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6 degrees of Jeff Mach

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6 degrees of Jeff Mach

Postby MageMindy » Fri Apr 16, 2004 12:31 pm

Most omni's, or at least core omni's, realize at some point or another that they are within 6 degrees of Jeff Mach, not counting the omni connection. I am connected to him within 3 degrees and 2 degrees both through my Dad. I have other connections within 6 degrees but those are the closest and creepiest. :nervous: Well, now it's 4 degrees but this time through my brother...
I sent him a New Jersey Diners coffee table book for his birthday. That led to this site: http://www.njdiners.com/ :rtfm:
Click the link at the bottom labeled "Thanks to those that helped us"
There you shall find Jeff.
I swear that man really does know EVERYONE in NJ in some way or another. :eek:

So how many degrees from Jeff Mach are you :? Not counting omnimancy :P
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