How did you get into magic?
my family brought me into wicca, and then I taught myself chaos magick, and then I studied the Golden Dawn and started working with that system, and got deeper and deeper into Kabbalah, last year I joined the DKMU and the AMORC, and I keep getting deeper and deeper into magick
What do you practice now, and for how long?
I have been practicing since I was around 16 and my aunt started teaching me wicca instead of just operating out of natural psychic capability, so 17 years or so, although I took a 3 or 4 years off at some point when I learned I could shut down all my magick after scary experience in my early 20's, and then opened myself back up to it slowly, so more like 13 or 14 years of serious practice
Will your current practice or religion interfere with you learning omnimancy?
I don't think so, although I am part of the AMORC and can not share all of their knowledge, and only their public consumption stuff, I hope this ok, because I would not reveal Omni tech to the Rosicrucian members unless they were also Omni's
How did you find us?
friends in the DKMU told me about this organization, particularly from Miles and Forrest
Have you read the site yet?
yes I have read the public consumption part yes
What do you think omnimancy is?
a proprietary magick system, with 20+ years of research
What do you hope to get out of Omnimancy and what are your end goals?
too understand and master magick better
Omnimancy training is a long process, are you willing to put the time in? (Which for OmniCyber means being able to show up on IRC on Monday Nights weekly reliably, as well as practicing on your own time or with other students.)
yes, I think this is workable for me
Can you work ok with others?
yes I am a pretty nice guy from what I am told, sometimes I have issues understanding peoples emotions, and subliminal cues because of my autism
Because it's the internet, how old are you?
I am 33 years old born december 6, 1990
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