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Postby Satsung » Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:34 pm

I like to look at karma as being The Law of Cause and Effect.


This is nice and simple looking in this equation. But, reality, with the infinite number of possiblities, becomes extremely difficult to predict what the cause will actually do.

No matter what you do... it could come back to bite you kiss you.

However, I do think that there are other beings and other energy structures and other things that I probably know nothing of that may filter the reactions in different ways...

So, two different people can do the same thing in the same situation and get a differenet result...

I guess I sound like the Caotician from Jurrasic Park... oh well.
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Postby StormSeeker » Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:26 am

I like to look at karma as being The Law of Cause and Effect.


Methinks I like you already, and I don't even know you. Yet, anyway :)

So, two different people can do the same thing in the same situation and get a differenet result...

The amusing thing is...not only may they get a different result entirely, depending on their individual pasts, everything contributing to what they did and the situation they're in, their beliefs about what the outcome will be before they act (unconscious will acting upon reality, unprohibited, can affect the outcome...if you buy into such things as "energy follows thought" and Micro-Psychokinesis), and such. But they're very liable to perceive the outcome differently as well.

Meaning, if both outcomes might be considered "negative" (for ease of example, say it's a loss of something...a loss of a friendship or a death or such) -- one person may well dwell upon the loss, due to personal attachments; the other might just sit and think "okay, so what's the lesson in this?"

Nevermind what happens being different to two different people in the same situation doing the same thing -- their perceptions of what happened, are going to differ as well. And most people don't get past their perceptions of events, to see what really happened.

/ramble :P
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Postby Satsung » Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:05 pm

Yes, I am in absolute agreement about the importance of perception.

It is truly amazing how your perception of the world changes how you react on every level. Your 'world view' can become a filter in itself.

If your 'world view' is strong enough and has enough energetic backing it can also begin to manifest things in harmonic accordance.

Of course, going back over what you were just saying, StormSeeker... I guess I am just saying the same thing in different words. lol

Not like I didn't think you already knew about all this anyway. But, this is still quite enjoyable. :)
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Postby hybridweb » Mon Aug 29, 2005 12:52 am

Satsung, awsome, I was just about to say something very similar to what you said. I think that people tend to over-think Karma, when really it is mainly the law of action and reaction. So, using the example someone else did earlier, where you are helping a friend, but you inadvertently harm someone else, you would get a negative outcome, in one respect, because you harmed someone (intent to do so would not neccessarily come into play, at least at first). I would imagine that, on the other hand, your friend would be quite grateful. And as StormSeeker said, perception is important. You might be so busy concentrating on the negativity from the person you accidentally hurt that you wouldn't even notice how grateful your friend was. If this happened to you and you had a different perception of things, you would notice how happy you had made your friend, and the negativity coming from the other person would barely affect you.

Basically, I consider Satsung's definition of Karma to be correct. The thing that is easily overlooked is the fact that what started out as one action can lead to many more actions, which each require a separate reaction. Life is not a straight line: it's a web.

Anyway, that's my two cents on Karma. Sorry if I've rambled on - I have a tendency to do that.

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Postby oath » Mon Jul 31, 2006 4:22 pm

I havnt read the other posts sorry but here is my view, simply put if I do say so.

Karma is simply cause and effect;action reaction; choice consequence.

The latter is by far my favorite use of wording because I find with every chioce there is a consequence to be found, no matter wether the choice be made in good conscience or bad;evil or right; truth or lie.

To answer your question more directly, I would have to say that karma does act on oneself and that it is not the universe persay that deals out the consequences but more so the laws of the universe that do so upon which the law is TRUTH. no matter, most people who do evil and are stupid and are still wanting to do evil whilst being aware that they are doing evil will not recognize that they are having the consequence coming upon them. They will more or less be oblivious to it.

For example, a child tells a lie, the lie makes the child have to remember the lie lest they be cought in it when questioned sometime later again by their parents or another person who is in charge of that child. the child must live with the lie and be accepting of it for they fear getting in trouble (i suppose). Now if the child continues to lie about other things, they will eventually start to be good at it and can then be considered criminals by others. Pretty soon the child turns to drugs and alcholism. Next the child is drunk in the hotel and gets thrown in jail, the child who is now and adult has not learned the value in telling the truth and continues to hurt themselves. Next they may lose their job and become a full time criminal. etc.. the list goes on but you get the idea, karma. All the while the person may be totally unaware of what is going on and not understanding of what they are doing to themselves
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Postby LordArt » Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:30 am

For example, a child tells a lie, the lie makes the child have to remember the lie lest they be cought in it when questioned sometime later again by their parents or another person who is in charge of that child. the child must live with the lie and be accepting of it for they fear getting in trouble (i suppose). Now if the child continues to lie about other things, they will eventually start to be good at it and can then be considered criminals by others. Pretty soon the child turns to drugs and alcholism.

Or turns into a politician. ;)
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Postby Ogre » Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:45 am

Or turns to a successful career in computers... :)
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Postby Obsidian » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:24 am

Karma. You hear way to much fluff about this subject being bantered around. The way it's been written hear, many moons ago, still holds true in my mind as being the most correct.

Action --> Reaction. Hell, it's been proven! By Neuton =)

You smack someone, they smack you back. Or they get their big mate to smack you back. If he smacks too hard, you get your mate to smack him back. So on and so forth.

I hear a lot about this 'truth' thing, as well. It doesn't really fit right in my mind, that the universe functions on truth, and rah rah rah. I think it's simply.. The universe functions. It merely is. Truth and Fiction come into play when we percieve it, but it never actually alters what's there.

An engine doesn't run on truth, it runs because it exists and it's parts do what they should. We percieve it to be running correctly, because we percieve the truth of it in our own minds.

A lie, told by a child. To the child it's a lie. To the parent, it's the truth. It happened (therefore it is) but there's different takes on that. Perception, as mentioned already.

Just my two cents, at One in the morning.
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Postby oath » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:16 pm

Lol obsidian, yes you have a point there and I would have to see that I have never seen truth as an actual energy-matter type of force besides what people create in their own minds, and thats stretching it. If it only be a concept however in our minds, it seems to do its fair share of screwing with people as well as that as far as I can tell it seems to be completely relative, or based on perception as you put it. In that sense, it comes down to a question of reality.

For instance, the reality of the engine running in the first place would be truth. But even that can be argued :wink:
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