by Bobrobyn_ » Sun Jun 12, 2005 1:56 am
I've read all the stuff that's on this site,...and it does get a little odd I've read somewhere about the "multiverse", other peoples physical realities and how all gods from all religons exist...and some other pretty odd stuff (almost like from a scifi novel ) So, my question is: How does the Omnimancy group view reality, and how does that effect their system?
Edit: I apologize for being ignorant within this post. Sorry guys.
Last edited by Bobrobyn_ on Mon Jun 13, 2005 11:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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by LordArt » Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:50 pm
Christians believe that the god of Moses created everything. To a Hindi, that would be considered odd because that is not their frame of reference. To a newtonian scientist, they might consider both the Hindi and Christian explanations odd because they see no evidence of it. To a Quantum physicist, they could go either direction because of what they study.
What is odd is based on frame of reference, and everything you know is based on the frame of reference you have experienced. To a person that has never experienced Love, you can describe it all day but they will not actually understand it til they've experienced it for themselves. They might even consider Love odd because of what it can make people do.
Magic, religeon, science ALL is based on the frames of references they run under. Without them, they don't exist. When someone considers something "odd" it is because it is not normal to their frame of reference. Perhaps it exists outside of what is "normal" to them to the point they simply can't understand it or even want to. To most people in this day and age, the concept of magic being real is odd. To those that practice it, know quite well how real and dangerous it can be.
As far as something being like a sci-fi novel, well, sci-fi novelest are normally very bright people. They predict the future in many ways because of their own research, or simply create the future from those they modivate. In order for a sci-fi novel to sound real, it has to have a certain basis of reality then extend beyond what is CURRENTLY possible but is likely possible in the future. NASA was greatly modivated by Star Trek in the '60s for the moon mission along with HG Wells' novel. Even today, NASA has bought the rights to the starfury design in babylon 5 because the design actually would work and would work rather well, and they wish to use part of the design in their own space vessels.
So before you go calling something odd or attempting to trivialize it by comparing it to it being out of a sci-fi novel, it might be better to have more respect and understanding what your refering to. Especially of other frames of references that you are obviously ignorant of.
If you are truely interested in answers, ask out of respect. Otherwise, you have your answer.
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by Bobrobyn_ » Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:39 am
>>So before you go calling something odd or attempting to trivialize it by comparing it to it being out of a sci-fi novel, it might be better to have more respect and understanding what your refering to. Especially of other frames of references that you are obviously ignorant of.
Often, I've used the excuse: "At the time it was very late, and I was extremly tired", and I'd hate to use it again, but it is true. I didn't think of how I was wording things at the time, which I should obviously have done. It was my fault.
When I said "odd", I really meant different. However, I shouldn't have said that, because it isn't all that different from some stuff I have read. I really just wanted to ask the question:
How does omnimancy view reality, and how does it effect their system?
If, somehow this post comes off as rude, or unrespective yet again, please note that that's not my intent. My apologies.
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by LordArt » Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:12 pm
When I said "odd", I really meant different. However, I shouldn't have said that, because it isn't all that different from some stuff I have read.
Saying it was odd really wasn't what I considered rude, because to those not framiliar with magic or especially Omnimancy, it is odd. Comparing it to a sci-fi novel unfortunately, made it sound like you thought we were just making everything up and you were trolling. (That has happened before so your inheriting that baggage unfortunately).
No, I don't consider your question a bad one, as a matter of fact, I think it's a good one. It was just it's original preamble that got me going.
Unfortunatley, your question isn't too specific so I'll try to answer it the best I can. I can only presume your talking about how we view different planes of existance (ie. realities). That gets rather complicated and would be FAR too long to go into completely here.
If you take a glass of water, and put some vegitable oil in it, then shake it, you have a WHOLE bunch of differenent sized and shaped blobs of floating oil. In this case, consider each blob of oil, it's own reality/universe, including this one. Now that's a simplfied view, but is an accurate description to a point. It depends on the scale you go to. You might consider the same analogy to the local grouping of stars. They seem different sizes and randomly placed too. But when you zoom further out, you see that there is a semblence of order and they form a galaxy, but unless you zoomed out, you would not have ever seen that order.
Then there is the issue of what goes on WITHIN a reality. As with a star system, each one is different. Some rather simular to what we are framiliar with, and some rather strange and unusual. Even within a solar system, there are layors if you will. In our own, we have the ort cloud, then the outer planets which are mostly gas giants, then an asteriod belt, then the inner planets. But even each planet is unique in it's own way, between how they are made up and what moons they may or may not have. Realities are the same way. Some have many layors (as does this one), each with their own properties, some are more straight forward.
