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Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Sark » Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:33 am

So it has been a few months and I am curious. How did it all go? I have some ideas and observations of my own though how I would phrase things to accurately describe it is challenging I feel I might be looking at it on too large a scale as far as the interactions go though. I could compare it to conservation of energy and such but I still feel like I lack the proper terms.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Circuitman » Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:39 pm

Alright, so I wasn't able to get a second experiment done with a second group (very busy at meetings lately), so here's the observations of the first group in my words:

One volunteer did a simple spell to affect the weather and we all attempted to track where the energy went. This was a group of maybe six people, not quite certain. So we saw the energy... I guess you could say that it dissolved into the underlying fabric of the universe. In essence, this energy left the astral realm and became a part of the background. It's sort of like if you imagine both the astral and the physical as an ongoing play, the energy went into the set pieces. A large percent of the energy didn't dissolve and it just dissipated back into the ambient astral it originally came from so it's clear that this isn't the most efficient process but it was raw will so, go figure. The energy that did dissolve into the background was able to effect the desired change, or at least attempt to. When you trace things further we found that the energy expended in spell casting eventually re-enters the universe proper through what I described as white holes.

That's basically what we observed, with some bits left out because they're not for public consumption.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Sark » Thu Oct 26, 2017 3:28 am

Sorry for the way late reply.
This does seem to fit with my own observations of my own experiments and workings. I find a more physical analogy would be how physical energy tends to dissipate while still accomplishing a task but it is rather crude considering the differences the basic concept of that I feel works well for basic connections.
It is not quite something I think I could tap into just yet to reclaim that energy after it has done its task though I am sure you either have already developed something like that or are working on such a recycling system if it is even needed at this point. I would imagine if anything it would be something you could use as a lesson when teaching others or for certain experiments.
My own observations were mostly on affecting traffic lights at the time and are probably largely depended on my method of doing so the path the energy took but the end was it seeming to ripple and sink away in every direction into the background noise as you mentioned and sort of bleed away beyond where I could follow it fully. My terminology is kind of weird but that is how I can describe the concept I got best.
Thank you for checking it out.

http://chakraactivation.com/MultidimensionalMagick.pdf There is something you might appreciate as something interesting to read. A bit overly structured on symbols but it works to convey the concepts involved decently I think. May it provide you with much amusement and hopefully inspiration for something.

On a related note to messing with reality I find an interesting phenomenon that I don't believe has been discussed quite yet but does play into that pdf somewhat though reading it is not really required I just figured it might be interesting to read.
What I have experienced in relation to some of the alterations I make is that only a few people notice even the drastic overbearing changes and everyone else the change has always been like that and was never any different. For example a while back I was playing around with some stuff that I hoped would basically amount to good luck on steroids(really went south on that..) and I seem to have deleted one of my favorite eateries from my town as well as causing some building to change in one case completely. Everyone I ask about it those things had always been that way except one friend of mine that is probably even better at this stuff than me and he can clearly remember how things were before they changed and after they changed. We have come up with quite a few theories on this but I am more curious how many others have experienced similar things where only those that are more aware of higher dimensions notice changes even when those changes seem to alter a person's or location's entire timeline as it were.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Circuitman » Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:21 am

They don't notice the changes because it HAS always been that way. That's how it works.
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Re: Questions, speculation, and other stuff.

Postby Sark » Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:44 am

I figured such. Still it is somewhat amusing that some people do notice the differences the very extremely rare few from what I have seen.
I really do find it fascinating how flexible things can be that such things can be so easily rewritten once you know. Really puts things in a new perspective after all. How did you feel when you found out such things were possible and have been happening all along but before you never could notice it?
I am less interested in the specifics of whatever experience brought it out if you don't want to share that but more your own feelings to it. I myself found it fascinating that power that people would otherwise just shove to the side with the blanket statement of only belonging to whatever divine being they believed, at least that is the general belief where I am from, would be so accessible even while being perceived as hindered by our physical bodies which are more a mental trick in many cases. Led to a lot of speculation on how the universe and time actually worked for me.
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