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"Gday from down under" = (Hello, I'm new and Austr

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"Gday from down under" = (Hello, I'm new and Austr

Postby Marowi » Tue Oct 07, 2003 3:18 am

Greetings to you all; to those of you who know of me, and those of you who are about to. I came across your site after having researched such things for a time now, and having known a few of your members from elsewhere. But firstly, a little about myself.

I am a 16-year-old (17 in 19 days) male, that lives in Toowoomba (The "garden city"), Queensland (Top-right of Australia). I live with my mother (parents are seperated) and my two younger brothers and younger sister (Aged 14, 9 and 7, respectively). My father lives with one of his two girlfriends (Yeah, only two at the moment...) and I pity his existence.

I've always been a thinker, giving too much thought to practically every facet of my life. About three years ago, I began to ponder the question of why we were here etc. etc. To cut a very long story short (I can explain if anyone really wants), I was pulled from the depression into which I lulled by a satanist friend. Consequently, soon after I too became a satanist. About a year ago, I realised that I agreed with some of their beliefs, but not the "fluff" that comes with it. I began looking for other answers. Over the internet, I met an Buddhist Australian teen that practised aikido and researched 'energies'. He got me interested too, and after experiencing every extreme from the people that are "1337 5OOP4-54Y4M4N5!!1!1!" to those that believe in nothing more than it's healing potentials, I've formed my own often-slightly-changing beliefs. I am currently in my last year at school (23 days left, but who's counting), and find it incredibly hard to find time to work on this "stuff", especially since I have my diploma of music on saxophone in 5 weeks time.

Anyway, I hope to be spending increasingly more time around here and would like to meet all of you at some stage or another.

From the "sunburnt land",
Marowi, the Unknown.
"I've found the common link between apes and civilised men; it's us." - Konrad Lorenz
"In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
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Location: Australia

Postby StormSeeker » Tue Oct 07, 2003 8:42 pm

Aloha, from Wisconsin - the land of cheese and beer (and 'merf') :P

*loves the Doug Adams quote* He does have a point you know..it really 'was' a bad move.. ^_~

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Postby Strider » Wed Oct 08, 2003 7:58 am

Hail from New Jersey - Where the weak are killed and eaten. :twisted:

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Postby RobinHood » Wed Oct 08, 2003 4:25 pm

Hail from Jersey also. Rich you weren't suppose to give away our secrets :lol: :flame: :destroy: :quickdraw:

Steve :pint:

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Postby Strider » Thu Oct 09, 2003 10:07 am


Its a widely known fact that "New Jersey - Where the weak are killed an eaten" is NJs (un)official T-shirt logo... they have them in stores all around.


Fear me not, for I am not my friend Ogre...

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