Omnimancy views the physical universe as one of many. Not parrellel universes but each distinct and each can be "further away" (dimentionally speaking) or not. But there are also "overlapping" universes, which is more accurate to say that they are part of this universe, but a different layor of it. If you consider the normal 3 dimentions of up/down, left/right, forward/backward, then time, consider this another dimention of going "out" to where the inbetween is (ie. like the oil and water analogy, the water being the inbetween). Some of these layors have different properties than what we are use to in the physical layor. We consider that all magic and magical sensing goes on in the layor which we call the "earth astral". (Not that it can't happen elsewhere, but it doesn't really happen "below" that layor, but does above it and beyond). The experiemental evidence to support this can get rather long and complicated. Besides, you asked me to state it, not prove it.
Even the above explanation is over simplification and leaves out quite a bit. Unfortunately, how everything is put together is rather complex which leads to your second part of your question. Our analysis of realities and how they interact is a basis of many different magical paths under Omnimancy. And with anything else, as we understand it, we come up with applications to take advantage of it, so we can do things that couldn't be done before, or more effeciently, etc. There is a WHOLE path called "Dim Tech" short for "Dimentional Technologies" that is COMPLETELY based around how the realities are put together and interact. It's one of the more powerful paths and something that realistically in Omnimancy can't be avoided higher up. At least if you wish to be effective in comparison to the others.
I'm not sure if that answered your question or not. If not, try to narrow it down a little.
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by tinny » Mon Jun 13, 2005 7:37 pm
LordArt wrote: There is a WHOLE path called "Dim Tech" short for "Dimentional Technologies" that is COMPLETELY based around how the realities are put together and interact.
Was the concept of dimensional technology developed soley by members of Omnimancy? Aside from technology used by others to observe, were there any major contributions given by people not within the group?
Were other "paths under Omnimancy" as you put it, concieved or discovered in the same way?
Aside from an inquisitive nature , were there any key factors involved in the discovery of dimensional tech and other "paths" utilized within Omni?
Is there any one thing that is pushed for in further development above others?
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by FireEssence » Mon Jun 13, 2005 9:06 pm
In keeping with the thread's topic I figured I might as well ask a few questions. (No rush whatsoever, as we all have lives and I think sometimes I can speak in a manner which makes it seem as if I don't realize that)
Just out of curiosity, aside from being a buffer between seperate realms/dimensions, has Omnimancy found anything else about the purpose (assuming a purpose aside from buffering exists) and theoretical uses of the 'Black Astral'? (The water in the earlier water-oil example)
Does the path of 'Dimensional Technologies' relate merely to perception or are other facets of dimensional interactions etc. involved?
[quote=LordArt]We consider that all magic and magical sensing goes on in the layer which we call the "earth astral". (Not that it can't happen elsewhere, but it doesn't really happen "below" that layer, but does above it and beyond). The experimental evidence to support this can get rather long and complicated. Besides, you asked me to state it, not prove it. [/quote]
Just to let you know, if you ever do have the time and patience for this, I would love to read some of the research/evidence you have to support this not so much because I disagree or don't understand it but more because I'd just love to see what your take on this issue is.
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by Bobrobyn_ » Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:45 pm
What I said about it not being _that_ different from what I read is that I haven't actually read much about magic in particular, mainly psychic related books and articles online. And a lot of them aren't so different from what's said here...though some are.
"Dimentional Technologies" - heh, sounds _very_ interesting... And for what you said, it sounds kind of like what my physics teacher has talked about in the past...though worded differently, and not as direct.
Thanks for answering that question, and I have a couple more based on what you said (if you don't mind me asking more, after such a ruckas I made):
(1) Okay, with some of these overlapping universes, what effect do they have on the other universes?
(2) What can be found inside these said universes or realities?
P.S. - And now that I think about it, I probably should have put this in the magic secion.
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by LordArt » Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:52 pm
tinny wrote:Was the concept of dimensional technology developed soley by members of Omnimancy? Aside from technology used by others to observe, were there any major contributions given by people not within the group?
