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Postby Bob_stew » Sun Nov 25, 2007 7:59 pm

Someone requested some games, so I'll put them up here. ^^
I made these with the game development tool GameMaker (very user-friendly). For the young at heart, here ye are!

Dead Man's Tale

Dead Man's tale is a micro-PK game, made in my early psionics days. You're supposed to magically force the outcome of a simple, repeating event. Featuring sloppy humor and a statistics counter - save function included. Feel free to post your savefiles in this thread ^^ (Don't erase the one that is included in the above zipped package, it's an empty save slot. Not sure if it's possible to play without, it's been a while since I made this :P)

IMPORTANT: Press ESC to quit the game. The rest should be self explanatory, but feel free to ask questions if there's anything you wanna know.

I don't know enough about computers to know how the randomization you're trying to affect here really works. It *may* be that it uses only one initial input value, and that the rest are simply products of a mathematical formula that runs over and over taking the previous result as new input. If so, it complicates things a bit.. :/ I could make a sequel where you're supposed to predict rather than force outcomes. Feedback appreciated!

Great name, huh? Classic avoid 'em up. Not a lot of levels, but it would take some time and skill (and luck) to get a really high score.

'Nother cool name. It seems my games all end up with working titles.^^ Press F1 when the game starts for vital info. And don't forget the spell hotkeys! They pop up during the game (except that first one, which is F). You have to figure out for yourself how the spells work.. shouldn't be too hard :)

Nerve killer
Yes, my English wasn't the best... It's supposed to be a relaxation game. Nothing to win here. One can play for ten seconds or two hours (O.O But come to think of it, please don't play this game for two hours.)

Hum. I have a couple more, including a southpark wallpaper maker.. But I'm not sure I should put it up, it features copyrighted material. Not that expansive, anyways.

Oh, and I have a (musical) ear training program where you're supposed to guess correctly which interval is being played. It's in Norwegian, though, and the interface is a bit chaotic. I'll put it up, translate and explain if anyone wants me to, but you're not likely to want it unless you practice musical hearing skills and know what intervals are all about.
Last edited by Bob_stew on Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby OctarineWyrm » Sun Dec 02, 2007 5:30 pm

the links don't work, "Download traffic for your country is empty"
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Postby Bob_stew » Sun Dec 02, 2007 6:05 pm

Oh! Thanks for the feedback. I uploaded it elsewhere and edited the links. Hopefully, it works this time.
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Postby Oyama » Mon Dec 03, 2007 1:25 am

I'd be interested in the musical intervals one.
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Postby Bob_stew » Mon Dec 03, 2007 3:57 pm

Just so you know, IntervallTrening™
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