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Postby Spartan » Wed Jun 15, 2005 9:02 am

I think everyone knows what the term means; the rebirth of a spirit in a human(or as some say animal/something else) body.

Now, there are many different theories on how it happens, and even 'if' it happens.

Here a few idea's on how it could happen(there are many more, but I am just giving some examples now).

A When an embryo is created in the uterus, a spirit(that is able to incarnate) takes notice of that(trough whatever means) and then settles itself in the embryo creating a lower and then it's born, and is like any of us.

B When an embryo is created in the uterus, a spirit(that is able to incarnate) takes notice of that(trough whatever means) and then helps the embryo(which in that case is still only flesh/material) being build in the uterus, and making connections to it on energetic level(of any kind) so when the embryo turns into the fetus and then into the baby, the spirit can connect good enough with the baby when(or just before or after) it is born and become what we all are/were.

C Or the spirit 'attaches' the connections when the brain is developed(the brain also serving for a connection to the astral/other 'planes/universes') in the fetus.

I wonder what others think about this subject and how it works, and I also like to hear how this is viewed from an omni background/frame of reference.

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Postby the cursed and fallen » Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:45 am

would u think i was crazy if i said i think two spirits entered my fetus, and their spiritual energies entertwined and somewhat fused together to create a single mindset that at times veres off in opposite directions.....i somewhat talk to myself.......and the spirits inside me told me their names......
the cursed and fallen
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Postby Syntax » Sun Jan 27, 2008 3:28 pm

the cursed and fallen wrote:would u think i was crazy if i said i think two spirits entered my fetus, and their spiritual energies entertwined and somewhat fused together to create a single mindset that at times veres off in opposite directions.....i somewhat talk to myself.......and the spirits inside me told me their names......

No, but you are definitely unsure of yourself. Not that I believe you or don't believe you, I just don't think you quite fit the inside the crazy bucket. Whether you have two spirits inside intertwined, well, stranger things have happened, so as far as I know, it's possible. (Which is not much.) Again, not to say that your case is such a case.

Do you have any reason to believe such a thing other than talking to yourself? Has anyone else verified the names before you told them?
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Postby the cursed and fallen » Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:11 pm

Syntax wrote:
the cursed and fallen wrote:would u think i was crazy if i said i think two spirits entered my fetus, and their spiritual energies entertwined and somewhat fused together to create a single mindset that at times veres off in opposite directions.....i somewhat talk to myself.......and the spirits inside me told me their names......

No, but you are definitely unsure of yourself. Not that I believe you or don't believe you, I just don't think you quite fit the inside the crazy bucket. Whether you have two spirits inside intertwined, well, stranger things have happened, so as far as I know, it's possible. (Which is not much.) Again, not to say that your case is such a case.

Do you have any reason to believe such a thing other than talking to yourself? Has anyone else verified the names before you told them?
no....u see, one told me his name was kirota............i thought that wasa cool name and all i've even used it in rps and stuff, cuz i'ma loser but after a year or so i got curious and tried figuring out if it had any special meaning, it sounded japanese so i thought maybe its just me (cuz i like anime and stuff) but then i went to the wiktionary-- wikipedia's dictionary, and kirota is finish for ''curse'' so like yea, the other one hasnt really spoken his name but i sense great enlightenment from him, he's wise and such, maybe he hasnt told me his name cuz i dont listen to him as much as i do to kirota...........the spirit without morals, lol
the cursed and fallen
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