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On Science, and the Meatsuit...

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On Science, and the Meatsuit...

Postby Vertex » Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:30 am

Hello Omni's, :-)

If you're not busy, there was a question I'd had regarding Omni perception, it's relationship to science, and the physical body. The Omni approach to magic appears to be heavily based in energy work and astral manipulation, but you mention that it's highly science based, and I'm curious if that's purely a relationship based on methodology or if the use of current scientific theory about relevant areas plays a part as well. (i.e. Dimensional Tech that's partially based on earth physics understandings, or Healing tech which triggers specific effects in the immune system such as effecting the rate of oxygenation in the blood rather than generally saying "Heal this person".) I can see how understanding science would be helpful in some areas (Healing the biggest one), but in other ways, (Physics) I have a bit of trouble seeing how the science of a physical universe could relate directly to an astral one. How would that work? Has Omni discovered the ways that these principles translate?

A bit off topic and auto-biographical, but if you'll forgive me, there's a particular reason this fascinates me so. I had, a while back, done some experimenting with developing astral senses. (To be fair, I'm still terrible at it, but I *did* try at least.) Part of this was working with Robert Bruce's "NEW" energy work system, and part of it was working to develop visualization ability with all of my primary senses. In the course of this I recognised two things: First, that a few weeks in with Bruce's system, I felt every energetic manipulation that a psion friend did as if it were as tangible as electricity on my own skin (a very strong feeling, nothing mild or easily mistaken), even when he told me nothing, or even gave no indication that he was doing anything -- it occured spontaniously, accurately, and persisted until I'd ceased to work with the energy body daily. Secondly, that my mental projection itself became significantly more detailed and tangible (until I stopped practicing that is).

Some digging, a bit later, lead me to the realization that Bruce's "energy work" method, in relying on tactile imaging, might have been literally rewiring my nervous system in the same ways that meditation does -- changing the relationship of my nerves and brain to sensitize me to a particular effect. Likewise, in working imagination exercises, it's not unreasonable to think that the visual cortex in my brain was being developed. Although it may seem obvious to you all, for me, the idea that changes made to the physical body (particularly in neurology) could significantly impact astral/energetic senses was extremely novel. The mention of sense enhancing amps also raises questions for me because of this -- Do the amps have a direct effect on the meatsuit? If they do not, do they render the biology of the meatsuit irrelevant? Or, better still, would physical work with the meatsuit have enhancing qualities, perhaps compounding the effects of a given piece of tech?

I find the relationship between the physical and astral a fascinating topic, to be honest, not just it's effects on the meatsuit; this just seemed like the best place to start, since I could point to a particular reason why I'm so interested. Anything you are willing to share, I'd be grateful to learn. :-)


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Re: On Science, and the Meatsuit...

Postby FireEssence » Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:36 am

If you're not busy, there was a question I'd had regarding Omni perception, it's relationship to science, and the physical body. The Omni approach to magic appears to be heavily based in energy work and astral manipulation, but you mention that it's highly science based, and I'm curious if that's purely a relationship based on methodology or if the use of current scientific theory about relevant areas plays a part as well. (i.e. Dimensional Tech that's partially based on earth physics understandings, or Healing tech which triggers specific effects in the immune system such as effecting the rate of oxygenation in the blood rather than generally saying "Heal this person".) I can see how understanding science would be helpful in some areas (Healing the biggest one), but in other ways, (Physics) I have a bit of trouble seeing how the science of a physical universe could relate directly to an astral one. How would that work? Has Omni discovered the ways that these principles translate?

I'd say the biggest way that Omni works on a scientific level is its general usage of the scientific method and empirical approaches to understanding how things work magically. While some things require a more "magical" form of analysis (ie. usage of astral senses versus physical senses for empirical analysis), much of what we do is verified and cross-verified between members. Secondly, a lot of what we have developed or work with eventually seems to have overlap with physical-world science, such as dimensional perspectives overlapping with modern theoretical physics perspectives or certain approaches at influencing things using real-world concepts like influencing of randomness or int he body influencing and modulating specific systems. This sort of thing depends highly on the person doing the magic, but still, seems in high usage.

I personally have used mundane concepts in my magical work often when it comes to healing work or event manipulation.
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Re: On Science, and the Meatsuit...

Postby Vertex » Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:38 am

FireEssence wrote:I'd say the biggest way that Omni works on a scientific level is its general usage of the scientific method and empirical approaches to understanding how things work magically. While some things require a more "magical" form of analysis (ie. usage of astral senses versus physical senses for empirical analysis), much of what we do is verified and cross-verified between members. Secondly, a lot of what we have developed or work with eventually seems to have overlap with physical-world science, such as dimensional perspectives overlapping with modern theoretical physics perspectives or certain approaches at influencing things using real-world concepts like influencing of randomness or int he body influencing and modulating specific systems. This sort of thing depends highly on the person doing the magic, but still, seems in high usage.

I personally have used mundane concepts in my magical work often when it comes to healing work or event manipulation.

Hello FireEssence, :-)

Thank you for that explaination, it was quite helpful to my understanding. Cross-Verification comes across as something highly desirable, IMHO, simply from the amount of time I've spent trying to differentiate between genuine perception and expectation producing result. (I think the Psion community calls is Analytic Overlay? Could be wrong, never spent a huge amount of time there.) I'm not entirely sure how large the Omnimancer group is, outside of knowing several real world groups and OmniCyber exist, but I can see enormous potential benefits from having the best working tech distributed, tested and retested by entire groups. Likewise, I appreciate the clarification on the way modern science overlaps. If I someday get accepted for Omni training, I think I'd like to take a look into where those overlaps occur.

Sorry this took a while to get back to you, been a bit busy in preparation the last week or so. Happy Holidays, by the way. :-)

At the moment, I don't have much else to ask about directly, but if I do think of something, I'll ask it here. I'm still pouring over the forum -- it seems a lot of my initial questions were already posed by PsychokineticWannabe a long time ago, lol.

All the best,
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