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Postby Kevin » Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:31 am

Sorry for the tripple posts yall, I didn't see that LordArt had replied, Megus make me mad want to see me die.. me see red :evil: .You no see me die :twisted: I'm good baby too good :twisted:

I do believe that I am ready as a person. I have never followed though on ANYTHING but I am confident that there is a path for me and a I was wondering though the woods I read a sign Omnimancy.Com 2Miles ahead and here I am. I know you would like me to as I am ready and I will follow though, or maybe I would like that but if you were me would you. You speak of the group, they seem cool 8) but as for the groups direction that is a thing I don't know of. I've been trying to ask, really I don't even know what kind of magic you do. To know what a headomnimancer knows must give you a great deal of knowledge and power. I am a seeker of truth and light. I have only seen what I can do, can a man alone speak aloud or is he just thinking to him :wink: self.
-----------------------Keep talking LordArt and I'll keep listening-----

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Postby LordArt » Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:55 am

Well, Kevin, I've given you the benifit of the doubt up to this point. However, it does appear evident that you are not ready. At least for Omnimancy, and perhaps you should look elsewhere for your quest for knowledge.

My reasons are as follows. You seem to be one or more of the following:
    Autistic - Your posts seemed to have degraded in coherence as each post came. The inability to put your thoughts into understandable words in such a medium as this forum is an issue. Omnimancy is a detail oriented magical system which gets more complicated the higher you go. While Omnimancy isn't THAT bad(complicated), if your lack of shown ability to wield the english language is an indication of your ability to think about complex subjects, Omnimancy isn't for you. You should find a different path that suits you better.

    Ebonic - If it is simply a matter that you speak ebonic, that is an issue because I am having a hard time understanding your dialect. Communication and understanding what the other person means is paramount in learning anything, let alone magic. Many of the world's problems come from misunderstandings.

    Troll - It is possible, based on the degrading clarity of your messages, that you are simply trolling. If that is evidenced by your future messages, this will be my last message to you.

I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but you said yourself, you have never followed through on anything. What would make this different? Learning magic is a long and involved process and I don't wish to waste your time or my time if your not going to follow through. But following through is only a small issue compared to the communication one.

Good Luck in your search.
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Postby MageMindy » Fri Feb 28, 2003 2:19 pm

And the Lord smacketh him down and telleth him to EBOS.
Applauds Arthur for the autism comment!

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Postby RobinHood » Sat Mar 01, 2003 10:42 am

One word for Kevin :crazy:

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Postby Kevin » Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:59 am

It does disapoint me that you don't think that I am ready to learn Omnimancy :cry: <--but not that disapointed. Just so you Know what you call Ibonic is a mixture of very poor typing, the fact that I am the worst speller ever and I do use some ebonics, this is just something I picked up in high school and not really the way that I talk or think it's just the way I talk when having fun and I got the idea that Mage Mindy liked the way I typed so I tryed really hard on the 2nd post just for her (my own fun :roll: ). :?: The Ebonics thing isn't a black thing is it, cause I am half :!: :) Just asking, though by looking over my posts I see were you are coming form. This puts us in agreance on the fact that I am not good with this medium. And in requesting teaching I realize that I would be asking more than a normal student but I am still asking. Heres the thing, complex subjects are the spice of life, this is why I am talking to you now. I did have a hard time because I don't know where you're coming from we have no common ground in language, I don't know what you see as magic and you don't know what I call knowledge and truth(there is only one truth and I don't know how to write it down). This doesn't mean we can't find a common ground or that I'm :crazy: . My disapointment is difused by two things one you said you weren't done talking and two I have no idea on what I'm missing out on. Really. My trolling comes in to effect here, like I said I haven't been into magic in a long time and when I was it was only a branching out of my interest in Phychic connections in all life :D and phychic power which I also think we all have and I am aware of(It's True). So about Omnimancy :D . What is magic? In the phychic world power mostly grow from a disipline of the mind and peace with life and people, theres more but haven't I written enough tonight. Were do you get the power to make people move their car at the mall, I am not moking this is a cool thing and it is the only example of Omnimancy magic I have ever heard of. After a google search I saw that Omnimacy was involved in a W.I.C.C.A. forum, do you see magic the same. Teach me enough so that I can learn your language. Don't teach me what a person without the ability to understand complex ideas can understand if you don't think I can, though this is just a communication problem caused by me and I will understand everything you have to say. So Arther do I stand a chance with time, just think of me as a project, or a person who you can help understand a few things about magic I'm sure you could find a safe way to do that :whack: .Anyway Love You All. Ever Mage Mindy :griping: .
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Postby MageMindy » Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:31 am

