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A place where any form of magic and stories/experiences related may be discussed. This is also appropriate to discuss general Omnimancy principles, of course.

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Postby dawnfalcon » Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:15 am

I posted an application,
in the appropriate thread,
but now it has just occured to me,
that these forums were probably dead. :wink:
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Postby StormSeeker » Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:06 am

*gives the rhyming one a cuddly cthulu*
I'm not sure whether I should encourage you or not :P

If you look at the other forums ie. the passworded ones, you'll see there have been posts in there recently, not to mention other people have added to the applications thread in recent weeks as well. So the forums aren't --not-- looked at, if you get my meaning. And when the time comes for Cyber to start interviewing possible new students, the Applications thread will be definitely looked at. Tis why it is there in the first place, after all :)

The open/public forums tend to kind of be dead though, as not many seem people use them. But anyone wanting to ask questions, or post their own replies/topics are more than welcome to, yourself included.

I personally wouldn't mind seeing more active topics in the public parts of the board. It would be a nice change to get some intelligent discussions going on with those that come to the forums, as well as those who are already in Omni.

Just need more time to actually think up subjects..and time to post... *nods*
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Postby dawnfalcon » Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:10 am

yeah... I see... your right... it IS only the public forums....
*sigh* The only forums I usually post at use a totally different format (they use UBB).
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Postby LordArt » Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:21 pm

The forums are active, just not in the public areas as StormSeeker has said. Not that the public one's CAN'T be, they just aren't. I personally check the forums a few times a day, as I know some others do.

Generally, the forums are geared to members, so that's where the activitity is. The public forums are here for discourse, but really isn't set up for general "one-stop-shopping for your occult needs" :) . It's more of a meet and greet area and to ask questions (and in a forum context, so others can see if their question has already been asked), so it doesn't attract constant non-member attention.

I don't understand what difference it makes what software runs the forums (ie. UBB vs phpBB2 which this is).

I hope that explains things some.
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