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New Omnimancer Application Form

A place where any form of magic and stories/experiences related may be discussed. This is also appropriate to discuss general Omnimancy principles, of course.

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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby zrdnc » Tue Sep 13, 2022 7:01 am

Hello omnis, longtime lurker finally committing

:?: How did you get into magic?
I was raised by a magician, so i got a lot of indirect wisdoms throughout my youth, and statistical anomalies and dumbass luck surrounded me.
I consciously started practicing after a death initiation, resulting depression and pseudo mental break that required me to build myself back up from the ground or die. I had to build a framework to exist in in which magic was real, as was already proven to me (but unexplained), to make things that had happened make sense.
Though i have always been trying to reverse engineer reality, since i was a kid.

:?: What do you practice now, and for how long?
I'm a chaote with strong hermetic and dao influences. Its been a system that's aggregating itself over time. I cant really point to a 'starting point' where all the philosophy and living with intent suddenly turns into a coherent magical practice, but i have been consciously attempting to grow as a magician for at least 6 years. The last one or two of which i have gained a decent bit of confidence.

:?: Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning omnimancy?
It should not.

:?: How did you find us?
I'm a member of the DKMU alongside a few of your own omnimancers. They are one by one impressive magicians from which i could and have learned things, so naturally i was interested in where they themselves learned what they know.

:?: Have you read the site yet?
When i first thought about joining, which is admittedly a while ago. I should go for a re-read.

:?: What do you think omnimancy is?
From what i can tell, an energy based framework that pays a lot of attention to types, orientations, and structures of energy, and their differing results.
There's an emphasis it seems on knowing exactly what certain structures of certain energies do consistently, so that those micro-structures can be used as modular building blocks, in order to rapidly develop and cast complex magic. From my few interactions with it, it seems it's not unlike chemistry but for energy, or a (meta)material or molecular science.

:?: What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?
I am strongly and deeply interested in rummaging through the underlying workings of reality, both out of undying curiosity and hunger for understanding.
Getting more consistent with energy work, to reliable degrees, is a way to start pinning down some foundations to work on, and expand more theory off.
As for end goals, i don't really see an end to this discovery, but getting closer to understanding magic as science is one. Increase in personal power is another.

:?: Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in? (Which for OmniCyber means being able to show up on IRC on Monday Nights weekly reliably, as well as practicing on your own time or with other students.)
Yes. Though the reason i haven't applied sooner is because of a timezone issue. I hear that there is talk of a Sunday session which would be more accomodating and actually viable to pursue, so now i am here applying, hoping to discuss options.

:?: Can you work ok with others?
I would say so. All the omnis i have talked to, worked with, tested stuff with, have been very easy to do so with.

:?: Because it's the internet, how old are you?
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby LunaDeBlue » Sat Dec 03, 2022 12:34 pm

Hi there! I'm Angela. Thanks for considering my application! :)

How did you get into magic?
I was kind of a weird kid that didn’t find a lot of support or fit-in-ability at home or school, so I found it online in assorted communities that had a wide variety of magical practitioners. It was nice to find grown ups that didn’t all seem to be crazy (or think I was), validating me and my experiences with assorted things, magical and mundane.

What do you practice now, and for how long?
What comes most easily to me is generally intuited, dreamy, and/or divinatory in nature, but I don’t have much of an active practice or a “thing,” honestly. I’ve been peripherally around and have some mostly inexperienced knowledge of an assortment of practices and traditions since around 2008, but they’ve not felt like mine enough to claim them as such. I’ve traditionally gotten kind of hung up on not feeling confident in my ability to see things, do things, or especially do things that I can’t see if I’ve managed to do or not! But my life’s been going in some interesting directions lately, and I feel like I’m finding the capacity, capability, and the push to learn how to steer it better, particularly in magical ways. It’s been going well, but it feels kinda like doing so more blindly than I’d like. So I’m specifically hoping to buckle down on Omnimancy and astrology in the coming year and see where that takes me in other potential practices, too!

Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning Omnimancy?
Nah. Pretty sure that won’t be a problem.

How did you find us?
Current student recommendation—Cailin and Chris are friends from way back in my obnoxious teenager days, and Cailin’s spoken highly of this group for a good while now. I’m just finally jumping in!

Have you read the site yet?
Yup! A few times over the years it’s been recommended to me, but I’ll definitely be revisiting it.

What do you think Omnimancy is?
It seems to be a not system-specific means of learning how to perceive and interact with energy—directly and efficiently—without all the go-between intermediaries or personal expenditure of energy to accomplish goals. With actual community and structured learning?!?! Sounds amazing.

