasn't been examined by a skilled magician who knows how to sense magic in detail.
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Re: Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

Postby rawrstalemate » Wed Sep 21, 2016 2:45 am

Circuitman wrote:So, a few questions.
Do you have anyone who can confirm that all of these things are working the way you want them to or at all? I don't mean that as insulting, but when working alone people don't tend to realize when they've made simple mistakes. In omni we always try to get our work verified by at least one other person.

Also, the planet Mercury?

What kind of energy are you using to raise mental acuity?

What is the LS sigil?

Regulator or no I would strongly advise against plugging anything into your brain that hasn't been examined by a skilled magician who knows how to sense magic in detail.

I appreciate the concern and yes, I do have a skilled friend that checked on this for me, no offense taken of course.

And yes the planet mercury because in planetary magic mercury is associated with intellect, quick wits, thoughts and the mind in general. I understand that the energy of mercury can take many forms and not all of those would be beneficial to my goal but i accounted for that.

I'm using the more beneficial parts of mercurial energy because of the above stated associations.

The LS/Ellis/linking sigil was a sigil created by chaos magicians to gather energy when drawn in urban areas by siphoning energy from the environment or the attention paid to it to be used to power sigils or other spells but its pretty dangerous in most cases because its connected to many different sources of energy and as such you're pretty much rolling the dice on whatever kind of energy you get. And you're probably right, I'm not plugging this into my head no matter what :P.

Again i appreciate the concerns for my safety and yes, I and a friend of mine confirmed that this was safe to use for at least a short enough period to test its effect and if anything would go wrong he knows how to get past my defenses and remove it from me.

Thanks for the reply, I'm glad for the concern you're showing.
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Re: Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

Postby xan » Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:26 am

rawrstalemate wrote:The LS/Ellis/linking sigil was a sigil created by chaos magicians to gather energy when drawn in urban areas by siphoning energy from the environment or the attention paid to it to be used to power sigils or other spells but its pretty dangerous in most cases because its connected to many different sources of energy and as such you're pretty much rolling the dice on whatever kind of energy you get.

Can you post the sigil here?
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Re: Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

Postby rawrstalemate » Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:39 am

xan wrote:Can you post the sigil here?



There's multiple egregores tapped into the sigils network though (including Ellis herself, the personification of the network) and one of it's original intentions aside from being a storehouse is also to "thin to veil" of reality which means it could potentially cause unwanted magical phenomena.
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Re: Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

Postby rawrstalemate » Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:53 pm

Just an update, this has definitely helped boost my memory and understanding functions at least, its making me more logical thinking and has enabled me to think of some more idea's for experimenting with omnimancy. I will say I'm impressed with the system, its versatility and how far it can go with a little bit of creativity and knowledge.

I may post something on the other devices I've made next time once I got them all compiled.
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Re: Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

Postby Circuitman » Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:48 pm

How do you know the spell has boosted your memory and understanding? How did you test it?
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Re: Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

Postby xan » Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:56 pm

At the least, I'll say that I am skeptical this sigil does what people claim. I spent a while scanning it, and I believe you would receive greater output by tethering to as many ley lines as you can reach instead.

I have not scanned your spell, so I can't speak to that.
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Re: Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

Postby rawrstalemate » Sun Sep 25, 2016 4:09 am

I used multiple online memory tests, all of which came back with a higher score. As for understanding, that one was harder to test definitively. I read up on stuff that I didn't used to understand and it worked out much better for me this time.

As for the LS sigil, I've never really used it much other than when I was first starting out, I never really liked the risks involved with it.

If anyone would like to scan it, ask and we'll sort it out.
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Re: Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

Postby xan » Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:19 pm

rawrstalemate wrote:If anyone would like to scan it, ask and we'll sort it out.

Unfortunately the amount of help we can give is limited. For example, I can't hand you tech that I believe would improve your results.
If you want someone to look though, you can come to the public IRC channel and someone may be available.
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Re: Using omnimancy with other forms of magic.

Postby rawrstalemate » Wed Sep 28, 2016 5:14 am

Thanks, I understand that there's a limit on what you can and can't do for me.
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