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Manifestation through Qi Gong

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Manifestation through Qi Gong

Postby FredyLee » Wed Sep 16, 2015 9:55 am

Could you experienced people on this forum comment on the effectiveness of the following method for manifestation please:
https://counterpoint2reality.wordpress. ... ng-course/

Someone directed me to this forum but now I realized that it is very hard to get accepted as a student. I need some urgent manifestation in my life now and can't wait for a long time. Therefore I need to use whatever method I have access to. I hope at least someone here based on their Omnimancy knowledge can comment on the above method and perhaps tell me how can be improved. I'm also working on Quantum Touch energy method and hopefully will use it to manifest some change.

I thank you very much in advance.
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Re: Manifestation through Qi Gong

Postby FredyLee » Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:39 pm

Thanks everyone for your invaluable help :roll:
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Re: Manifestation through Qi Gong

Postby xan » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:37 am

Sorry that you did not receive a prompt reply to your question. Just now I read through the article. From an Omni perspective, it is guiding you to draw external energy into a ball and program that with your intent to bring about what you are wanting.

How can you improve it? After you create your energy ball, tether it to the largest ley line in your area and allow it to provide a consistent power source to your spell. The more power you have going into your energy ball, the more oomph you have in bringing about the intended result.

The section about tethers may be helpful:
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Re: Manifestation through Qi Gong

Postby FredyLee » Thu Oct 29, 2015 11:34 am

Thanks very much Xan.

Does one draw energy from an outside source only by his/her intent? Is there any source that I can refer to that is not secret and open to the public?
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Re: Manifestation through Qi Gong

Postby xan » Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:06 pm

The tether you use to draw power from a ley line is another spell you can create using your raw will/intent. There is tech we use in Omni for tethers too, but raw will is how I did it for several years prior to joining the group.

To create the ley line, you can draw in ambient energy and will it take on the properties you are wanting. I am a very visual person, so I just imagine this happening in pictures and with feeling. I know others are less visual and more tactile, so they may form the tether based on the feeling of the tether, its "snap" into place, and the feeling of energy flowing down from the ley line into their spell.

I hope this clarifies things some.
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Re: Manifestation through Qi Gong

Postby FredyLee » Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:42 pm

Thank you, Xan. :D
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