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The Barrier

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The Barrier

Postby Nogitsune no Negai » Mon Jul 04, 2022 1:55 am

What is it exactly. How does it work with Earth Astral layers and how does it tie to the Astral Astral. Also. Where exactly is the Astral Astral located?
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Re: The Barrier

Postby LordArt » Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:26 pm

Nogitsune no Negai wrote:What is it exactly. How does it work with Earth Astral layers and how does it tie to the Astral Astral. Also. Where exactly is the Astral Astral located?

I'm not really sure what you are referring to. Earth Astral is what we refer to as the realm that overlays what we call Earth physical (the material world if you wish to call it that). So when someone sees a ghost or whatever spirit, it is the earth astral they are seeing it in. I'm not sure what you mean by "astral astral" or even the "barrier".
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Re: The Barrier

Postby Nogitsune no Negai » Fri Jul 15, 2022 4:59 pm

I guess I mean that which increases the entropy and complexity preventing direct and tangible concise physical instantaneous physical manifestation on the Earth Physical plane.
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Re: The Barrier

Postby LordArt » Sun Jul 17, 2022 12:45 am

Nogitsune no Negai wrote:I guess I mean that which increases the entropy and complexity preventing direct and tangible concise physical instantaneous physical manifestation on the Earth Physical plane.

I'm not sure that entropy or complexity is preventing physical manifestations. Earth astral and beyond is rather complex. It just has the property of being able to be influenced by (for lack of a better term), magical energy, which in turn is influenced by will (which is an over-simplification but it will do for now). Since over the years we have seen physical manifestations and even randomly caused a few, it's not prevented, just not an at will ability. Or more precisely, not a reliable at-will ability.

I think the larger issue is causality. Magical manifestations cause a ripple so that it was always going to be even though before it wasn't. The old example is you cast so your paycheck arrives early. You do this a minute before you go check your mail. You get there, and there is your paycheck. But little imps didn't just poof it into existence, if you mundanely track it back, it was a series of coincidences that allowed the manifestation. That doesn't change that you didn't actually cast it until a minute before you checked, but all the coincidences happened weeks to perhaps months before for it to be true.

At one point in our research a long while ago, we came across what could have been multiple parallel realities that looked like frames on a film strip. We did an experiment to understand this phenomenon with something as simple as an energy ball blinking bright. We put an energy ball that blinked every few seconds 2 minutes into the future, and observed. Looking at the the "cells of the film" there were interesting observations. Upon casting, the middle film cell showed the energy ball in the future, BUT there was ripple that went out and the other cells in both directions now had the energy ball blinking at different states. So one was closer in time, the other was further away. If what was observed was multiple universes, the ripple would have only gone in one direction on the "film", since that would have represented different choices. But in this case, it showed the ball closer and further away in time. The larger issue was, why wasn't the energy ball already there before we cast the spell in the first place? So what we took away from this experiment was the universe is static until it's operated on by an outside force (ie. a magic casting), but then that manifestation happens in such a way that whatever it was was always going to be there. The ripple goes out to change the universe so that is true.

This then applied to normal magical workings and how something like summoning an paycheck actually manifests. But more importantly towards your question would be that, at least with earth physical, whatever that is manifesting has to be possible within the physics of the realm. While a good magician can manifest what they desire, the manifestation has to be within the realm of possibility of normal physics to manifest. The more improbable, the harder it is to manifest. So manifesting a series of coincidences for a paycheck is far more probable than a fireball spontaneously appearing in mid air and start flying around. Physics as we know it, doesn't allow for a self-sustaining fireball without a lot of external special situations to make an atmospheric phenomenon let alone fuel of some kind. So the barrier you are looking for isn't so much a barrier, but rather the physics here simply doesn't allow for certain manifestations simply because the physics doesn't support it. And while such strange manifestations do seem to be possible, even with the physics limitation, we haven't figured out what those circumstances are, and if they can be artificially induced.

I'm not sure that helped, but it's my perspective on your question.
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Re: The Barrier

Postby Nogitsune no Negai » Tue Jul 19, 2022 2:33 pm

It does, it sounds like retrocausality where an event in the future is perturbing things in the past. It's in quantum mechanics, https://phys.org/news/2022-07-physicist ... cAKQ5PBfCQ.

Synchronicity I think is also appropriate here, having things fall into places almost seemingly effortless. I'm familiar with synchronicity. I guess the direct manipulation of matter itself is what I'm asking about. I remember once having energy run through me like a conduit so much I couldn't walk properly and crawled to the water boiler to ground myself and dissipate. It's that that interested in. What can affect the quantum probability collapse or gravity or whatever it is to cause a direct interaction with physical matter however it gets from quantum states to physical properties.

I'm surprised something hasn't figured this out and nd pop up and join us on Earth, lol
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