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er...an apology (with incorrect grammer)

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er...an apology (with incorrect grammer)

Postby indigoblade » Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:07 pm

Hey everyone. I have just been enlightened to something I didn't even know I was doing...buggin the shit out of everyone :cry: . I apologize wholeheartedly to all. I really didn't mean to and I wish to excuse myself for being so ignorant of grating on yer nerves. If you guys wanna reply to my posts with whatever you all felt about them then please do...If ya'll wanna oust me and not give me a chance then by all means.

You see, I am crazy, and I have been a solitair for so long I probably wouldn't be too good at first with working magick with others until i observed for a little myself....yeah, I know...boohoo...kinda makes me feel like I am a sad and sorry fellow, but at least I don't bite or try to flame others when my view is different.

So if you got something to say then say it, don't pull any punches. I can judge for myself wether or not i feel yer justified. And keep doin' that thing you do.

I won't be putting up any more posts for a while because I feel that I've stepped over a line I didn't see.*shrugs* But I am going to continue to watch the posts and read from the basic page.

Anything ya wanna say you know where to reach me.
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Postby StormSeeker » Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:17 pm

Well, since you genuinely asked:

Enthusiasm is great, but one of the big signs of maturity and dedication and genuine interest that most people unconsciously look for, is the ability of self control and to do more listening than rattling off ideas right off the bat.

This is usually nixed if the newcomer to a forum is posting intelligent, well thought and personal responses which can trigger new conversation or further the existing one. However, most newcomers to metaphysical forums that I've seen do exactly as you've done and hop in with, "Here I am, I'm advanced and looking for something more in life, and I have all this knowledge and can do all this stuff but I'm not going to share it til I see what you have."

When I phrase it like this, do you see how it might come off as appearing to have a stench of superiority that makes most people wrinkle their noses back in distaste and flame, or run the other way (or just not respond at all)? :)

It's a choice to come on to the forums and read and post on them (and several Omnis don't, or don't on a regular basis.) So for those of us who do, we're looking for communication, and to have some sort of intelligent and open exchange. Offer that, come seeking that, and those who do tend to find good conversation here.

Tell us, "I know more than you" and we'll probably look amused or bemused. That's the equivalent of walking up to a complete stranger on the street and announcing, "I can kick your butt at algebra." Is the guy wearing a shirt that says, 'I suck at math' or something? Cos if he's not, you've really no idea how effective or otherwise he is at math and algebra, and proclaiming anything different til you've found out is just silly.

On "vagueness":

People may think that what is written on the Omnimancy site is also vague, and for someone who's been practicing magic or energy work for many years, solitary or not, I can understand why it seems more or less boring and basic. There's another side to that though - much of the public stuff is what is fundamental to the system. If you're bored with the fundamentals, what appreciation of the system and what it's founded on, do you have?

What appreciation are you showing those who have been here five years, ten years, or who founded Omni? Who did all the hard work to composite loose ideas into something highly structured and teachable?

These are just meant as rhetorical questions, I don't need an answer ;} but they're something to think about that I reckon most folks new to the Omni site/forums, don't tend to.

It's a case of, for example, "I can sense, yay. Okay, what's next?" Very few people I've found understand the importance and sheer complexity and vastness of the topic of senses, sensing and how/why it all works and how to work with and improve it. Given that we are working with a mostly unseen world here, that just plain scares me. :P

Somehow I think most people who complain what is posted is vague or very little are really complaining about that at all but more stating, "I want structure, I want to stop having to work so damn hard and so long for very little reward over such a long period of time. You guys can speed up my learning, and hell yes, that sounds inviting. So why don't we just bypass the basics and get right to the stuff I don't know."

"I see," I may reply. "So what you're saying is you don't care diddly squat about our system, our foundation or where we came from and where we're going or how you can contribute to the group, or how the group can contribute to you...you just want to learn the next thing on the list and keep on going."

Do you think any teacher is impressed when they hear that? :3 Do you think that's what we're looking for in prospective students?

I think you've shown a fair bit of maturity in realizing many of us haven't been enthused with your behavior, and to be fair, as far as I'm aware, nobody once said anything to you about getting on our nerves until now and if you didn't know, you didn't know. You do now, and you're prepared to do something about it, so that says something at least to me.

I'm personally fine with you sticking around the site.

I would advise keeping in mind that communication tends to be an exchange of information, and be prepared to give in order to get and vice versa. We're pretty good with that as should be evident by the various lengthy forum topics that contain a good deal more information than is on the public documents.

Yes, there are things that will not be shared on the forum, or to someone outside of Omni. We take responsibility for pointing people in the direction of power and influence. Plus if someone comes to us with a problem, sometimes it's just easier and safer to say, "Can I handle this for you?" rather than teaching them how if they're not already studying with us.

Does that mean we stop sharing info at the public stuff? Nope, as the forum topics should indicate. But if it helps put it in perspective, what we know (we in general) and what knowledge we have, is often considered a part of who we are, and is very likely something we had to work very hard or go through hard lessons to acquire.

Try to keep that in mind when you ask someone to tell you what they know or teach you what they do. Because you aren't just asking for them to repeat what they read in a book someplace - at least usually not when you're dealing with mature, long-time practitioners - you're asking for them to offer up a piece of themselves, and above all else, their time. Which given hectic lives, time is a precious commodity to many of us, and I personally would expect some sort of kindness, respect, and mutual generosity when being asked such a thing.

