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Differentiation between the higher self and innerself.

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Differentiation between the higher self and innerself.

Postby casruf58 » Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:05 am

How would I differentiate between the higher self and the innerself? Can the innerself and higherself fight or have disagreements and if so how does that usually end up?There's a tech spell that my innerself has been trying to show me for a while now so that I can draw a representation of it, yet I keep running into problems while I am trying to do this. I don't have a firm grasp of what the problem is however I can roughly tell that it's about a clash between my innerself and something else; my current guesses for what that something else is are my higher self, my psyche or another spirit. My innerself told me that it's not an issue that can be resolved by force nor one where I can rely solely on it for help. I have also been having a problem with my dreams where my innerself has been trying to reveal something to me but something is getting in the way. A lot of my recent dreams have something to do with water and while I am experiencing the dreams I feel an urgency to go beneath the water however I keep waking up from those dreams before I can do so or something else is preventing me such as getting bitten by a snake moments before I'm about to go below. In my most recent dream which was a lucid dream a voice tells me to jump out the window (I feel that there may have been water beneath the window but this is just a guess) and just as I am about to do so something wakes me up and no matter what I tried I couldn't go back to sleep nor figure out what was below the window. I have a feeling that the problems I've been facing with drawing the representation of the tech spell are related to the trouble with dreams that has been happening to me. To summarize I feel like my innerself has been trying to show me a tech spell as well as other things yet someone else keeps getting in the way; my first guess is that it's my higher self. For now the only solution that has presented itself to me is to continue struggling with drawing the representation of the tech spell as well as focusing on my dreams until a breakthrough appears. My intuition tells me that finding out how to differentiate between my higher self and my innerself would be the best way to cut this Gordian Knot. I would be most grateful if someone else had a different opinion or could provide clarity on my dilemma.
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Re: Differentiation between the higher self and innerself.

Postby Vertex » Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:22 am

O...kay. I'mma parser this a sec:

"How would I differentiate between the higher self and the innerself? "
Experience primarily. From the Omnimancer perspective, what we call a Higher Self isn't actually a 'self', it's a separate entity who's there to watch over, though not necessarily help you. The "Occult" understanding is that your "Higher Self" is the version of you that exists between lifetimes, and an accumulation of all your lives experiences as well aaas your time 'disincarnate'. That exact thing is what we mean by 'Inner self'.

Terminology Wise:
Standard Occult "Higher Self" = Inner
Standard Occult Guides/Guardians = Higher

"Can the innerself and higherself fight or have disagreements and if so how does that usually end up?"
Can and does happen. Try talking to the Higher to find out why. This might not be your path to walk, or there might be things in the way.
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Re: Differentiation between the higher self and innerself.

Postby casruf58 » Sat Mar 10, 2018 1:57 am

Thank you for your reply :) The problem between my innerself and higherself isn't currently a problem because I'm not practicing magick anymore, instead I'm pursuing other means to make myself ready to join Omni.
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