The CONCEPT, no. The name perhaps, just because the way we tag things. Astral Projection, rifting, the concepts of other dimentions/planes of existence/realtities permiates many magical systems and religious mythos. So we didn't invent the concept. We took the concepts and ran with it, but I certainly wouldn't even say that much of the lower end stuff is all that exclusive to omnimancy at all. The higher end, I would say yes(but who knows what's behind closed doors), but that's simply from approach that we have that would allow it. An example of that might be someone that works with enochian angels/demons. They would draw physically or astrally a series of runes to open a gateway between where they were to where they were going (so they could talk with the entity in question). An omni would simply walk through the realm membranes to get there(astrally). Not that the omni approach is uncommon per se, but normally it just isn't thought about. If your taught the only way to get there is via X runes, then that's the way your going to believe you have to go, versus something else. You might not look for another way. That's the lower end stuff, the higher end stuff gets too difficult to describe without a frame of reference to understand it. Dim Tech isn't just about movement, but how energy moves around within and between the realms. For example, you can move energy far more effeciently across long distances via something that might be akin to a lava tube running through the dimentional fabric itself. Unlike tethers that would draw energy, and have to be significantly strengthed to handle large amounts of energy, the "lava tube" requires little energy (in comparison to maintenance) to a spell tether and can handle VAST more amounts of energy without power bleeding really. Have there been any major contributions from OUTSIDE the group? Only from entities like dieties and the like (which sometimes are quite impressive. Keep in mind they nessarily handing out their best stuff or anything close). I'm not sure if you meant other groups or not. Otherwise, mostly everything was developed internally to the group that we use, at least the higher end stuff. However, many people have contributed over the years with their inventiveness and knack for it. Rene is certainly the leader in such dimentional technologies and concepts, but many people have their own niches within omnimancy that they develope on. But even with Rene being the best in that area, she didn't come up with other applications of the technologies that she has donated, other members, including myself have. So she has benifited by other people's different priorities and inventiveness in other ways showing her new ways of applying what she already knows. Why this is important is Rene will spend the time and effort developing a concept and get it working with a set of ideas, while someone else might want and develope something COMPLETELY different that she didn't think of, or want to spend the time on using the same ideas. tinny wrote:Were other "paths under Omnimancy" as you put it, concieved or discovered in the same way?
All the paths were "discovered" either via accident, nessessity, or given by an interested entity (Normally someone's deity trying to make sure their follower didn't blow themselves up because they were playing with something they didn't understand). Each path has it's own twisted way it got developed, so that's not an easy question to answer. I would say some developed the same way, and some didn't. Hows that. Not useful huh? tinny wrote:Aside from an inquisitive nature, were there any key factors involved in the discovery of dimensional tech and other "paths" utilized within Omni?
See the answer above. Nessessity is the mother of invention. But like I said, see above. tinny wrote:Is there any one thing that is pushed for in further development above others?
Depends on people's modivations. See above again. If someone wants to get rid of their carpel tunnel syndrome, they are going to be WELL modivated to get something that works and keep experimenting til it does. Everyone has their own wants to be accomplished. Sometimes that's shared by the group, sometimes not. Although most of the time the group will help out just to play with something different as well as to help out a freind. Unfortunately, that's a loaded question, so that's as far as I'll answer it. FireEssence wrote:Just out of curiosity, aside from being a buffer between seperate realms/dimensions, has Omnimancy found anything else about the purpose (assuming a purpose aside from buffering exists) and theoretical uses of the 'Black Astral'? (The water in the earlier water-oil example)
Purpose? It's there. It's purpose is what you make of it. As far as uses, well, it's a BIIIGGGG place. I wouldn't say it's just about being a buffer, but a means to travel between realms. Lots of entities "set up shop" in the "black astral". Think of it as a big road that goes everywhere....Well, to a point. It goes everywhere it goes. How's that. FireEssence wrote:Does the path of 'Dimensional Technologies' relate merely to perception or are other facets of dimensional interactions etc. involved?
As I answered in Tinny's section, it has LOTS of uses beyond simply perception and movement. Everything from movement of energy, to power generation/conversion, to creative and destructive forces, etc. Everything that involves how dimentions interact and the advantages that can be taken of them falls under the Dim Tech heading. FireEssence wrote:Just to let you know, if you ever do have the time and patience for this, I would love to read some of the research/evidence you have to support this not so much because I disagree or don't understand it but more because I'd just love to see what your take on this issue is.
Well, THAT'S not going to get posted on a public forum, I'll tell you that. Sorry. Pieces will, and perhaps already have to a point, but that's about a far as that will go for now. Bobrobyn_ wrote:What I said about it not being _that_ different from what I read is that I haven't actually read much about magic in particular, mainly psychic related books and articles online. And a lot of them aren't so different from what's said here...though some are.