What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?
Energy sensitivity and manipulation are things I’ve never had an easy time feeling confident in. I’d like to develop those skills into something practiced and verifiable and learn how to do more and better with it. I dunno that I have an “end goal,” exactly, but I’d like to learn this stuff well enough to integrate it into my life and make it better. I guess my end goal is just to be happy by whatever the end is, and some flavor of magic always seems like the right answer.

Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in?
Yeah. Given that I really want the practice and verification of efforts, I’m hoping that community involvement will set and solidify things for me.

Can you work ok with others?
Sure thing!

Because it's the internet, how old are you?
I'm 27.
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby miles » Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:51 am

How did you get into magic?

A combination of things. Four years ago, a college friend was performing tarot readings and introduced me to the topic. At the same time, I had been breaking with my Catholic faith, and was investigating Solomon, eventually leading me to the Lemegeton and the Picatrix. I had flirted with more new age topics as a young teen and throughout high school. Spirituality has been a part of my life for a long time. Magic just kinda crept into my life.

What do you practice now, and for how long?

Until fairly recently my practice was somewhat random. But in the past 8 months or so I've settled into a mix of planetary magic, work with the I Ching, Thelema, the godforms of DKMU, and chaos sorcery using alchemical, imaginal techniques associated with Carl Jung.

Will your current practice or religion interfere with your learning?

Very unlikely.

How did you find us?

A friend, who is also a member of DKMU, introduced me.

Have you read the site yet?

Sometime ago, yes. I've been considering applying for a while, but some review of the site materials is in order.

What do you think Omnimancy is?

A sorcery study and research group, which emphasizes the manipulation of energy and astral material.

What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?

I'm just fascinated with sorcery and it's practice. I'm eager to learn and discover powerful tools and allies in what I suppose you could call The Great Work.

Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in? (IRC on Monday Nights reliably, practicing on your own time and with others)

Absolutely. Monday nights are free right now, and I look forward to studying and practicing with the group.

Can you work ok with others?

I enjoy working with others, and I think I'm somewhat decent at it.

Because it's the internet, how old are you?

25 years young.

Thank you so much for your consideration. I look forward to meeting you all.
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby NoxVerse » Wed Jan 25, 2023 8:16 am

Hey everyone, my name is Josh.

How did you get into magic?
I've explored various forms of magic since I was a preteen. Some of it I received from older members of my family, and some of it I found in primary sources online.

What do you practice now, and for how long?
I have a background in ATR systems as well as in grimoire studies, the PGM, and what some people would call chaos magic (ala Gordon White). Additionally I have some training and experience with esoteric forms of Buddhist magic such as Tibetan Vajrayana.

Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning Omnimancy?
I can't imagine why it would, no.

How did you find us?
I don't actually even recall. I believe I originally heard about Omnimancy from Jason Miller back when he was in New Jersey, in the Crucible days.

Have you read the site yet?
I have indeed read around the site.

What do you think Omnimancy is?
A form of energy manipulation that lets one learn to accomplish magical work without needing to necessarily invest one's personal energies in the chosen task.

What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?
A solid, ground-up method of learning the work and building on that foundation seems really beneficial, no matter how experienced someone is. I'd sort of just like that.

Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in?
Of course, yeah. Monday night IRC sounds nice.

Can you work ok with others?
I can indeed. Sounds fun to me.

Because it's the internet, how old are you?
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby Zero » Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:43 am

How did you get into magic?

That is a very long & complicated answer, and I'm not sure if you want the cliff notes version, or a miniature novel. I will provide the cliff notes, and if you want a more at length answer, I can provide it.

Suffice to say, I got into magic when I was a kid, at around the age of 11-12. I started young and got into Psionics, and read up on stuff from the psion guild. When I was 13 I joined the forums, and tried to study what I could. When my catholic mom found out, she had a problem with that, and I had to stop for a very long time. I then picked it back up at 19ish years old, with Tarot & Divination. I got involved with DKMU in 2010, and the rest was kind of history. I've been working with them since, and touched on a lot of theory & practice in my time there.

What do you practice now, and for how long?

