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Why shit Happens

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Why shit Happens

Postby ChaoticMind » Sun Jun 26, 2005 6:50 pm

I was talking with a friend of mine about the whys and why nots of the universe and touching upon religon and alot of those ideas. I got to thinking why don't we expand the public section of the omnimancy website to include a bit more information on how shit works. Granted there are things that should and should not be said but information like that can be just merely presented as food for though instead of "Giving a Box full of Uzis to small children" :wink: . And comon, we all know most of this information is going to be given by an arthurism one of these days anyhow :D .
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Postby LordArt » Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:46 pm

After a certain fashion, another public section/forum on past worthwhile discussions was to be made, some of which would cover such things. That hasn't been done yet because of lack of time and modivation admittedly.

As far as a WHOLE forum dedicated to "how shit works", well, the BIG problem is, to describe anything, it needs to be in a frame of reference that the reader can understand from their perspective. To get enough detail to make it useful, would require too much "arthurisms" if you will. While I'm rather liberal with the arthurisms at Core, I'm not so much on the forums (although I do go overboard from time to time).

Besides, what subjects on "how it works" were you interested in, BTW?
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