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Long (long!) time no chat.

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Long (long!) time no chat.

Postby Freefall » Fri May 30, 2014 1:37 am


Not sure if anyone would even remember me, or even if the group is still alive or not considering all the dead forum! I used to be a student in Omnicyber years, and years, and even more years ago, but felt compelled to leave due to personal issues despite my love of it. :-(

Inner started poking me a couple hours ago though to poke my head in and say 'hi', so here I am typing this post at one in the morning because I can't sleep. :lol: Well, actually it started with performing an increasingly frantic search for my old class notes, but that's another story.

If there's anyone left active to read this I would humbly ask two questions of you. Is Omnicyber still active, and if so, is there any possibility that I might be welcome to return? It'd have to be from square one again, but maybe if I study my old notes and start practicing again I could catch back up to where I was quickly.

I don't want to be a burden though, and don't want to upset any members or the group as a whole, so if you want me to disappear just say the word.

With hope and optimism,
Graysparrow (Used to be Freefall)
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Re: Long (long!) time no chat.

Postby LordArt » Fri May 30, 2014 2:56 pm

How are things? Yeah, Cyber is still around, going strong. Mostly new faces since you've been in there but what else is new. Cyber has a new head since you've been in there, so in the end it is up to him. But you can always reapply. Glad you are doing well.
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Re: Long (long!) time no chat.

Postby Freefall » Fri May 30, 2014 7:34 pm

Wow! I didn't expect a response so quickly!* Let alone from you, Art!

Things are good. Too many of some, not enough of the other, but on the whole, very good. I hope your things are good too, especially your family! Glad to hear that Omnicyber isn't dead or dieing, I hope the current group is making you proud. :)

Thanks for the advice, I've submitted my official application in the appropriate (if dusty from disuse) forum thread. Maybe fate will be kind and grant me a second rare opportunity.

Anyway, it's great to know that at least one person I used to know here is still alive and kicking along with Omnimancy itself. Hope you have a great weekend!

*(Although my inner did expect exactly that, as they pointed out several times today while I was at work. So yea, sorry inner! You were right!)
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