Eclectic Khaos magic, the kind that's not the easiest to explain. It's got intuition, some ceremonial magic stuff, old hallmarks of energy work and astral work as well (which admittedly fell by the wayside), spirit work & ancestor work. A lot of what we stressed where I studied was results based magic. We used the scientific method applied to magical practices, which we call The Grassmick Method, named after the member of the group who pushed us in that direction. Not everything I do relies solely on that, and I would say I use a bit of faith in the systems & spirits I've come to work with. What really interests me about Omni is how much you work on verifying things, and having others cross examine. Since I've worked with some Omni members on my own, I greatly respect your approach & commitment to not muddying the waters with self delusion, and commitment to accuracy in your work. It is something I'd like to see more within myself, and the magical community at large.

Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning omnimancy?

Absolutely not, DKMU is all about people going wherever they need to do what they gotta do to improve themselves.

How did you find us?

There's an Omni in the group I work with currently, and we are friends. He's suggested I apply, and now that there's a Sunday window for meetings, I finally can.

Have you read the site yet?


What do you think omnimancy is?

A system of energy working & astral work, that relies on advanced tech, and a lot of interesting ideas. Primarily based in the scientific method. You do blinds, and double check your stuff to ensure against delusion, and someone essentially roleplaying their craft Yall do a two year process of teaching someone how to work their way through your process. The people then either stay to help teach, or research (what I'd like to do). Please forgive me if I'm off about any of this.

What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?

I want to self improve back to where I used to be, and beyond it. I've been wanting to join the group, so I can study & learn how to do what my friends in Omni can. I've seen what an Omni can do, and I want to both learn what I can, and also develop stuff late on (if I'm good enough to) so I can give back.

Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in? (Which for OmniCyber means being able to show up on IRC on Monday Nights weekly reliably, as well as practicing on your own time or with other students.)

Two years of meetings every week. I'm up for it.

Can you work ok with others?

Absolutely, it's important for me to do so.

Because it's the internet, how old are you?

33, going on 34.
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby Arkytior » Wed Feb 01, 2023 11:45 am

Hello, here comes another dickmoo out of the woodwork

:?: How did you get into magic?
I was the kind of child that learned life from books. Books had magic in them, and it looked like the best thing around, so I picked that as the thing to learn.
I've been at it my whole life although most of it was pretty inconsistent; for a long while I mostly focused on exploring dream related states of consciousness, along with the way in which stories, symbols and archetypes interact with reality. It took me far too long to allow myself to openly call my field of interest "magic", mostly because both my parents had a policy of strict plausible deniability - practicing it without ever calling it by its name - which took a long time to shed and still affects me indirectly sometimes.

:?: What do you practice now, and for how long?
In the last few years I've been adopting the framework of chaos magick, and joined dkmu in 2016. In the past I've explored a bit of Giordano Bruno (which mostly flew above my head), the Jodorowskis (cool if idiosincratic), Castaneda (disappointing), Harner (yes i know it's Problematic), among other things. My worldview /cosmology /ecology currently mostly overlaps with the Pratchett/Gaiman mythos, leaving me sitting somewhere between the information and spirit models.
Despite having tried to explore those paradigms and systems in a relatively experimental way, I still managed to somehow end up *functionally* a bit of an armchair, which is annoying and I'd like to correct.

:?: Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning omnimancy?
Not to my current knowledge

:?: How did you find us?
Forest did a very good job showing off (permitted) teaser tech in the dkmu server

:?: Have you read the site yet?
I have a while ago, though it is no longer as fresh in my mind.

:?: What do you think omnimancy is?
For what I've gathered so far, a style of thaumaturgy, rooted in the energy model, that seeks to systematize what could be called (although paradigm neutral language is slippery) astral constructs, identifying their structural elements and the rules that guide their interactions, in order to build a framework for magical engineering and bioengineering. There's also something about artificial and/or alien intelligences that I still don't quite grasp, but I assume is not supposed to be grasped by outsiders anyway.

:?: What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?
My development so far has been severely unbalanced towards the "seeing stuff" side at the expense of the "making stuff happen" side. Acquiring information through unconventional means is fun and useful, but finding myself useless at applying that information to actually effect change -aside from playing spotter dog for other magic-inclined people- is not really sustainable in the current time and age.
On top of that, my long but disorganized explorations have left me in need on fixing some bad habits and wear and tear damage on levels I am not fully equipped to analyze yet. Omnimancy seems to have some of the tools and know-how that could help me in both endeavours.
Or at least I hope

:?: Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in? (Which for OmniCyber means being able to show up on IRC on Monday Nights weekly
To the best of my current knowledge.
I don't have children or a full time job so i tend to have a fair amount of time and flexible schedules, but i am in an european time zone and living in interesting times.