kevin, whis is it so hard for you to take a hint? the head of omnimancy called you autistic... *HINT*... give it up.
it's time to stop trying dear. i have no idea how you could have gotten the impression i liked your form of typing. i dont. it's obnoxious and shows how seriously you're taking this request for teaching- i.e. not at all.
now go crawl back into what ever cave you came out of and give up the hope of being taught by us. it's not gonna happen.

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Postby Strider » Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:49 am

Concepts of Dark and Light are being talked about, I cannot resist. First off... both are social constructs. The New Guinian Head Hunter does not see it as evil to take the head of their enemy and eat their corps while the general concensous of the world see it as brutaly barbaric.

Honestly, your constant referal to you being a follower of Light only prooves that you are darker than you think you are. For your ideals you have forsaken the understanding and open mindedness you claimed to have. Ignorance and Rightousness are the ultimate tool of someone not ready to wield ANY form of power, be it magical or your local gang of dorks from HS that will do whatever you say to fit in.

As for your language and the like. I have no problem with anyone typing like that... HOWEVER when petitioning for to a group for membership you do them a great disrespect by showing that you do not have the common curtosy to spell things or write out words fully. I am a bad speller as well, but it has not stopped me from writing like I have respect for the people I am in discussion with.

I can state that I am not in the habit of taking on "projects" to sorta groom them for magical practice. I am the Head Mage of Omni-North. My students prooved themselves worthy for me to consider them students. Someone I have to groom makes for a good lapdog... NOT a good Mage.

Her is my subtle advice to you...

Take the hint. You are not ready. I had more maturity and understanding at the age of seventeen when I started and still do at the age of twenty then you exemplify now.

So speaketh the Rich
Fear me not, for I am not my friend Ogre...

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Postby LordArt » Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:02 pm


What we refer to magic is a classification of energy that has a property of being able to be altered and directed by thought. Omnimancy is all about being able to move and shape this classification of energy to accomplish different tasks. (To answers your question about "What is Magic"). That's a DRASTIC oversimplification of it, but it's a start. Our power comes from ourselves but has nothing to do with "peace with life and people." :lol: We aren't tree huggers. Life has both the good and bad, light and dark, positive and negative (or whatever pair you wish to use). Both must be understood for what they are. You speak of "One Truth". Truth is in the eye of the beholder, both in definition and what it encompasses. If there is "One Truth", I highly doubt that you or anyone else knows it. Truth gets into the realm of faith and religeon, and that is not what we are about. We are about finding facts as best we can.

Omnimancy has nothing to do with Wicca or it's beliefs. While wiccans' believe in magic and use it, their methods are different and in general they are not as focused on magic but on thier religeon. The group has given different talks at the local college and participated in a few Pagan Panel discussions.

I have nothing against black people. Two of my students are black. But they don't speak ebonics, or a dialect that is hard to understand.

Magic workers, Pagans, New Agers have quite a bit more than their fair share of nut balls, let alone the internet. You created a first impression that you are :crazy: . You certainly didn't do much to counter that idea.

When I consider a new student, there are many things I have to look at. Part of it is can they handle it mentally, part of it is do they have the strength of character to undertake the persuit and finish what they started, and part of it is to see how well they get along with the rest of the group.

When you go on a job interview, do you wear a suit and be on your best behavor, or do you go in a clown suit and annoy your potiential co-workers? And then speak cryptically to the interviewer? Running this group isn't just about Magic, it's about member harmony with each other. I don't allow new members that either have unresolvable issues with current students or vice versa. It isn't worth the hassles and problems. In your act of playing around, you have spoiled things for yourself.

You ask me to take you on as a project. My question is: Why should I? Because you asked and I have nothing better to do? Honestly, I'm far too busy as it is, between running the group, running my business, and running the rest of my life. :) A quest for knowledge is admirable but you haven't shown that is your purpose. You have played around, when you should have been asking serious questions and presenting yourself ready to work hard to learn. Magic isn't a six week course to get a piece of paper, or a test you memorize the answers for just to forget after the test. It becomes part of how you approach everything because you have a different perspective. It can take years for people to become competent.

