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does anyone know what this could be?

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does anyone know what this could be?

Postby rocus45 » Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:55 am

So a brief history sorry if its boring.
A couple years ago i was hanging with some friends on a friday night nothing special when all of a sudden i got this blinding headache and my friends get them too and (yes collaborated seperatly) we are transported to somesort of ring we dont know where and each of us was approached by a beast right out of myth personally i was approached by what appeared to be a living skeleton. Ever since each of us has had a link to an... i guess the best term would be elemental energy. Since then i have found i can tell when someone will die or be greviously injured and also can watch spirits leaves peoples bodies. None of us know what happened and we havent found any others with the same experience. Eventually we started to piece things together not that we can duplicate the event. there were 15 of us we dont know if that was important or not plz anyone who has information or has heard of something like it please get back to me.

Anyway main point we think that energy can be manipulated into any of fifteen elemental tendencies not sure if u guys know anything or not
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Re: does anyone know what this could be?

Postby LordArt » Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:15 pm

It sounds like an astral journey kind of thing. Usually such a thing happens when someone is sleeping rather than awake, and it just seems like a strange dream. That's the usual MO. It probably hurt because you WERE awake and resisting (ie. you wanted to feel your body versus wanting to pay attention to what was going on with your astral self. When you are sleeping, you aren't paying attention to your physical body really). As far as what you saw, astral forms take the forms they like, complicated by the fact of your own symbolism trying to understand what is going on, so grabbing the best symbolism for what is happening, and the best source is mythology that you've already know. My experience is that if something decides to break through your natural defenses, it usually leaves the person more "open" to what is going on out there.

A good example of that is someone I knew who got possessed (purposely in this case, long story) and couldn't get rid of the entity, which then had to be forcibly removed. The problem was she was so damaged by the situation, that almost anything that came along would hop in after the original entity was removed. She had to be "shielded" to prevent things from getting in so she could heal normally, which she eventually did. The point is, it is unlikely the experience left you unchanged (as you admit).

The being able to use, as you call it, elemental energy, is something you likely already had the ability to do, and just as a self-defense kind of thing "remembered" how to use it. It is also possible that the entities granted you the knowledge. Depends on your background, the entities, and what actually was going on, etc. The experience itself could have been anything from a bunch of entities having a joy ride to something deciding it was time for you and your friends to learn something "officially" or anything in between. Until you either have someone look into it directly or learn astral projection to go ask, you won't know (unless they show up again to be asked).

As far as magical energy being manipulated into 15 elements, it's more complicated than that. It's a full spectrum like light, but many try to limit the categories because it's useful to do so. Just like in light we use RGB (Red Green Blue) as primary colors to combine to make other colors, historically, magic has been turned into earth, air, fire, water (and sometimes spirit). "Magical Energy" is simply so much more complicated than that in actuality, however, manipulating energy just by perceived elemental delineations is quite useful to get things accomplished. As a good example, to me, density matters. Let alone weaving the energy together to make magical "materials" which in and of themselves would look like elemental energy to the untrained.

I'm not sure if any of that helped, but there it is.
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Re: does anyone know what this could be?

Postby rocus45 » Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:04 pm

Alright ill pass that along thanks for takin the time to answer
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Re: does anyone know what this could be?

Postby arianna » Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:12 am

hello I read your story, it is interesting.
So at first glance, it seems as if unconsciously, abbiato created a Tulpa
The Tulpa are incorporeal beings, created voluntarily with specific meditation practices buddista.Nell 'imaginary European / Western the tulpa are mistakenly confused or identified with the ghosts, the vaccations is that a ghost is the manifestation / appearance of someone who has previously LIVED, the tulpa does not have a previous life, exists as it is, has no memories / experiences they positive it negative, as in fact he never lived .Testimone / tulpa was the victim of a great writer / French explorer Alexandra David Neel, born in Paris in 1868 and died in 1969 .
Famous for being the first Western woman to enter the holy city / Buddhist prohibited. A keen student of the esoteric Buddhist ledge and become an "expert" He wanted to create a Tulpa, who appeared to him in the likeness of monaco (Tibet.) in particular a dob dob (monaco warrior Tib.) From the evil character and highly suspicious spiteful.Alexandra traveled still, China, India, and also in Japan, to the sacred mountain of Hiei (Kyoto) and southeast of Osaka, where he was received with honor and was revealed more about tulpa, but it seems that Madame Tibet (so called) never tried to create more than one, since the negative result, both for her and for the members of tulpa.
Your story is very similar, the difference is that there has been no will assume, then, if prior, you have created something, I know I can not.
I hope to check out was helpful.
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Re: does anyone know what this could be?

Postby rocus45 » Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:33 am

So i did a little research on what you said and the its strikes me as possible but fifteen of us were present and all saw a different spirit so how could that be? I mean these tupla are extremely complex and we were just hanging out not focusing on anything also i stumbled across something does any one know about world gates i came across a mention fo them but im confused.
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