:?: Can you work ok with others?
In the right circumstances

:?: Because it's the internet, how old are you?
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby NibNib » Fri Jun 09, 2023 9:37 pm

:?: How did you get into magic?

That's a bit of a tricky question. I've always had a bit of an interest In the occult and began very meager dabbling in sigils when I was around 14 after reading Condensed Chaos as well as Liber Null and Psychonaut and not understanding a lick of either. From there I did a lot of fucking around and finding out with chaos magick and a little bit of Goetia until I settled down into a consistent practice of ceremonial and astrological magick later in high school.

:?: What do you practice now, and for how long?
Currently I practice Golden Dawn (self initiation), Goetia, talismanic magick, sigil magick, and servitor creation which I've been practicing for about 2-3ish years now. Much more recently I've been experimenting with astral projection, and divination utilizing the I-Ching, tarot, and black mirror scrying.

:?: Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning omnimancy?
Not in the slightest.

:?: How did you find us?
A friend of mine who recently joined Omnimancy demonstrated some public consumption tech to me and to say my curiosity has been piqued would be an understatement.

:?: Have you read the site yet?
Yes I have.

:?: What do you think omnimancy is?
Omnimancy seems to be a system of energy manipulation which focuses on the efficient and expedient use of energy to construct astral machinery as a form of spell casting.

:?: What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?
What I ultimately hope to get out of Omnimancy is a solid energy practice with an immense versatility. One of my end goals with Omnimancy is to find a way to supplement my already existing practices and vice versa as a means of propelling them both and creating unique tech.

:?: Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in? (Which for OmniCyber means being able to show up on IRC on Monday Nights weekly reliably, as well as practicing on your own time or with other students.)
I can.

:?: Can you work ok with others?

:?: Because it's the internet, how old are you?
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby Avgnordinary » Sat Jun 17, 2023 3:24 pm

How did you get into magic?

I got into magick after messing around with an Ouija board as a teenager and contacting a less than hospitable entity. That entity pretty much haunted my house for a month with a very fearsome and dreadful aura until I learned about the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. After using that ritual to banish the entity, I’ve believed in magick ever since. I've taken a few years off and on before really becoming serious after meeting an Egyptian deity who served as a pseudo mentor. Now, I do some form of magick everyday

What do you practice now, and for how long?

I am a member of the OTO, but I primarily practice a mix of Abrahamic magick and chaos magick. I do a lot of Solomonic style magick but I primarily work with archangels, god names, the shemhamphorash, prayers, talismans, and amulets. I also work with St. Cyprian to contact pagan deities whom I evoke using oryphic hymns, barbarous names, or rituals in the PGM. I also use servitors and sigils if I have needs that are a bit more specific. My motto has been if it works I do it, if it doesn't I shouldn't kid myself. I use tarot and iching as a means of divination. Currently, I’ve been working on mastering astral projection. My daily practice is about 1 - 2hrs

Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning omnimancy?


How did you find us?

A friend of mine recently joined the group and told me about all the things members in the group can do/have done/and are able to do. I found the prospects, research, and applicability quite fascinating and I'm curious to see how far it goes.

Have you read the site yet?

Everything that isn’t blocked! '

What do you think omnimancy is?

Omnimancy seems to be the study, application, and refinement of magickal energy. It provide ways to make any magickal system more practical and effective in everyday life. I joked with my friend that it "industrializes magick". By using complex constructs, alternative energy sources, and tried and tested methods, omnimancy is able to enhance pretty much any magickal system.

What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?

I hope to learn how to industrialize magick. To advance my skills beyond being a conduit for my god’s energy, and use stronger and more reliable alternative power sources. I hope to continue the path of magick as long as I can, as far as I can, and see the limits of my own potential. I hope to use magick to enrich my own life as much as possible, live up to my truest, highest potential, and be the best person I can possibly be.

Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in? (Which for OmniCyber means being able to show up on IRC on Monday Nights weekly reliably, as well as practicing on your own time or with other students.)'

Of course. I look forward to it. I can only imagine how much better of a magickian I would be after two years of consistent research and practice.

Can you work ok with others?

Of course

Because it's the internet, how old are you?

