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Willful magick

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Willful magick

Postby indigoblade » Sat Dec 13, 2008 11:58 pm

I have heard alot about magick here based soley upon will. Here is my question, what is magick (or any act) that is not based upon the will of someone.

As far as I can see all things start by the will of a person (being, spirit, entity,etc.).

Lets look at science. By the will of the scientist they look for the educated guess for their experiment. Sometimes they get it right and sometimes they get it wrong. All the same they are looking to understand what they are studying by means of what they know. This by itself is willful. So what is meant by magicks that are not soaly willful? Do you mean that the processes by which you cause work to be done are not soley of your will, or do you mean that the processes aren't completely caused by the fact that you want something to be true?

This intrigues me. I would think that all things done by one are initiated by ones will. So if by not doing things by pure will you mean that you utilize the collapsed fields of others, I may understand. But if you mean that it is of an autonimos system then I may think that what you mean is that you are using concensous reality for your magick. This would be a way of agreeing with others with what they believe and things they didn't concieve could occur by their own understanding. I know, it's wierd, but it does work.

Questions, critiques, come on people, tell me what you think.

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Please clarify this for me.

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Postby indigoblade » Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:58 pm

if you want you can kill this thread.
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Postby FireEssence » Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:55 pm

Well, since this hasn't been touched upon in this thread I'll first say that many places in the forums discuss the implications of "pure-will" or solely will-based magic.

To put it in my own words and understanding though, magic based solely on will is magic in which one forces their will directly upon energy and that is all there is to the spell. To give a practical example, a magician wants to have all green lights on the way to work. He focuses his will, energizes his intent, and sends it out. This is different from more complicated magic because he does not actively do anything to enact his will-- he does not make a servitor, a construct, or make use of a tech-based spell. He just sends out charged energy. While one could theoretically do this subconsciously, he is not making use of anything other than focused will. This is the kind of stuff everyday people (in the form of prayers or "wishes") and starting magicians make use of often, although even a more advanced mage may do this from time to time (usually to better effect because of more subconscious work taking place).

Comments? Agreements/disagreements?
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Postby Obsidian » Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:35 pm

*nods at FireEssence*

I look at direct will magic in a similar way. It's the difference between walking, riding or driving to your destination.

Forcing things to happen through pure will is just walking there. It's hard, can take a long time and burns a lot of energy. Not very effective in the long run.

Riding is similar to programmed constructs set to achieve a goal. You use your will to put in the initial effort and have an upkeep, but a lot of the work is done for you by what you've made.

Tech-based spells are like driving. You choose what one you want, fire it up and stay in control. It even runs on external energy *laughs*

It takes will but a far smaller amount of effort, energy, concentration and over-all willpower to get to the same destination as walking.

At the lower levels the difference between those three methods are small and not greatly noticeable. As you become more advanced greater distinctions open up until, eventually (pretty quickly, actually) you accomplish things using tech (however you define it) that you simply wouldn't be able to using pure, straight-up will.

You can't walk across the country because the act would kill most people. However, anyone can drive because it takes far, far less effort. Same as magic.

I've tried to achieve things using pure will, or programmed constructs, that I've seen others use Tech for. It's very safe to say I kicked my own ass doing that because I physically couldn't do it.

Pure will can only get you so far =)

(all above is my opinion and experience)
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