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Postby Circuitman » Fri Aug 21, 2015 1:16 am

Hey, so I'm pretty new and I've been trying to figure out a topic to sort of introduce myself.

My girlfriend and I are heading back to school in a couple weeks and we are both very green with magic. As practice we thought we would try warding our new dorm which we are sharing with two other people. I was wondering if there was any advice the community could offer for setting up a decent protection? How do you go about protecting your home? What kinds of defenses do you like to employ? Since our living conditions are, of course, temporary there is a follow up question. When moving out of a home you have warded, how do you go about cleaning up after yourself?

Looking forward to interacting with you guys some more.
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Re: Warding

Postby xan » Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:27 pm

Assuming that ward and shield are synonymous in this context, yes I do shield my home.

In addition to the normal characteristics of a shield to slough off any patterned energy other than ambient energy, I also add the intent to deter theft and any disaster that could harm my home or the possessions inside.

The method in the public documentation is one way to do this. Form a hollowed-out energy ball the size of your home from ambient energy, then imbue it with your raw intent. Tether it to a local ley line for power. These are the basic steps.

If I were to move out, then yes I would also dispel it and clear traces of my energy left in the area. You could make an energy ball for this with the desired intent and let it "run" for a few minutes, then dispel once complete.

Hope this has proven at least a little useful to you.
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Re: Warding

Postby Circuitman » Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:43 pm

Thanks for getting back to me. Took me a while to get back here to respond. In this context I would define a ward as any spell that is part of your defensive layout (not quite semantics). With that in mind, do you ever put anything in place besides a great big wall? Also, any tips for trying to get the ward to notify you in some way when something interacts with it?
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Re: Warding

Postby xan » Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:07 pm

Circuitman wrote:With that in mind, do you ever put anything in place besides a great big wall?

Yes, I do.

Also, any tips for trying to get the ward to notify you in some way when something interacts with it?

There are different basic types of shielding you can create using raw will. A reflection shield, a grounding shield, a marshmallow shield, etc. It becomes more complex with tech though. Maybe someone else can chime in to answer this question in greater detail.
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Re: Warding

Postby LordArt » Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:44 pm

Circuitman wrote:In this context I would define a ward as any spell that is part of your defensive layout (not quite semantics). With that in mind, do you ever put anything in place besides a great big wall?

I have lots of things other than a "big wall". I have a multi-dimensional maze things get trapped in, what could be called gun turrets, touch teleportation, false images, constantly changing topography, and lots of other stuff that doesn't translate well into English. Unfortunately, I don't think any of that helped you much directly, but hopefully you get ideas based on what you can currently do.

Also, any tips for trying to get the ward to notify you in some way when something interacts with it?

Simply make a spell to do so. If you know how to make a servitor, that would work too. If not, you can make a spell to "ping" you and give you information. You can even setup something that you can "look at" magically to give a current status and if anyone stopped by. It depends on your skill set. I know you want a how-to but everyone's flavor of magic is different based on what they have done. I know Omnimancy, obviously, but what I do is based on 20+ years of research, so that doesn't translate well to a simple tip to achieve similar results. That isn't meant to be condescending but one doesn't learn martial arts in a single lesson, nor does one become powerful and competent in magic with a simple forum post. Like anything else, it takes a lot of work and dedication to become strong with whatever you decide to do.
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Re: Warding

Postby Circuitman » Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:56 pm

I appreciate any advice, even if it isn't as detailed as I wanted. A servitor is like a robot that does what you tell it to, right? Like you could tell it to be a guard dog or a doorman or a messenger. My skill set is limited so I'm trying to give myself a project to learn with and defense seemed like a good idea.
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