And if you're ever curious how to best act in someplace? You can always ask. I know many times we never think of that, ;) but I usually find well placed question is better received and more well thought of by most people, than a boisterous ego.

Consider the analogy of jumping into a pool that's already full of people. If you're going to dive right on in there and create a huge spash, you'd better be damn sure you're either very good friends with everyone and they'll take it in such a manner, or that you're at a public pool where it's illegal for people to hurt you and they're constantly supervised. ;P

Usually it goes over a lot better to just slip in quietly or announce yourself first and plop in, because few people enjoy a bunch of water flying in their face courtesy of a complete stranger. ;)

If you don't know where the line is, you can always raise that question. Boundaries aren't always clear, and not all of us are very well socialized or socially competent to the point we can figure them out in person, let alone online. And even then, in life, we'll often step over a line we didn't know was there til we stepped over it. ;) It's a dance, and sometimes we step on toes.

You're certainly not the only one here with social issues or people issues. :}

If anyone shoots you down for asking for clarification, they're the ones with some issues IMO. :)
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Postby indigoblade » Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:02 am

Thank you stormseeker, you are right in many ways.

First I must appologize ofr my behaviour. I trully act outta ignorane, not stupidity, ignorance.

I have a disorder. I am schizotyple. and a solitair to boot. I have info, but i must learn how to share it. I must also learn how to deal wit' social issues.

Right now though I ask for the help of the omnimancers. Do not worry bout the insanity part, I am taking the steps neccessary for that. I need help to gain the understanding that peer support can give me. Do or do not according to your level of expierience with these things.

Art. you haven't burned me yet and have been truthful with me. Than you.
To those who have tried to be silent so as not to hurt me, thanx as well.

Please don't pull punches on my posts, respond truthfully..thats what I need.

I hereby ask and beg on my knees, Help me. It has been very frustrating to be born with half memories and knowlege I don't always understand. I have managed well enough on my own, but I can no longer do this by myself. My prospects as of now suck. Insanity, isolation, and stumbling blocks I can no longer avoid....I NEED HELP!

I beg of you, the omnimancers, please help me in anyway you're willing, help me get to the point towhere I can share what only such things as I have learned towhere I can help not just myself, but others.

I know you have the power, I just hope you will utilize it to bring me up to a point where I can share the things I have learned of value....I know this is alot to ask...and I will understand if the help will be denide.

I can't do this much longer by myself. The precipice I stand upon is very dangerous. Thus is the fate of a half crazed person born into what I know.

The books don't help anymore, I need the people who are sane and expierienced to help me.

I can't find that which will help me understand and I need this help soooo bad. I am on the brink, in a state of precariousness which will either have me melt into utter disarray or grab the ledge and let me pull myself out.

Please don't turn me away from that which my friggin parents couldn't do for me...I honestly seek the help of your group now that I have been made aware of my state by lord art.

Do or not, I will not utilize my abilities either way with the responces that come...i just ask for help.
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Postby StormSeeker » Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:33 am


How do you think we can help, exactly?

And what are you asking for help with? The vague description you gave there sounds like the journey of getting to know yourself, something most of us if not all are on, and likely will be on for the rest of our lives. ;)

There isn't a "quick fix" to put everything the way you want it to be, unfortunately, and if there were, I doubt we'd learn as much because we wouldn't appreciate what it took to get us there.

On the flip-side, if you are truly suffering from a mental disorder, therapy is likely something that might help you immensely, by helping to give you a more solid, safer foundation within yourself from which to explore yourself and anything more metaphysical.

Believe me, if you're losing your mind and on the brink, the last place you want to be hurling yourself into is a metaphysical abyss. The healthier thing to do probably is stay grounded, steer clear of magic for awhile, and get your 'mundane' physical life sorted and your internal state sorted. And then slowly ease back into the mystical side of things.

It's all too easy to become deluded, confused, and a host of other things in the field of magic and energy work, especially if one is a solitary practitioner, and especially if the person already has a mental illness or is seriously out of whack and ought to be taking some time out to re-balance.

You might find it a good idea to look online and see if you can find other practitioners near you, physically, that you can hang out with and talk to if nothing else. From personal experience, I think you'll find this considerably more helpful and supportive, ie to have people there in person, than folks on a forum that you write to.

It IS very frustrating to have an incomplete picture of yourself. But you learn to live with and grow within it because that's kind of what a part of life is about: coming to understand yourself.

We don't figure ourselves out completely and then start living (well, rarely anyway,) we tend to live along the way as we figure ourselves out.

If you feel like you're banging your head against a wall, trying to understand something, try a perspective shift. Try asking yourself different questions. Turn it on it's head, look at it from a different angle.
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Postby indigoblade » Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:32 am

uh, thank you stormseeker. Sorry for having replied when I was drinking, just happened to be when I replied so I was kinda being a lil more pessimistic bout the situation then it really is, but the heartfelt responce was great....take it easy.
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Postby indigoblade » Thu Dec 11, 2008 10:49 pm

And just to add, No, I do not do my stuff when my mind is in a state of chaos. I just sometimes make misteps in how i deal with people. I do that anyways, it just increases during these moments....I guess I really have some luck in not always having a racing mind and foot in mouth syndrome.

Sorry for leading you on a slightly misleading path. What i would really like to know is if there are any methods I could use to lessen the frequency of these occurences.

peace love and crabcakes. :P
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