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Postby oath » Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:38 pm

Ok, so I know not everyone sees these things in the air so please bear with me, and if you do see them or know something about them please say so as I have had countless discussions about this phenomenea on other forums with no real explanations or info from others besides what I was able to understand on my own, and thats saying I am at least halfway right.

I see these little "dots" everywhere or particles of light. I believe it is some form of matter but it does not appear to act like matter in the conventional sense. These things are hard to track as they are so dang small and so abundant (I cant just simply watch one of them and see where it goes). I have seen them react to things on many occasions, on such occasion I believe it to be a cause of some kind of entity, perhaps a demon, not sure though. Now my first question obviously is what are they, I personally attribute them to some form of energetic base matter, perhaps something like the element akasa would work for a description. Second question is can you use them and if so can you transmute or separate them, if they are in fact what you would call akasa element or a base primal building block type of energy, into other elements such as fire/heat, water/cold, air, or earth?

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Postby LordArt » Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:38 am

Unfortuantely, they could be any number of different things that your picking up. It could be anything from quantum singularities and seeing how they are reacting with the fabric of this dimention/realm, to seeing errant aural left overs from the many living things on this planet to pieces of spells or thought, etc.

Without a more direct analysis on them and their behavior, it's hard to say what it could be. The main reason why I mention the singularities is because the effect could be perceived simularrly. In the case of the experiments we did a while ago, they only lasted for about 30 seconds before winking out, but there were LOTS of them, coming in an out all the time. I won't explain the rest of the experiment online here, but they might be considered the "dots" your seeing. I would have to "look through your eyes" to see what you're actually seeing. Symbology to different people can cause this kind of massive ambiguity, so I can't really help too much further without more information (and still might not be able to help!)
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Postby Strider » Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:35 am

It could also be an optical illusion. I cant remember what it is called exactly but it could be how the light is refeacting off your/being percieved by your eyes.
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Postby oath » Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:49 pm

Oh alright, I could have gone into more description but was waiting/hoping someone would reply that knew exactly what Im talking about, then discuss it more in detail. I guess ill just have to wait, thnx for the responses though, and interesting ones at that :!:

edit:Ah what the hell. Ill go ahead and describe them further.

Well they seem most apparent or obvious when looking at dark open spaces, such as the sky in the middle of the night. Now, previously in the past, when I was younger I mean, I had asked others about this, mostly family and what not, all of them thinking im a little whacko and totally unbelieving of me (which is quite silly of them to think that). I also see them with eyes closed as well, and attribute them to hypagogic imagery in a way that either part of the mind, perhaps subconscious area of it is able to manipulate these in such a way that they come together to form familiar shapes and such, or that simply the mind uses creative visuazation to see patterns in the "dots" and creates images if you will, in the mind itself and not by moving or manipulating the dots to form said images. Both of these theories could be correct though as color seemed to be created by the creative visual part of the mind when I did conduct the chance experiment. Also, remember speaking to a claimed psychic once through chat who also mentioned these but called them "flurries" (I think, its been a while) and said she was also able to manipulate them and said it was easy. She, however, was not very easy to talk to and I ended our discussion after a short while. Besides that I have never met anyone in normal everyday outdoor life that had mentioned these phenomenea but have seen them mentioned on the forums and even made a thread at one particular forum, astral dynamics (I can find the link if anyone needs), where post count was high. As far as the demon is concerned, saying it was in fact a demon perhaps by the name of glasya-labolas, it seemed at the time as if the being was materializing out of the dots or started to materialize out of them into the physical world if you will but somehow stopped short for some reason. As well as that while viewing the mirror and seeing that the dots were particularly active on that night, I noticed that there was an abundance of them swirling around me and coming upon and over my face and changing it, or at least showing and impression of changing or distorting it so that it looked like my face was changing. these faces were particularly gross and hideos, but oddly enough unique at the same time. Kind of made me think of a really ugly or dirty man from the middle ages, the faces being many, but all of them having a certain visual feeling about them in common. lately I have been practicing the psi balls and trying to gather and test these "dots" more often, though the process is slow as I feel a bit stuck energetically speaking in terms of truly being able to see and gather enough of them to be conclusive and to try and transmute them.
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Postby Obsidian » Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:31 am

Uhh, why couldn't it easily be chemicals filtering in the rods and cones of your pupil?