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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby TheDarkStar » Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:33 pm

:?: How did you get into magic?
Being an edgy teen who played with a Ouija board and astral projection. I began a more serious practice later on while experimenting with buddhist meditations and discovering Modern Magick by Donald Kraig
:?: What do you practice now, and for how long?
A mixtape of chaos magic, PGM, nordic paganism, and Thelema. I've been at it for about 13 to 14 years now.
:?: Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning omnimancy?
No, not even remotely.
:?: How did you find us?
I'm a DKMU marauder and so I'm friendly with several Omnis. A few have pointed me here and expressed I might be a good fit.
:?: Have you read the site yet?
Yes, fairly recently. I've been experimenting with public consumption tech.
:?: What do you think omnimancy is?
A magical R&D organization focused on energy model tech, in simple terms.
:?: What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?
A way to improve visualization and astral projection (aphantasia sucks), and further develop myself as a magician on my path to discovering my true will.
:?: Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in? (Which for OmniCyber means being able to show up on IRC on Monday Nights weekly reliably, as well as practicing on your own time or with other students.)
Yes. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't
:?: Can you work ok with others?
Yes. I work well in groups or solo.
:?: Because it's the internet, how old are you?

You can email me at sbar415@wgu.edu or find me on discord at thedarkstar.py
Last edited by TheDarkStar on Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby Flamedryad » Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:09 am

:?: How did you get into magic? Since I was little I was interested that there was this thing called magic in the world and I wanted to find it and figure out how to do it. So like I literally started by bugging my elementary school librarian for magic books and getting nowhere and Thanks to that my local library and eventually Amazon here I am.

:?: What do you practice now, and for how long? Most of my practice is solitary I was part of a temple for 10 plus years and have been working with a group doing open rituals for the community for the last 2 years. My personal practice is more chaos folk magic in the vein of the low Appalachia.

:?: Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning omnimancy? Very doubtful

:?: How did you find us? I want to say I heard from y'all from deeper down the rabbit hole podcast in the before times but since then I was reminded of y'all from the witches betwixt podcast

:?: Have you read the site yet? No it took me months just to get this part in. what all should I read first?

:?: What do you think omnimancy is? From what I've heard y'all seem to be a more energy focused form of magical praxis some of the terminology I've heard used reminds me of my old days in PSI POG

:?: What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals? Better efficiency, increased sensory perception of my magic and better able to tell if it's working.

:?: Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in? (Which for OmniCyber means being able to show up on IRC on Monday Nights weekly reliably, as well as practicing on your own time or with other students.) Honestly that shouldn't be a problem I have an open schedule

:?: Can you work ok with others? I think so I mean I've worked in one Temple space and was there for a long time as one of the main supportive members and I'm now high priesting the group rituals with my new group and I just started my attempts to teaching a course it's in the experimental phases so it's only alpha testers at this point. I just wanted to give it a shot with some friends

:?: Because it's the internet, how old are you? 39 depending by the time I send this might be 40
Last edited by Flamedryad on Mon Mar 04, 2024 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby Flamedryad » Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:31 pm

Is this the right thread to post the application for classes in or do I need to be using another one can a mod pop on you and just let me know that much Thank you I know you all are really busy
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby Cailin » Fri Nov 10, 2023 9:24 pm

Flamedryad wrote:Is this the right thread to post the application for classes in or do I need to be using another one can a mod pop on you and just let me know that much Thank you I know you all are really busy

Yep, you put it in the right place.
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby Faeble » Fri Dec 08, 2023 8:31 pm

:?: How did you get into magic?
I joined a small eris cult at 18
:?: What do you practice now, and for how long?
My practice is mostly a mix of psionics and internal alchemy that I've only really started developing 6 months ago
:?: Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning omnimancy?
Not at all
:?: How did you find us?
From the DKMU.
:?: Have you read the site yet?
I've read the main page and faq
:?: What do you think omnimancy is?
A very successful magical research and development organization. Also an interesting paradigm.
:?: What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?
I want to greatly increase the reliability of my workings and have an outlet for helping other mages learn.
:?: Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in? (Which for OmniCyber means being able to show up on IRC on Monday Nights weekly reliably, as well as practicing on your own time or with other students.) I have the dedication, and as long as I can make the times work I can be there reliably
:?: Can you work ok with others?
I'm a great team player :)
:?: Because it's the internet, how old are you?
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Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby magnolia » Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:40 pm

• How did you get into magick?
I've always been the kind of person drawn towards the magickal. My first experiences where different kinds of astral and adjacent work that came to me quite naturally when I was younger, though it took a lot of convincing and permission to begin calling it real or magick. Eventually I gave in and learned chaos magick by the books starting with the old classics.