Well, the public stuff is the public stuff. The public stuff looks like psionics. But I've had this convo in these forums many times before so I won't repeat it here. Omnimancy ISN'T psionics, or even a form of it. Omni's roots are VERY different. Bobrobyn_ wrote:"Dimentional Technologies" - heh, sounds _very_ interesting... And for what you said, it sounds kind of like what my physics teacher has talked about in the past...though worded differently, and not as direct.
Personally, I find it RATHER fascinating that current string theory/physical reality theory that physicists are currently saying is possible/probable isn't too far off from magical theory of the same. I always wanted to sit down with a current researcher and compare notes and see how much matches up, and if they think the magic view can add to what they know. Not saying it's magic, but some of the information and concepts. But I digress. Bobrobyn_ wrote:(1) Okay, with some of these overlapping universes, what effect do they have on the other universes?
Well, if they are overlapping, then after a point they are the same universe, but I know what you mean. Generally, the effect each other a lot actually. There is even an OLD magical theory that goes you create what you want in the astral and it will find it's way down to the physical. That is WELL pre-omni. Spells existing in objects is VERY old too, and if the object breaks, the energy flows out and the spell breaks too. I've seen that personally. The astral effects the physical and vice versa but admittedly more suttley. It really all depends. Incarnated spirits (ie. you and I) exist both place simultaniously, so what we do can effect both at the same time. Spirits that are astral CAN affect the physical, both most of the time don't. Unfortunately, this gets rather complicated and I certainly don't have all the answers. I think all things being equal, they wouldn't affect each other much except on large scale things. However, since there is so much life, and therefore a link between the realms via that life, they effect each other a lot. So it's hard to say if the effect is nature or caused by the life itself. There hasn't been enough research on that topic to really come to a conclusion. Sorry. As far as universes that don't overlapp, they don't really effect each other other than how planets might effect each other, ie. gravitationally. Not sure if you would call what they have gravitation, but a simular concept. However, there can be interesting side effects, but that gets into things that are "too wierd" to get into on public forums (not that I haven't already crossed that line, but I'd rather not cross it further). Bobrobyn_ wrote:(2) What can be found inside these said universes or realities?
Anything you can imagine and things you can't depending on where you go. Sometimes they are completely barren, sometimes they are teaming with life and everything inbetween. Many many entities that don't even know we exist. Some do of course, but they are usually the "bigger" ones. Obviously ones that hang around here know about "us", but that's neither here nor there. Some of these places are like the wild west (i.e. every man for themselves) other places are under "government" of those that rule it, much like here. This gets into what is termed "astral politics" in omni, which is WHOLE seperate subject, and not one I want to fully disclose anyways, but much of it is common sense if you do some research and put 2 and 2 together.
Well, hopefully that answered everyone's questions.
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by FireEssence » Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:55 pm
Well, you answered mine at least.
Thanks to you LordArt for answering and for Bob for starting this wonderful topic which I think is the most interesting thus far.
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by Bobrobyn_ » Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:59 pm
LordArt - thanks for answering my question to the detail you have, and for not holding a grudge for the way I started off the topic and answering my questions anyways
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by LordArt » Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:27 am
Bobrobyn_ wrote:LordArt - thanks for answering my question to the detail you have, and for not holding a grudge for the way I started off the topic and answering my questions anyways
Not a problem. You realized your mistake and said it was it was an honest one. I've been quite well known to say things off color when I didn't mean it that way, so I certainly won't hold it against you for doing the same.
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by tinny » Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:31 pm
LordArt wrote:Omni's roots are VERY different.
What are Omni's roots? Is there a philosophical approach to magic that you have/were rooted in that helped start "Omni?"
I remember reading a post that briefly mentioned you travelling to meet more people in the magic community - is this where you consider the beginning of Omni itself or when did that start?
Most people I've met who practice don't have a systematic approach to magic or are interested in sensory development as are people I've met within this group. Do you consider this approach something you've always believed in, or did you realize it later in life? Was it taught to you?
As with Bob and FE, your responses are really appreciated.
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by Bobrobyn_ » Wed Jun 15, 2005 9:55 pm
LOL, I was thinking of asking that very question, but decided against that, though thanks for doing it for me tinny
Last edited by Bobrobyn_ on Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by LordArt » Thu Jun 16, 2005 5:05 pm
tinny wrote:What are Omni's roots? Is there a philosophical approach to magic that you have/were rooted in that helped start "Omni?"