You stare at the sky, you'll see what looks like static. Because of the refresh-rate of the eye. You close your eyes, you see what looks like static. Because the chemicals are re-adjusting your eyes, or simply shutting them down.

Not everything 'different' is magical. Many a time I remember hearing, "Ah! My head is hurting, what's attacking me?!" turn into, "You're right, I haven't drunk any water today..." or "Yeah, I do clench my teeth a lot".

Just because it's weird doesn't make it magic.

Having said that... It could well be =)
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Postby oath » Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:04 pm

http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewto ... 45&start=0

Ok, well heres a topic perhaps you can give that some more consideration?
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Postby Obsidian » Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:12 am

Honestly, it still sounds to me like,
"I'm special! I can see it!"

Everyone that's commented can see it too! So can I, for that matter.

Taking that into account, it's either (assumed) something all energy workers can see, or it's something all people can see.

I love the 'educated' guess pointing to it being sub-atomic particles. Things we can barely see with the greatest microscope's (optical, radio, electro or atomic) are visible to the naked eye? Not a fan of that idea...

I'm not trying to put you down or say what you're seeing is perfectly normal. I'm simply saying that it's not especially unique.

I'm more than guilty of it myself, because it's an easy trap to fall in to. Something different or 'odd' must immediately be magical. ..

Iuno. I'll let this topic drop, I think.
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Postby oath » Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:59 am

Obsidian wrote:
I'm not trying to put you down or say what you're seeing is perfectly normal. I'm simply saying that it's not especially unique.

I'm more than guilty of it myself, because it's an easy trap to fall in to. Something different or 'odd' must immediately be magical. ..

Iuno. I'll let this topic drop, I think.

Well sir you are sounding quite rude, and quite frankly I think it best that you do end this discussion.

Good day!
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Postby Draco_Platina » Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:52 am

I'd like to point out that this has been clinically explained as the rods and cones in your eye firing 'randomly'. Not special, it happens all the time and becomes more noticeable with fatigue. I agree with obsidian on this, as I've seen it routinely seized as a 'I am special' attribute.
I'd add a 'not to tear you down or call you dumb' paragraph or two, but judging by your response to Obsidian, you will just ignore it.
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Postby StormSeeker » Sat Aug 12, 2006 3:04 am

I've seen what would match the descriptions you've given, Oath, and given my experiences, in most instances, they didn't seem to have any substance or any energetic form/reflection. So I'd side with the neurological/optical/etc explanations and theories there.

A couple of times when I've seen them, they've been slightly different from before, and appeared to carry substance when I looked at them via magical senses; which would indicate to me that there may have been more than just optics at work. But like Arthur said, without having someone else look at where I was looking at, magically, I can't really be sure what they were, beyond my own perceptions.

And honestly, without having delved deeply into the scientific explanations and theories behind such things, I'm inclined to avoid drawing conclusions since I seem to lack sufficient knowledge/data on the possibilities.

It's one of those subjects I've always meant to read up on, I have just never gotten around to it. :)

I have heard on the topic of this sort of thing, that the rule of thumb is that if you blink a few times and they're still there (not 'if they come back a second or two later'; if they're still present), that they may be something more than optical illusion etc. I don't know how 'official' that is either; it's popular in the online psionics communities though.

For the record, this may well be one of those phenomena which have multiple, valid explanations, including the scientific/optical illusion option ie. where, though it seems that we're describing seeing the same thing, perhaps some instances share the same explanation and others have a different one. Yet because the descriptions from people all tend to share similarities, we automatically (and perhaps incorrectly) assume that it all must be one phenomenon.
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Postby oath » Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:13 am

Draco_Platina wrote:I'd like to point out that this has been clinically explained as the rods and cones in your eye firing 'randomly'. Not special, it happens all the time and becomes more noticeable with fatigue. I agree with obsidian on this, as I've seen it routinely seized as a 'I am special' attribute.
I'd add a 'not to tear you down or call you dumb' paragraph or two, but judging by your response to Obsidian, you will just ignore it.


