One of the most important skills in energy-based magic is inevitably, scanning/applied-sensing. Whether attempting to deconstruct the makeup of a spell, understand an astral effect, get an understanding of "biological" systems, et al., one must be able to receive data from their astral senses and interpret it accurately. In the broad array of magical traditions out there, and even less structured modes of practice (psionics, Chaos magic, etc.) one can find numerous techniques for how to go about performing such feats. My question is, given the focus of Omnimancy upon the development of mystical senses, is there a definite methodology behind it or is it done fluidly ("just do it"?
Recently, I have had made some definite gains in my applied-senses, however, I am still using a very basic "just look" sort of technique. I am currently in my last "real" semester before attaining my Bachelors degree and one of the classes I am taking is a microbiology course-- in basic review, we covered the multiple varieties of microscopy out there and why each has different strengths. This made me consider the application of actual technique upon scanning (bombard a shield with low-wavelength "unprogrammed" energy and 'read' the feedback; coat a structure in micro-materials which react to specific frequencies of energy; use a technique to measure energetic "radiation" and how it may correspond to structure, purpose, or mechanism, etc). While I have yet to experiment with specific methods, I theorize that with Omnis focus on the development of senses and the multiple levels of analysis which are done in some areas, that perhaps the group as a whole is taught or utilizes a variety of specific "scanning techniques" based upon what they are looking for versus "just doing it", as many lower-level practitioners tend to do.
Thoughts? Responses? Even if Omni does not actively utilize specific scanning techniques, is this because they find that one can subconsciously perform just fine, or has it never been considered to come up with more structured methods?
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