Well, the roots thing has been explained a few times, and I believe is even in the FAQ. However, I think it was rather brief in those cases. Omnimancy came from how I was exposed to magic. Which means, not only the systems, but the people who introduced me to magic, what they did and how they did it. I started with Norse Rune magic. I still remember making talismans out of wood or paper, carving the rune into it, making it red, and then energising it and closing it up by having my finger make a circle around it three times and envisioning a sphere. As I expanded my understanding of many other systems, such as Enochian magic, I realized that much of the "extra stuff" really wasn't needed. The person I knew at the time did a hermetic form of Enochian magic as well as other stuff not as easily classified, which I would consider perhaps some of the basis of some of the concepts of Omnimancy. Mostly the concept of directed energy magic. Even some of the books were saying you could draw the runes in the air just with pure energy versus making something out of wood or paper. So I figured, if you didn't NEED the physical items, then why have them in the first place? I met another, more powerful mage a little later on, that I would certainly say does at the very least basic to mid Omnimancy. While he didn't really teach me anything, he was someone I could ask questions of. Although I asked a lot of questions to the point that he tried to get my then girlfriend to get me to stop thinking. He didn't want to lie but didn't want to answer my questions either. He did answer enough though. In retrospect, I probably wasn't ready for the answers to the questions I was asking, but that's the way it is. He was a wiccian high priest but kinda faking one because he didn't believe in it. When he switched to the mage mind set he was very different. I even asked him that with all that he knew, why did he bother with wicca, and he said that it was a way of getting people into magic. He wanted people into that style of magic, not his mage style of magic which is what I was asking questions about. Most of my questions were confirmations of things that I figured out, or translations of runes/spells that I would figure out, or "come to me"(usually via my inner). One of the first tech-level shields that is taught in Omni came from this guy. His issue was he was never able to teach it to anyone. But I was able to copy it, and saw the runic version of it(I still have that in one of my notebooks). Back then, everything I did was some sort of glyph or rune, even though it was just energy when implemented. Early Omnimancy was nothing but (practically) runes and the like of individuals, but I digress. He didn't want to teach his style of magery partially because he couldn't but partially because he didn't want to. He liked having the advantage that he had and didn't want to create competition, but that was his mind set. But between these two individuals, I was able to kinda put two and two together and move forward. Over the years I have met other mages that DO Omnimancy, but that isn't what they call it. It's just something they do themselves that no one around them does or understands. They are use to that and like it that way. But they are is SOO far behind where the group is. That I attribute to man-power issues more than anything else. Meaning, if you were smart enough to build your own jet airliner, you could do it but it might take you your entire lifetime to complete it. While, with a bunch of scientists, equipment, man-power, etc, an airliner can be designed and built in a matter of months to a few years. So, philosophically, I think the concept of working together with others and providing a background structure that encourages information sharing as well as development is what makes Omnimancy different and successful. The reality is, much of what i know I got from other people's ideas, and they mine and in conjunction we made something larger than the individual parts. I think the other MAIN thing that made Omnimancy work was the ability to translate spells between different people's symbology. Without that, it wouldn't have taken off at all. So that was a MAJOR application that was figured out early on. Hence why everything was done in runes back in the day because people could understand them and write it down. Now the methods are FAR FAR more streamlined and effective, but without the ability to transfer such ideas to others, there would be no Omnimancy, it would just be me with my ideas and a few friend's with their own ideas. As far as seeing other mages of different styles, that was part of my quest to see what was out there. I didn't want to assume that what I was developing was the best just because I thought so. I wanted to put it to the test and see what people who had been doing this longer thought of it. Well, they were impressed by what I could do, but didn't understand it at all. Nor were they interested in learning. In their perspective, I was another natural mage, so the power I was exhibiting was my own, rather than something that was teachable. It's more complicated then that, and it isn't that simple of course, but that was part of it. You also get the whole religious issue involved too (ie. many ritual forms of magic come from a religious root versus what I was doing, so there were issues there too). But they were perfectly happy to demonstrate their stuff as I was with mine. You've heard some of those stories in other threads so I won't repeat them here. tinny wrote:I remember reading a post that briefly mentioned you traveling to meet more people in the magic community - is this where you consider the beginning of Omni itself or when did that start?