Clinically explained?! Show me! I presented an idea, I stated why I thought this, and what I receive is a criticism against why I think this because, apparently, some of us dont have open minds and are unwilling to CONSIDER (thats right, take it back) the implications mostly likely because they disagree with certain beliefs (In which case belief applies to so called scientific fact! And if you dont believe me ponder the axiom, "What I know is relative and will be surpassed by higher truth, therfore I know nothing"!!)

So perhaps you should take a look around and take careful steps it when you come to my doorstep with your arrogance. And if you would like to try and increase your understanding of what I say, then read some of my recently posted philosophies. http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?t=3971

If you wish to discuss this with me and be civil do so and I will oblige you kindly, But dont argue and put me down and then complain that I ignored you for doing it.
Good day!
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Postby FireEssence » Sun Aug 13, 2006 9:54 am

I don't think anyone else here has put you down, it just seems they disagree and put forth their own evidence's as to why that is.

On the other hand, you're doing a great job of putting yourself down.



EDIT: When I wrote this I was rather annoyed and angry at how defensive and snappy you were getting merely due to others stating their opinions (which is actually what you were looking for)

Reading it now, I see I was a bit inflammatory. However, I am not going to remove it merely state that while it may be a bit harsh or aggressive, the point of it still stands.
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Postby Draco_Platina » Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:07 am

Whoa, oath. No need to get all puffed up about it. I'll look it up. It was stated by a local optometrist in conversation, so I can't really cite that for you to go look at, but I'll look around for some articles or something.
[inflammitory statements witheld. All of them.]
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Postby Obsidian » Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:25 am

Good day yourself!

You accuse me of having a closed mind, because I'm not willing to give substance to your belief that you're seeing things on a microscopic/atomic level with your naked eyes? Or that you're seeing perhaps quantum effects?

I'm sorry, but to me THAT sounds rude. Reading back through my past posts, they don't seem openly rude to me. Perhaps you're reading more into them than was intended.

Having said that, it looks to me like you've countered mine and Draco's posts with a threat... Take careful steps when I come to your doorstep indeed!

I feel no need to read your philosophies, and not due to some mis-guided belief that I've nothing to learn from them. More from the fact that you, in my mind, are clutching at straws. Like I've said in my previous posts, sometimes mundane things seem magical.

Want a case point? An example, which has happened to me on occassion.

A friend is feeling unwell. Her body is convulsing and she wants to throw up. She asks for my help, and I pop over to see what I can do. I let her know that I'm trying to assist, and her symptoms die down. Now two things could have happened. Or more.

I've stopped her symptoms via whatever I chose to do.
Her mind stopped them when she believed help was on the way.
Her body simply chose that moment to regain a sense of a normality.

What I'm trying to illustrate with that is I could easily assume, each and every time, that it was me doing so. Just as I could assume the little dots and flashes I see in the sky are energy, or perhaps radio-active matter giving off invisible rays, or whatever I like. It doesn't make it accurate however, and debunking/personally attacking someone because they point out you might be clutching at straws seems a little over the top to me.

I'm interested in seeing your rebuttal to this, however. I'm sure it'll take this post in a most inflammatory way, again accusing me of having a closed mind (which, to those that know me, is ridiculous), or something else. Perhaps another threat? =)

You might also take note of the fact that I gave you the benefit of the doubt in my first post, and never directly said that you aren't seeing energy, anywhere in my posts. I'm saying it's possible you aren't, and that assuming or guessing that you are straight up is premature.

Draco: Yeah, that's what I've heard too. Not sure where I read it, unfortunately. Somewhere during my investigations into how to augment my eyes, I guess =P Also more likely to see them in the cones due to them being slower refreshing (due to colour), iirc. But I may be mistaken.

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Postby LordArt » Mon Aug 14, 2006 1:23 pm

Alright, this is getting silly. Thread locked. Take it offline if you want to argue.
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