Kevin, there might be groups out there that like your approach to meeting them/creating your first impression, but this isn't one of them. We have kicked newbies out for simular. I hope that you learn from this experience and that the next group you petition to join, you approach them better and more seriously.
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Postby Contrary » Sat Mar 08, 2003 12:36 pm

*looks at Kevin's huge block of text smattered with smilies* No hell way am I going to read that, especially when it's probably just more fruitiness from the fruit. Dude, Kevin, go back to 4th grade and learn what a paragraph is. Say it with me now, 'par-&-"graf. Good ebonoid, have a cookie! *hands him a ticking, smoking macaroon*
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My Teacher?!

Postby MorningStar » Thu Mar 27, 2003 2:16 pm

So it's come to my attention, that Itsu Kirin , got the permission from Lord Art ... to be my teacher, thus I'll be her student.
So will I become a student in this forum aswell?...
Trust me, my knowlege obttained will be used, mentally after I pass on...
but now will just be learned /tested / and recorded in my own books.

ty http://www.1ebooks.com/images/cds/lucifer.gif[/b]

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No, not your teacher....

Postby LordArt » Thu Mar 27, 2003 10:18 pm

So it's come to my attention, that Itsu Kirin , got the permission from Lord Art ... to be my teacher, thus I'll be her student.
So will I become a student in this forum aswell?...
Trust me, my knowlege obttained will be used, mentally after I pass on...
but now will just be learned /tested / and recorded in my own books.

Umm, that's funny....I'm LordArt (checks name). Yep, that's me. I gave no such permission or even heard about it til you mentioned it. No, she doesn't have permission to take you on as a student. From what I understand, you made enough of an impression at Omni North to warrent that. You were told that at the time, and you said you were fine with it, so I don't really know what this is all about. If "Itsu Kirin" lead you to believe what you say, then she is mistaken and will be contacted shortly about it. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
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No...My Inner self is Sorry...

Postby MorningStar » Fri Mar 28, 2003 8:01 am

Had I known that this was all in my imagenation, I would have never agreed to go to that meeting, and now am really disappointed, that I may have gotten a freind in trouble with her Head of Mages...

Thus I know my mission on earth, isn't about healing it... nore is it about becomeing just a mage, and if you all didn't want my freindship... then Sugar coating my feelings , was not a option.
I'm real displeased, and even if the entities behind me, don't want me here with the Omni, They would have had to deal wih it, I'm not dead yet, and they don't own the living.

Thus I'm never comming to this site again, or asking anything of any of you Including the ones I've trusted with info... I don't know how I could've been sooo blind not to see this comming, all though I felt it strongly... <Pushing his feelings aside, letting his pride take over>

<Looks up as they start to stare at him, with eye brows arched>
Don't worry, I'm not the type of person to plan revenge, or wish death upon foolishness... But I will say... this...
I sure hope I don't feel any of your presences on the other side, or I will have to do my job in title
except for Jow & Athe.

:twisted: <Turns around walking out the door, as he vanishes into a cloud of bright yellow mist><and is gone> :twisted:

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Postby Itsu Kirin » Fri Mar 28, 2003 9:28 am

Well i think I can at least clear SOMETHINGS up.

Strider had told me that I could teach him the public consumtion stuff, I had thought that the permission was coming from LordArt so that was my error in saying so.

There was never any plans to teach any strictly Omnimancy stuff.

miscomunications abound
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Postby Strider » Fri Mar 28, 2003 10:23 am

This is a clarification on my end since I was obviously not clear enough (which I admit is a problem of mine).

Morning Star, what I told Itsu Kirin was that she could teach you public consumptin stuff because I felt that it was wrong just to have you come over and us telling you outright "we cannot take you as a student". Itsu Kirin is not cleared to take on students since by our definition she is still a "Newbie" all be it she has been in the group for eight months now if not more. Public consumption is just as we call it, nothing more nothing less.

As far as the issues of sugar-coating you feelings we did not want you to leave with a bad impression of us. This was my mistake and I take full blame for that.

