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A little energy philosophy...

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A little energy philosophy...

Postby FadeWind » Tue Jul 06, 2004 11:44 am


This site has a little walkthrough tutorial about "getting in touch with nature" or something, but he's got a few bits and pieces that seem on the right track(not that i would know)...as far as energy work goes...might be enlightening about finding new paths to old ideas...just another random search for those of us without access to the real stuff here...

i've always had a problem with what might benefit my sixth sense more: closing down my other senses to force my sixth to work, or opening them up and letting the sixth follow suit...? anyway, this site has some ideas for prep work and mind-tuning...
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5 senses

Postby calculon » Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:51 am

i think that you need to keep your 5 senses open. Your 6th sense doesn't really have an anchor in what most people would call the physical world. Personally, the only times i feel that maybe my 6th sense has been tickled (and they are few an far between) have been when my other sense have tipped me off. For me, any 6th sense is either an interpretation of what is happening to one or more of my other sense, or an intuition of what will happen... So closing off your 'normal' senses doesnt seem to me to be a path to heightening your 6th sense. I'd love to tell you how to heighen your 6th sense but i'm pretty new at this stuff!

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