• What do you practice now?
I've built a personal paradigm over the years out of the stuff that came naturally, it's got a little bit of spirit model and a lot of weird chaos magick. The first 4 constructs I built later became a set of personal gods as well as elementals, and from there it just took off. I take a lot of inspiration from central european myth and contemporary high-fantasy magic, mostly because I find them very interesting and evocative. My first ever workings go back for over 14 years now, though most of used to be very intuitive casting ruled by "no way any of this is real". I have been one of the more active members within the DKMU Discord server for a while, ask your Dickmoos about Mags.

•Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning omnimancy?
I think it's going to fit pretty well actually. Of course I've only seen surface-level omni techniques, but it looks similar enough to how my things are built as is.

•How did you find us?
Word of mouth. Some of my friends have recently started to learn omnimancy, it looked really interesting, so I decided to read up. It seems like a great way to improve the effectiveness of my magick, and I do like to have options.

•Have you read the site yet?
Not all of it, but I've gotten a few glimpses at the public forums. It's quite interesting and I've gotten some of the basics. I am excited about your from-scratch teaching approach.

•What do you think Omnimancy is?
In my understanding Omnimancy refers to a long-standing practice of spellcraft in which effects are created through combination of progressively larger components following individualized symbol sets alongside several shared sets. Due to its separation from most spiritual systems it becomes highly compatible to each practitioner's personal directive, which is something I greatly appreciate.

•What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?
I am mainly looking for orientation and guidance. I've never had a teacher or any established system to work within, but I am always hungry for better magick. In terms of end goals I am not aiming any lower than any other magician, I seek to create existence without suffering, to break the laws which fundamentally govern reality and reshape it in my image, you know the usual wizard shit, but I am aware of the magnitude of this task so in the meantime I will settle for gradual improvements at getting my own damn parking spot.

•Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in?
I have nothing if not time, it is perhaps my most abundant resource.

•Can you work with others?
Absolutely. In the spaces I am active in I tend to become one of the more active folks very quickly, and while it takes a while for me to warm up to a group I also tend to stick around.

•How old are you?
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Joined: Mon Dec 25, 2023 11:33 pm

Re: New Omnimancer Application Form

Postby Nebula Mage » Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:24 pm


:?:How did you get into magic?
Like many magicians, I realized that when I was a child, I used to do magic without even knowing what it was. When I was younger, I intuitively began to do things like visualize a green and yellow stream flowing (representing luck) from me to the objective whenever there was a draw. To my surprise, it strangely began to work.

I didn't talk about it for a long time, and I didn't take it very "seriously". I ended up meeting an occultist who introduced me to the existence of the occult, and it ended up that through books I was able to study formal magic.

:?: What do you practice now, and for how long?
I do a lot of direct manipulation on a daily basis. A big part of my practice was learning how to throw raw will at stuff efficiently and what elements of an event to "push" so I could get effective and practical results.

For the most part, my practice is very personal. I do a lot of energy work, different constructs, custom-built things, amulets, and talismans. I've never been very interested in entities, so it's only very recently that I've started working seriously with them.

:?: Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning omnimancy?
No, I don't see any way for that to happen.

:?: How did you find us?
I'm also part of DKMU, and while I was explaining a tech that I was trying to develop, at that moment, while analyzing my approach, someone commented on omnimancy, and from there I discovered it's existence.

:?: Have you read the site yet?
Yep, in the past, I've made some notes on it to help me better adapt my practice.

:?: What do you think omnimancy is?
From what I understand, it's a group and a network of knowledge that uses perception, energy manipulation, tech, and research to develop techniques and devices to aid magical practice beyond what an individual is capable of with sheer will. From the outside, that's what I've been able to understand.

:?: What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?
I've always had a very strong inclination towards mechanics and a tendency to try to apply this to magic, so several times I've tried to develop a system in which I could develop and assemble various parts to result in something whole and effective, but I realized that anything above a certain level of complexity required strict principles, several people to test it, and a level of construct perception beyond what I had available, and the possible capabilities that could be given to the separate parts and materials became limited. And things started to get fuzzy.

I plan to learn in omnimancy a way of working with magic in a model so that it is possible to build and adapt complex and advanced systems without seeming too abstract or imperceptible to me, so that I can create and develop my own complex mechanisms.

:?: Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in? (IRC on Monday Nights reliably, practicing on your own time and with others)
Of course, although my time zone may have a slight impact, omnimancy is something I plan to make an important part of my own practice.

:?: Can you work ok with others?
I haven't had much experience with collective magical work, but I'm good at working with other people in general.

:?: Because it's the internet, how old are you?
Nebula Mage
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