As for the entities you hang out with. -This is my understanding of it- Regardless of whether or not you are theirs when you die or not, that is not how they presented themselves. Even through a bond like that you are theirs because you have no will where you go when you die, simply put you are a minion regardless of your perception. They will do what is in their power to keep you from straying away from your "desitiny" thus taking an active role in your life. Moreso I personaly do not feel comfortable around them nor did other members who will remain nameless for now. If you feel like discussing this further please let me know, but my opinion still stands as such.

As far as getting Itsu Kirin introuble, you did not. As I said before it was my fault for not being clear enough. It is something she and I will discuss.

Itsu Kirin, I am the Head of Omni-North, though yes discussion with Arthur about such things are normal place, the choice to teach Morning Star Public Consumption was my choice. Unless I specificly say LordArt has something to do with something, it is my call. You should know this dear.

Also, just because you can teach public consumption stuff does not mean that you can take on students. I do not know if this was your phrasing or a missunderstaing between you and MorningStars, but plainly put I do not feel as though you are ready to take on students. This is not meant to knock your abilities as a Mage, but teaching is a completely different concept then the practice and utilization of our style of magic.

Fear me not, for I am not my friend Ogre...

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Just in case....

Postby LordArt » Fri Mar 28, 2003 11:05 am

Just on the off chance you do comeback to read this, let me give this to you from my perspective...

I don't know you. I have never met you or had a conversation with you. I'm sorry what I said upset you, but someone with your backround should be able to deal with someone being blunt and upfront, which is my normal mode of speaking. I only stated facts that were told to me by several sources. You seem to be reading things into things that aren't there.

The first thing I heard about you was your post titled "New Members of this happy family". I immediately asked around the group who you were, and if anyone knew you. No one did until I talked to Omni North. I was informed that you were told that the first (and only that I'm aware of) meeting up there was to get to know each other to see if Omnimancy was right for you and you right for Omnimancy. During that meeting, you expressed yourself. You also voiced the opinion of those that you work with that it probably wasn't a good idea for you to join Omnimancy. I also understand another incident happened during that meeting, but I don't know much about it, so I won't bring it up here. In anycase, I was informed, that at that meeting it was decided that Omnimancy probably wasn't right for you, and you were told this, and were fine with it. Since it was mutually agreed upon, I considered the matter closed.

It isn't a personal thing, just that some people are right for Omnimancy, and some aren't. Desire isn't enough, and its hard turning people away, but it does happen. I'm sure your a freindly enough person in person, but as I said before, I don't know you, and our only communication has been about "business".

Then I get your recent message saying that I gave permission to have you trained by "Itsu Kirin". Well, I'm sure you wouldn't be too pleased if you found out that someone was claiming you said something you didn't say, especially if it was the opposite position that you had. From the message, it looked as if you had read into things that you were now a student and was requesting access to the things here. As I stated in my message to you, I was sorry for the misunderstanding, since that shouldn't have been the case, and didn't know how you got that impression.

"Itsu Kirin" unfortunately assumed that permission came from me. Strider can run his group as he sees fit, he does ask me for advice, which is perhaps where "Itsu Kirin" got that assumption from that I said yes. In either case, public consumption stuff isn't anything that can't be learned elsewhere. It just has a sprinkle of Omnimancy flavoring. Unfortunately, as was said, that lead to misunderstandings/miscommunications.
She isn't in trouble at all, it just was unfortunate that you were the victim in this. Freindship or wanting freindship has nothing to do with this process. It's hard when a freind wants in, but in good conscence, can't let them in because you know they aren't ready(which can mean anything from lack of time to complete what they started to not having the emotional character to be able to handle it).

"...and they[your entities] don't own the living." Considering what I know of your contact with those particular ones, I'm sure you will find that they do have that opinion in your case. And while your best intensions might be to their contrary, you will find that they won't give up that easily.

Don't worry, I'm not the type of person to plan revenge, or wish death upon foolishness... But I will say... this...

I sure hope I don't feel any of your presences on the other side, or I will have to do my job in title

Come come. You were doing so well, then you had do to something as silly as this. What did you hope to accomplish with that? If you consider us so inferior that this would matter, then why were you coming here to be asked to be trained in the first place? Please keep your dignity, don't make yourself a fool.
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