Hey, so I've decided to experiment with omnimancy and am using the concepts and techniques of omnimancy in my other forms of magic but I need clarification on whether I'm doing it correctly and the room for improvements.
So lets say i want to build tech that can increase my mental acquity.
I've used a bindrune consisting of kenaz and ansuz (for knowledge and wisdom respectively even though wisdom may not be as necessary here) and linked that, leylines and mercury to a tethers linking to a typechanger that turns the energy into something that can reliably raise my mental acquity. I tether this one to another machine that supercharges the energy with the intent of increasing my mental acquity before linking this to my brain (and possibly my third eye).I'll also put in a regulator in the tether that connects to my brain so as to prevent overloading with the energies involved.
All the tethers involved have multidimensional aspects programmed into them so as to allow them to pull a doctor who (its bigger on the inside :O) so that the energy can flow freely as much as possible and to avoid problems with the machine not having room to store the excess energy.
The tethers also have a time-warping mechanism instilled into it to speed up the flow of energy from the sources to the machine itself.
I'm wondering if theres anything I'm missing that would increase its effectiveness and if taking energy from the bindrunes and mercury would be unnecessary since I'm sending the energy through a type changer anyways, if so does this mean i can connect to a sketchy source of energy like the LS sigil without risks of that completely screwing everything up?
In any case, I'm currently using this machine and am planning to see how efficient it is as it is right now.
I get that you wouldnt be able to say a lot closed order and all but any help would be appreciated, thanks.
EDIT: wanted to add the part about the regulator.
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