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Things you never want to hear a Chaos Magician Say

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Things you never want to hear a Chaos Magician Say

Postby LC » Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:51 pm

Things you never want to hear a Chaos Magician Say

-"I need a volunteer..."

-"Hold this..."

-"Check out what I summoned!!!" *opens a box*

-(While speaking with a recently evoked demon) "... so I says to Mabel, I

-"And I command you to ... good lord! He's not wearing any trousers!"

-"Psst! What’s my line?"

-"damn, forgot the holy water... ill be right back"

-(shouting over noise) "THIS is precisely why I ALWAYS keep a fire
handy during demon evocations!!!"

-"Uh, my bad"

-I need help.... grab one of your swords

-"This needs more 'oomph!' ...Everyone, drop your pants!"

-"Now that didn't sound good"

-“Sorry man, but as a word of advice, I wouldn't go inside your house

-"...So to make a long story short, I'm not speaking to Kutulu anymore and I
a new rug..."

-"Ok, here’s how it goes, you put on the wedding dress while I dig up the
popes corpse,
upon doing so you draw the circle while I prepare to Evoke Jesus during
which I will put
his spirit into the corpse at which point I will then marry the two of you,
any questions?"

-"Now get back here you little sh . . ..”

-*Comes sprinting from his sanctum and out the front door*

-"You didn't just eat that did you?!?"

-"Oh Crap!!...What? Oh nothing, nothing... we should be going now. No really
it's Nothing,
would you just get in the damn car!"

-"Hello, 911? Yes, I’m having a bit of a problem..."

-"The elder god didn't handle the summoning so well, so long story short:
We're having
octopus for dinner tonight."

-"I command you to stop and leave this place in the name of
Ye...Yez...Yeh...WHERE DID
I PUT THAT BOOK??!!!???"

-"Ok so that went really wrong, but I’m not finished..."

-"Oh don't worry, I'm sure that it won't stay around forever."

-"Nonono, that burning sensation means that it's working... What? I dunno..
do a banishing
or... something."

-"I'm a chaote, what's your excuse?"

Saddly I've actually said some of these or a close phase...um, it always
works out in the end.
Kind of -well for me it has- it wasn't my house so technically it worked

Knowledge is Power, Power Corrupts, Study Hard, Be Evil!

White magic-means saying your sorry
Black magic-means never saying sorry
Grey magic-means making others say they are sorry
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