The beginning? No. Omnimancy as a system was established within me before then, not that it had that name at the time, it was just energy magic as far as I was concerned. It hadn't developed enough to truly require a different name when I first started to hit the road with it in '95. I certainly had never heard of psions (I didn't encounter them til Omni went online in like '02 or '03). The only exposure to psionics was from "Uncle Chuckie" whom I met early on in my travels, and I gain his respect quickly and vice versa. But even today he'll admit he has no clue how I do what I do. He was still playing with his tepaphone experiments back then. Back then I only had a few "tech" based spells really. Not that I knew that is what they were, they were just REALLY efficient. I think in the process of trying to teach the spells to other people is where the concept of tech first started to come up. Part of it was understanding how the spell worked TO teach it. Part of it was developing methods to teach something to someone else and have it work for them. The more things were broken down, the more the concept of tech became obvious, and so it moved forward from there. tinny wrote:Most people I've met who practice don't have a systematic approach to magic or are interested in sensory development as are people I've met within this group. Do you consider this approach something you've always believed in, or did you realize it later in life? Was it taught to you?
Well, your correct that in most magical systems, that magical senses are rarely developed as a means to practice said system. They seem to show up as a side effect if at all in most ritual practioners. Although to be fair, most of the ones that have been in it a while DO develop them, but in certain cases they just "sense" what is going on rather than seeing it/being able to analyze things. You also have the "just do it" crowd. Meaning, they "just do" their magic, have no clue how they do it, and in many cases don't care, as long as it works. That's a typical natural mage. There are exceptions to any of this of course, but this is generalities I'm talking about. Also keep in mind that in many cases there is NO REASON to develop magical senses. Most systems don't require it at all, and many people are just as happy doing magic out of a book or however their order does it that has been passed down through the generations versus constant development of that system. There is the approach/mind set that only the founders can change a system, not the "followers" of that system. This mentality breeds more of the mind set of how do I do what is placed before me better versus trying to develop things further. There is no NEED for analysis because that isn't their goals. They might look at the end result, but that isn't the same thing.
As far as the systematic approach, that was developed out of necessity to be able to translate things back and forth between people. Also for my OWN needs as a scientific mind, I needed a way to analyze what was going on. This is my mind set. So I taught that to my students over the years. I wanted outside confirmation of what I was doing just so I knew I wasn't nuts, so they had to have good senses too. That mind set also rubbed off into the group at large, and has kept the members rather grounded because of it.
The mind set wasn't taught to me, I've always been curious about how things work. I was going to go into physics before I got turned off from it from a mechanics physics professor. I couldn't learn from someone who couldn't do it himself. I always figured I'd end up in a lab somewhere, but life didn't work out that way. I guess magic is now my lab. Keep in mind, I didn't even START with magic until I was 20, and didn't believe in it at all before then. I thought it was a neat concept/idea, but it was something for fairy tales/movies and RPG games. So when a situation occurred to show me it WAS real, my curiosity went overtime trying to figure out what it was and how it worked. And things went from there and you see the results.
I hope in my normal round about way I answered your questions.
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- Location: Earth Realm, This side of the Multiverse
by FireEssence » Thu Jun 16, 2005 6:59 pm
LordArt wrote:You also have the "just do it" crowd. Meaning, they "just do" their magic, have no clue how they do it, and in many cases don't care, as long as it works.
Well, Tinny said he didn't mind mine and bob's responses so I'll elaborate on the area I have experience in.
I was stuck in the sort of scenario Art mentions right there for a while, even after I got involved in online communities. Now of course, once I met Storm, Kay, and a few other higher end mages Omni and non-Omni I was screwed for life.
My senses are the thing I struggle with most and I'll tell you, from my point of view I don't see why someone WOULDN'T want to develop their senses. Senses help you to better understand what's going on when you're doing something and thus can help you become better and more efficient at it. (Something I was indirectly reminded of by Storm today via advice she gave someone else) Also, depending on what you consider senses, they can also help you get into more intimate touch with entities which is a big thing for me because back when my senses were better, that's how I made most of my development and learned most of the stuff I now believe about magic, my own 'bastard tech' spells, etc.
Before I realized that there was so much more out there, senses meant little to me because I could do stuff. Now I'd gladly switch out the skill level I'm at with manipulation with my senses' current level and retrain manipulation purely because of how much I value senses, heh.
So my take on people's lack of sensory development, they know that they can do things and they don't really realize how much more they could do WITH better senses.
EDIT: Final lesson. I can build a spell, but unless I have senses, I'm not gonna be able to figure out why it's working badly or not at all. Try and apply this one to various other things and you'll figure out just how useful they can be.
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