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No Brainer

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No Brainer

Postby Spartan » Thu Dec 09, 2004 2:42 pm

Something interesting maybe?

About 1-2 weeks ago I stumbled on this article(link: http://alternativescience.com/no_brainer.htm ), people without a brain, and living like 'normal' people.

I wondered how a person could live their life that way, so I thought, "Maybe people don't need their brain, or the brain has different uses than what is defined now."

For example, could the brain be some sort of 'organ' that keeps/makes the connection between the energy body and the physical body?

Scientists say memories are stored in the brain, and when the brain gets damaged, people may lose those memories. Could it be that the 'connection' that the brain makes(in this theory) may just be damaged, because on the physical, the connection/brain gets damaged, and that way some things can't go down the connection(to the energy/astral body) anymore, like memories(which I think are stored in the inner/sub-c), or can't be stored anymore since the connection is damaged.
The same with other functions that scientists give to parts of the brain, for example; motoric(sp?) functions to move the body, if that part gets damaged in the brain, a person may not be able to walk anymore, could it be that - that part of the connection is damaged also then.

I'd like some other thoughts/opinions on this. :wink:
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Postby FireEssence » Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:25 pm

Well I could agree with you in a sense about the brain being related to the energy body to some extent but IMO I don't see how one can use the example that it's a bridge between the energy body and the physical body when talking about people who live like normal people _without_ fully developed brains.

From my gathering, I would assume that without a connection of some sort between ourself and our astral self and/or soul we'd be inoperable here. Thus these people wouldn't be behaving like 'normal' people if they were even anything outside of comatose (using your example that is)

Also, these people do have some neurological tissue and fully-developed bodies otherwise. Isn't it more sensible to assume that right off the bat there is some sort of 'mundane' explanation for their ability to exist as regular folks more likely connected to adaptation in the early stages of development and life than to astral dynamics?

Anywho, that's all I have for now. And no I'm not pissed off nor am I saying I know everything, all just my take on it.
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Postby Spartan » Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:41 pm

lol, I didn't read your post as offensive in any way. :)

The point you made (about the folks that don't have a brain, and me theorizing that the brain may be the connection between physical and astral, and thus not having a brain would, in that sense, also mean that someone can't live), I already thought about it, but haven't come to something that sounds a bit right, astral connections are probably easier changed to let a physical body work, than changing a persons physical connection to have a good connection with the astral(sounds weird, sorry :P). So maybe there is another way those people(or maybe everyone) is connected with their astral and physical body.

For example, my arm gets astrally damaged, I can feel it physically, and vice versa, so maybe everything is connected in a direct way, instead of trough one part(theorizing the brain here).

Murf, can't think that straight atm, so I'll stop here, going to bed now. :)
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Postby FireEssence » Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:09 pm

Well, if you buy certain theories, our astral body is a direct translation of our physical self onto the astral.

Thus, just like if you place a substantial amount energy on local astral it shows up on the local physical, if your arm is hurt on the astral, even though the damage doesn't replicate as obviously, it is still felt by you.

Therefore the connection is the body itself as opposed to any specific part or parts because the whole thing is merely another reflection of the astral one. Thoughts?
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