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How was Crucible 2010

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How was Crucible 2010

Postby entity » Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:43 am

Hi everyone

Those who went to Crucible 2010, how was it? Was it a blast? Did everyone have fun?

Let me know
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Postby Oyama » Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:01 pm

I had a really great time, it was one of the best I've attended. Though I missed more of the actual lecture/panel stuff than I usually do, the ones I did see were very well done and engaging, and staying up 'til 5 am after the con talking shop, hanging out and joking around with the other practitioners was really fun.

Verdict: A Resounding Success! Come next year!
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Postby entity » Mon Oct 04, 2010 2:19 pm

Good, I'll have to make it next year, and actually meet the Omnimancers in real life.
I guess Crucible is very demanding to put together, theres a lot involved.

I'd like to know what a day in crucible is like
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Postby LordArt » Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:00 pm

entity wrote:I'd like to know what a day in crucible is like

Attendee: Get up, drive to hotel, get ticket and playbill. Kill yourself deciding which of the two tracks to go to and cursing the planners for putting two interesting topics opposite each other, but it's like that for almost every slot. Get a GREAT dinner for cheap, then more lectures and then talk to magicians of all walks of life until you drop from exhaustion.

Speaker: {Night before} Oh S%$t I have to get my presentation finished.
{Day of} Get my badge, talk to some people I haven't seen since last year, get sucked into a panel discussion and have a good time. Go back to room and rush finish one's presentation. Eat Dinner. Present. Relax. Actually attend the rest of Crucible, and then talk til you drop (which for me was 4 AM...I'm still not awake)

How's that? :)
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Postby inominandum » Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:56 pm

This was definitely one of the best.

Did a write up on my blog here http://strategicsorcery.blogspot.com/20 ... cible.html

Already looking forward to next year.

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Postby entity » Mon Oct 04, 2010 8:36 pm


That sounds pretty good, I'll go next year, once i loose a bit of weight lol. no but I saw 2009's itenary, and that appealed more to me, Im glad that some real magicians who want to teach others got together, for anymore there are so many charlatans out there and everybody wants money. I can name so many people who think they know, but know there scamming people. I'd like to meet you all, so Im planning 2011 as a time to go.

Im glad you all had a good time, the food looks good. and do they got good chinese food at that one place you meet before the event? I like general tso.
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Postby Obsidian » Tue Oct 05, 2010 6:33 am


I think I'm going to do my absolute best to get there next year. If I tie it in with a few other exploits, it sounds like it would definitely be worth the oversea's trip.

Is it always held roughly the same time of year, early October?

Also, is anyone aware of whether there's an Australian equivalent of Crucible or Omnimancy? My adventures in Melbourne have yet to turn up anything =/
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